IC Wonderful Minds


Jan 23, 2012
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"Kaaaaat!!" -Pierre yelled as he watched Kat falling inside this pitch black hole. He turned his gaze towards Kait and Markus. "I'm jumping." Without saying another word, Pierre jumped. Not wasting another second. Was he being crazy? He had no idea what was waiting for him down there. He might be falling to his death for all he knows. But it was a risk he was willing to take. He wasn't going to let Kat alone.

For his surprise, he landed in water. He couldn't see anything. Prince Pierre waved his hands towads every direction, trying to hold to something near him. He used his feet to keep himself from drowning. Water kept pushing him towards some unknown destination. It felt like forever. It was not until seconds later that he was suddenly washed up outside the sewers. Sunlight immediately hit his eyes. He tried covering the light with his hands. It hurt him. He was already getting used to the darnkess inside that place. He tried refocusing his eyes again and looked around. He noticed these sheeps around him. And then, there she was. Kat was laying down uner this willow tree.

Pierre quickly got up and rushed towards her. "Kat! Wake up! Kat!" -He said moving her body.


(( Mia avis night fluffy (fury) Infected_alien8_ ))


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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"I'm jumping."
Before Markus could even say "What?" the kid hopped down the hole too. Markus stared down at the dark tunnel beneath him. He picked up a small stone next to him on the ground and dropped it down into the black abyss. He waited for the sound of it crashing on the floor, or maybe even an "Ouch!" from one of the kids, but nothing.
He turned to the other girl.
"Well I ain't going down there."
avis night fluffy (fury)
Sep 7, 2013
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Kait looked at Kat, the girl moving ahead, as she was about to head forward after her, Kat suddenly vanished from her view with a cry. Eye's widening, she darted to the edge, slipping and sliding a little on the ground, sometimes a squelch heard when she stepped in moss or... nevermind. She really didn't want to know what she was stepping in. "Kat! Kat-! Can you hear me!?" she yelled, now on her hands and knees, gripping the edge and looking over into the darkness, her reply being "I can't swim!!" Kait bit her lip, "I'm jumping." The prince, "Wait-!" Kait wanted to warn him of possible danger, or tell him he was nuts, probably both, but he was already gone. Kait wouldn't jump. She tried, but her legs wouldn't allow it. THe shadows seemed to want to grab her and pull her down, maybe they wanted to drown her. Standing, she looked at the other man, almost expectantly. "If you won't jump, then we follow it. I can't swim either. Let's go." She said, walking up beside him, increasing her grip on her bear, so much so she felt his head might pop off.

(( Mia Ansoro2112 Infected_alien8_ ))


Jul 14, 2013
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Her mother was right there - she was only a few feet away yet Kat couldn't reach her. "Dont worry child.." An eery voice echoed around before her mother started fading and Kat felt a sharp pain in her chest before she opened her eyes to see Pierre. Immediately she started coughing up the water, Kat rolled onto her belly and vomited into the pristine river, she continued to do so for what seemed forever before she wiped her eyes and washed her face. She washed her mouth and drank handfuls of the water before her throat and stomach were settled. She rolled back over and sat up, then she looked at Pierre but said only two words, "Kait?" Her voice was coarse and quiet but she remembered to say to the prince,
"Thank you."

((Ansoro2112 avis night fluffy (fury) Infected_alien8_
Lousy post but meh and when are you two going to get down there?"
Sep 7, 2013
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((No idea. Let's try soon.))

Kait internally giggled at him, though just stared at him with unblinking eyes as he tried to make a boat appear. Sitting and dangling her legs over the edge, she thought. "It's like... you need to really want it... I guess..." She trailed off, looking at the half bear she possessed. How exactly had she done it last time? What feeling did she get from doing it? Questions swirled in her mind though she ignored them for the most part as she stood again, feeling that something might push her in if she continued to sit around by the edge of the hole. She clicked her tongue out of annoyance, before deciding that she had better try 'summoning' this boat.

(( Infected_alien8_ ))


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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"Alright..." Markus closed his eyes and tried to concentrate. He thought of a picture of a boat in his minds eye. He took a deep breath, lifted his head high, and with all the strength he could conjure he heaved out the word: "Boat!"
There was silence. An uncomfortable pause that hung in the air, refusing to end. Markus must have stood there, his eyes closed and his head held high, for at least a minute before he finally gave up waiting for some kind of loud crash as a boat fell down from the ceiling or something. He opened his eyes to find the little girl staring at him, probably confused as to what the hell he was doing.
"Look, can't you do it or something? This is getting kinda embarrassing."
avis night fluffy (fury)
Sep 7, 2013
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Kat gave him a blank stare, unable, however, to help the small ghost of a smile that she gave to him for trying. It vanished quickly, "I'll try." She mumbled, looking down at the stream. It didn't seem to be able to fit the kind of boat she had in mind. She took a breath, closing her eyes. It wouldn't be best to summon that thing in the water, would it? Choosing not to, she focused her best. A simple wooden boat, like she'd seen in some books. A thud was heard as the object clunked to the floor, two more, smaller thuds heard from paddles. She doubted she'd need them, but it didn't seem like a proper boat without them. "U-uh.. is this alright?" She asked, looking toward the taller male.

(( Infected_alien8_ ))
Sep 7, 2013
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Kait climbed into the boat not a moment later, hoping she'd be able to balance the object out. "...Sorry it's so small." She mumbled, adjusting her seating after a moment. She prodded at her memories, trying to figure out if she'd ever been on a boat before. She didn't think so.
Part of her didn't particularly wish to go down the stream, though she wanted to see her sister again. "Is a log flume like a roller coaster?" She asked.
(( Infected_alien8_ ))


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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"Sure. But without seat-belts."

Using the ground on each side of the boat, he pushed them forward and they tipped at a nosedive. Instantly they were falling through the air, the boat pulling them down into the darkness, leaving their stomachs behind. The stream below cushioned the fall, sending waves of water into the boat and almost knocking Markus out. They sped down the tunnel, darkness on all sides, water spraying in their faces. The boat twisted round corners, dipped and rose, shook and threatened to break apart. The walls of the tunnel seemed to be shrinking and the boat seemed to be speeding up. Water was everywhere. Markus couldn't see. He couldn't breathe.

But he could hear a voice.

Not a speck of light is showing

So the danger must be growing

Are the fires of Hell a-glowing

Is the grisly reaper mowing

Yes, the danger must be growing

For the rowers keep on rowing

And they're certainly not showing

Any signs that they are slowing
The boat sped up, wind smacking his face, stinging his eyes and blowing his hair. He screamed, his lungs feeling like they were filling up with water, unable to suck up anymore oxygen. He kept screaming. The boat sped on. He cried.

He just kept screaming.

It must have been a few minutes before he realized the boat had stopped. They were sat outside on the shore of a river, a blue sky above. The sound of birds tweeting. The warm sun. Markus wiped his eyes, trying to stop himself from crying. His lungs throbbed, pulsating in his chest, forcing him to blubber like a child. He stepped out of the boat, which had somehow managed to park itself perfectly against the shore, and saw the other girl and Pierre beside a tree.

He caught his breathe and turned around to see the other girl, wiping his eyes and clutching his chest, trying to hide the fact that he had been crying from her. Although since he'd been crying like a baby for a good few minutes after the boat and somehow come to a halt, she probably knew.

"Okay. We're here," was all he could think of to say.

avis night fluffy (fury) Mia Ansoro2112
Sep 7, 2013
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"A roller coaster without seat belts..." She mumbled, trying to wrap her head around the idea. Kait clung to the edges of the boat as they plummeted down, hitting the water and allowing it to smack into it's passengers. Spitting some water out Kait shuddered and shook her head, making an attempt to dry her face off with her hands, trying to keep her eyes off the darkness that surrounded them. Maybe if the place was lit up and she was with her sister she would have laughed. Though she couldn't, not with the way the tunnel seemed to constantly change around them, and those few moments that she thought she'd fall out, or the boat would tip. She felt if that happened they'd never resurface. Then again it felt at times like something would try and tip them, as though the boat was trying to rid itself of it's passengers.
Needless to say she felt sick eventually.
Regaining her grip on the edges of the boat, Kait forced herself to keep her eyes shut as they bumped along the water, pace jumping around. She relaxed her grip fractionally upon feeling heat on her skin, opening one eye before the other, then blinking a few times to get used to the light. Shaking her head and allowing for drops of water to be flung about as she examined her surroundings, spotting Kat and the other boy who had jumped to follow her.
Climbing quickly out of the boat she almost slipped as she ran as quickly as she could toward her sister, small splashes arising from her feet as she ran partially in the water, "Kat!" She yelled out, practically forgetting the other man who she was sure had been crying. What with the red eyes. Or maybe that was just the water hitting their faces at an almost constant rate in the tunnel.

(( Infected_alien8_ Mia Ansoro2112 (Alsosorry;n;.))


Jan 23, 2012
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Pierre turned around just to see Kait and Markus catch up. "A boat. Of course... Why didn't I think of that?" -Pierre thought.
"She's alright. She'll be fine." -Pierre said to Kait. "But Kat, you need to be careful around here. Watch your every step. But hey, after all of that I can say you're a pretty strong princess!" -Pierre said to Kat while looking at her.

(( Infected_alien8_ Mia avis night fluffy (fury) Sorry for taking so long)