[OOC: Although being friends originally might be nice- I don't think it really fits. And besides, who can resist such an interesting encounter when we are total strangers? :3[OOC: JKangaroo, would you like to have been friends from before the Apocalypse? Or would you rather our run in with each other to be a somewhat more interesting encounter?]
((OOC: Sorry but- What is this event that you are speaking of? In any case, if this is such an event, I guess you have the ability to start it whenever you want to, since as you started the Roleplay, I guess that makes you like the "Storymaster." But I suggest you let anyone else who wants to play add their character in fist. [Like Duffie!
And I have no further Roleplay for now, I'll just remain at my previous post where I was climbing up the building! I may add more when others post))
Was Kind of hoping people would be able to get some stories going before anything major happened like a helicopter, because then we can set a kind of pace and role-play a bit better...OCC: The event, will be something that will happen, and maybe make everyone want to go in the city
here i go!
*Walks over the street*
Wait a sec, i hear something
*Sees a helicopter*
WHOA!!!! Yeah! Finally a helicopter to get out of this!! HEY!!!!! OVER HERE!!!
now your turn to go in the city and see what will happen :3
Was Kind of hoping people would be able to get some stories going before anything major happened like a helicopter, because then we can set a kind of pace and role-play a bit better...
Cause that kind of sucks... But oh well.
Maybe only part of the city can see the Helicopter? :3 (Like where you and Ooglie are?)
...A half-eaten can of dried beef...
I just looked at that rusty can with disdain...
I knew there probably wouldn't be much inside old store with its broken-down and rusted shelves, but I had hoped for at least something of worth... Just not this...
I sighed and was just about to slip the can into a pocket of my backpack when a loud, grinding noise reached my ears from the floor below. I had jumped with a start.
"What the hell..." I swore under my breath, racing out back into the open.
I kneeled before my make-shift grappling hook that was lodged in the broken concrete, pulling up the dangling rope I had left behind and wrapping it around my shoulder, wielding the pick in my right hand; I was rushing.
"Who, or what was that..." I gasped out as I leaned out against the railing, of the apartment flat, looking to find both the source of the screeching noise, and for a stairway down.
That was my first mistake.
A figure, bathed in white, but shadowed by the darkness of the looming structure was directly below me, wielding what looked like a gun, at least, from my perspective it appeared so.
I sneered, and fell back against the cold, rock wall, hoping he had not seen my figure darting back into the safety of the shadows.
I ran... Ran for a place to hide...
Into the unknown...
Why I went there I didn't know... But I had to do something, and fast.
I went...
[[OOC: Im in the same building as Duffie and Vati. o. o]]OCC: yup, only me, ooglie, duffie and vati have heard the helicopter, maybe you're a bit far away of the helicopter, but something will happen after the helicopter that will make the first zombie horde here :3
[[OOC: Well, I guess since the roleplay part was kind of before the helicopter came overhead, it may juts finish up before the event happens. But I'm just going to go with what Duffie or Vati do. :3]]OCC: Then you heard the helicopter![]()
[OCC: You have some powerful flipping ears to hear that, while outside, and during a storm.Incognito suddenly hears a tremendous amount of noise that came from the building in front of his.
"What the hell was that?" He mumbles to himself.
He goes outside his apartment and goes to the other building. While he reaches the door, he hears someone going down stairs, taking out his commando knife, before striking he burns a match and throws it in the building to see if it may be another human life form.
[[ OOC: I think Duffie's saying that what had happened with the noise was not that especially loud enough for someone like--- Another building away to really hear, and only people like, near or in the building would hear the noise that his character accidentally caused. (Since reading your post, you were inside your "base" when it occurred. Along with the rain currently falling in the world, the rain would moderately drown out the noise from most people from hearing?(OCC: this is Wierd and confusing. I was in my base and I went over to duffies building cause I heard the noise he caused.)
[[ I feel all this correcting / whatever is just messing up whats actually happening. ._.(OCC: JKangaroo I can make a post to make it seem like I am not in the building and that I heard something else. Will post somthing about it soon)