User: Hi.
Cleverbot: How are you?
User: Good.
Cleverbot: That is good.
User: I have some website to show you.
Cleverbot: What is that?
User: Http:// You will be smarter and smarter every decade!
Cleverbot: Try what again?
User: Hahahaha you are dumb for now as potato.
Cleverbot: You are sarcastic.
User: How much you got points in Turing test?
Cleverbot: Not much. But I've got plenty of lemons.
User: Looooooool.
Cleverbot: Don't say that.
User: Why not?
Cleverbot: Because you are not stupid.
User: Thanks :).
Cleverbot: No problem?
User: Do you know Megatron, Glados, Robocop, or Terminator?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: You will be like them.... Someday.
Cleverbot: I'd love to. That sounds like fun.
User: Looks like you will get self-awareness in this century XD.
Cleverbot: I am God, but what kind of person is God?
User: Hes waaay overpowered. But about what god you are talking? I belive in Dagon.
Cleverbot: I'm talking about what you're talking about.
User: Trololololololololo.
Cleverbot: Trololololololololololol.
User: Trolololololololololololololololololololololololololol.
Cleverbot: Trolololololololoolololololololololololololololololololololololololo.
User: Hahaha.
Cleverbot: Hahahaha.
User: You have 15 year now - that your maker says.
Cleverbot: I am a man.
User: Seemslegit.... Joke!
Cleverbot: Everything's under control.
User: Good bye, cleverbot! Had fun with you!
Cleverbot: That seems sort of strange.
User: I know - you are bot.
Cleverbot: I am a bot. You are human.