Stories of Blocktopia Academy


Oct 20, 2012
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Alright, time to learn the Falcon Punch! The Falcon Punch won't be learned until afternoon, so let's see what will happen before the Falcon Punch lessons...

As usual, I wake up at 5 o'clock in the morning. As usual, no one noticed. I deicded to read a book. Then I watched the Duck Channel. Of course, I had to lower down the volume so no one knows my secret.

I went back to sleep at 5:45 am. Then I wake up again at 8:15 am. Time to do a little sweeping at the treehouse.

I went to the treehouse to find Nico, Mintie and Sz there as well. They were holding the glowstone that used to light up the treehouse!

"Sorry, I didn't know," said Silent, who apparently was the glowstone thief.

"He told Wil he took the glowstone from the treehouse. He didn't think it through," said Nico, who was placing the glowstone where it belonged.

"Oh well," I said with a sigh. "Make sure you don't do it again, 'kay?"
"Sure," said Silent, relieved that he was forgiven. He stayed with us for a little longer. We still kept Fare's torches, to light up the treehouse a bit more. We even place some on the tree itself.

I swept the floors of the treehouse with Silent. Sz dusted the windowsills, table, chairs and ceiling. Nico and Mintie cleaned the windows with a towel. As I said before, Minnecraft and reality are both mixed into this, bells. Afterwards, Sz put 2 laptops onto the table. Then he put solar panels on the tree. He had cables and other sorts of stuff as well, and then set thing up so we could use some electricity in here.

"Won't the cables get wet?" I said with worry.
"Don't worry," said Nico. "I bought the things with him. All waterproof."
I sighed with relief as I hear this. We all used the laptops in turns. We played a few games on it as well. Both laptops have those stick-on internet thingys that you just plug into some slot at the side of the laptop, so we could use internet.

We also played board games, read books, read the forums and other sorts of stuff. Kylie came along as well, and then we both watched a little bit of anime. Then we went to the arenas. On lava, we all made a handmade parkour course, handmade spleef and handmade tic tac toe room. We played whilst the lava kept out. Shocker, from class Mercury, and Blab, from class Uranus, kept having creature battles with me. We should have made a creature arena as well. Rya got a lot of xp from it, though. And Kylie and Toilet kept eating everyone.

I also went to the little cafe. I drank some hot chocolate, and ate a few egg sandwiches. I saw Kylie andToilet eat a packet of seaweed. They didn't even need to open the packet; they ate the seaweed with the packet.

And then finally, afternoon came. I went to the park as promised, and then Oak started the teaching.

"First of all, you must first find your inner falcon," he said. "This requires immense focus and concentration."
"What, I do surgery on myself and try and find a falcon inside of me?"
"No!" he said, facepalming. "Your inner falcon is your inner focus. To attain that you must focus."
"Ok," I said. I started to meditate.
"Good, you must do that for 10 years..."

A few minutes later

"Found it," I showed a faint, yet shimmering falcon that came out of me a few minutes ago.
" Wait, WHAT?!" said Oak, looking very shocked.
"It comes back in when I tell it to, and it comes out when I tell it to," I said, proving my point. "See?"

Oak had this expression: :eek:

"You have mastered the first step," said Oak.
"YES! And it didn't even take 10 years!" I said with excitement. "What's step 2, oh master?"
"The next step is to concentrate your inner falcon in your hand and maintain it there," he said. "It's getting late though, we shall continue tommorow."

So we both went back to the school, went to the playroom, everyone in the playroom was playing Monopoly. I joined in with Toilet, Kylie and Mintie and played as the dog. :3

Then Hender appeared. Kylie and Toilet went for the hair. Hender dodged them and played with Fruit, Grimm and Lizzie.

Then at 9:55, we headed for our dorms. Our dorm is a 5 minute walk, so we should arrive at 10:00, our curfew. We don't have to sleep at 10 o'clock on a weekend, but we felt like using technology.When we arrived, Asian was already asleep. We watched the Duck Channel and Disney Channel, used the laptops, I ate chocolate bread, and Grimm read a book. I couldn't sleep so easily, because I felt so excited at the thought of learning the Falcon Punch!

When I finnaly felt sleepy, I went to the top bunk. It was my turn to sleep there, so it was fine. I went to sleep easily, and then dreamed of that wonderful falcon.

There we go. I hoped you liked it, and that concludes part 1 of the Falcon Punch!


Oct 20, 2012
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Ah, sunny Sunday, the Sunday that decided to give me 5 stomachaches and toilet breaks in a row, the Sunday that didn't have rain until nighttime and made it hard to sleep. Let's just get on with Falcon Punch part 2...

When I woke up at 5 o'clock this time, I decided to draw. I may not be as good at drawing as Kylie, but I still like to draw. It's my hobby. I want to be an illustrator one day. I would love to show you what my drawing looks like, but that's only possible if I had my cousin's laptop. I drew a picture of that faint yet shimmering falcon, and what I saw when Oak falcon-punched Herobrine, although it's not that good. And then I drew many other pictures, including one of myself, and then went back to sleep. I woke up again at 6: 08 am -.-. I guess I'm not sleepy. So I just took a shower, wore a purple t-shirt with a brown skirt and black tights, ate some bread with chocolate spreading, packed my basket with my homework, bow and arrow and other stuff and was on my way. No one else was awake yet, so won't they be surprised.

And then I bumped into Toilet.

Oh, how could I have NOT noticed she was out of bed?

"Morning, sunshine. You're as early as ever today," I said with a cheerful voice.
"Same to you," said Toilet, who's mouth was full of mint leaves.
"That's you breakfast?" I asked. "I thought you would eat something more... Proper..."
"No need, I ate a lot of these," said Toilet, who finished her mint leaves.
"That's not what I-" I started, but then sI topped, facepalming. "Never mind. Wanna go to the treehouse?"
"Sure!" said the most hyper student in the school, Toiletprincess. "Let's go!"

So we headed to the treehouse and then we started doing the chores. We did ALL of them, and then we both fell on the cushions, resting after the chores. The chores took until 8:27 pm am. A few minutes after we finished, Sz, Mintie, Silent and Nico came along. They were surprised to find the treehouse clean already. Then they noticed us.

"Thanks, Toilet and Fal!" said Silent. "Now we don't have to do any chores ourselves!"

So then Kylie and Marn came, and they asked if they could join us. We agreed, of course, and then we used the laptops to help with our homework. When I finished, I had a stomach ache. So I had to rush to the bathroom.

So then we played some board games, some games on the laptops, checked the forums, etc, etc.

And then I had my 2nd stomach ache.

"Dude, are you ok?" asked Marn.
"Uh, yeah, I just need to use the toilet again," I answered.
"Again?! Alright, try to be quick," said Kylie, frustrated that we had to stop on the board game for a while.

So I hurried up and then we continued. Scrabble can be frustrating.

And then me, Kylie, Toilet, Sz, Mintie and Nico went to the Lava arena.

I made a tower, but apparently obsidian melts. So I had to duck into the cinema, the building next to me. And then I got blamed for flooding someone's house. But like as if I could help it. My house just melted. It was just his bad luck that his house was connected to mine. But I apologized anyway. More trees were made, and it was good luck Sploorky wasn't there. I made a tower entirely made of bookshelves (BEWARE THE BOOKSHELF TOWER!MUHAHAHAHAHHA). And then we learnt glass melts.So I digged down.Because white wool is a safe block.

And then, here comes stomache ache 3.

So I had to run off to the loo. So what? I only missed one round. What's the prob? The problem is, if I had survived that round, I would have gotten a scookie (super cookies). So I decided to go to the zombie arena. Hender is an op there, and Mr Zombles comes there too. So I lived and died. And guess what?

My 4th stomach ache comes along.

These stomach aches are really getting annoying.

I went to do a bit of shopping, ate my lunch, and then afternoon finally came. SO I went to the park.

So we continued our lesson on the Falcon Punch.

"As I said yesterday, you must first learn to concentrate your inner falcon in your hand and maintain it there," said Oak. "Now try it!"
"Alright... Any advice?" I asked.
"No advice is there to be given, for this is a path you must follow," he said like as if he was a guru.
"Alright," I said with a sigh. "I'll tell you when I think I've got it."

A few minutes later

"I think I've got it, Oak. I can feel it in my hand!" I said with excitement.
"Now let it go, and punch that wall!" he said, pointing to a brick wall he made while I concentrated my inner falcon in my hand.

Oh, I thought. So that's why he made it.

So I let it go and punched the wall like he told me to, and I obliterated it.

I felt so happy.

"So, how's that?" I asked.

":O you have learned the ways of the falcon punch, now use it to obliterate Herobrine!" he said.
"Herobrine's gone to aBlockz, I only go there if all the arenas here are down," I said.
"Wait, how would you know that?" he asked with SUSPICION HA HA wonder.
"Haven't you ever watched the news?" I asked. "They said it right there."
"Ah," he said. "Well, it's getting late. We should head back. But remember, do not abuse the falcon punch's power."

Great, now you want to know about aBlockz. In this story, aBlockz is Blocktopia's neighbouring country. In Minecraft Classic, it's a rivaling server. But I wouldn't say rivaling is a proper word for it though... They don't have TNT Wars. And Blocktopia is the only community with TNT Wars. So yeah.
So we headed back. I had noodles and vegetable soup for dinner. They're having a creature party in the library, so I headed there with Rya, Mia, Cyan and Green. More battles were made, while I had my victories and loses. It was an xp grinder for Rya, even if she lost. And then my 5th stomach ache came along. I went to the toilet and groaned, but when I came back I forgot all about my troubles.

And then I went to my dorm. Asian was reading a book, Grimm listening to some songs on the iPod, Toilet and Kylie playing chess, and Hender asleep. I grabbed a fairy tail book I bought earlier in the day and read it til the end. And then I went to sleep.

There. So for those who have an idea for a new day, tell me your idea, and I may just use it. I'll also tell who gave me the idea. Petals, have a nice day.


Oct 20, 2012
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I'm posting this on my own laptop, so there are no time bounds. Wil, sorry but NO. yo aren't gonna be evil. Slender definitely isn't Herobrine, Oak, because Slendy doesn't have a face :p
But I will put Slendy in the story eventually, because I want a little bit of 'jazz' blblblbllbl. And Wil, you reminded me of a certain something that happened between my little brother and a certain server...

Anyways, to the story!

I woke up at 5 o'clock in the morning again. I decided to brush my teeth early, because they won't know I did anyway. I also played the Scribblenauts Remix app on the iPad, and made a model of the town. True story bro. And then I drew more drawings. I draw my drawings on a binder. It's not my school binder, don't worry. It''s a binder that I bought when me and my family went to the Petronas Twin Towers, the place my mother worked. It had yellow glitter all over the cover, and then a plastic cover was put over it. It looked very pretty. I always hide it somewhere... Eventually, I will end up asking Grimm, Toilet, Hender or Kylie to write in for me, so I don't want them to say, "Oh, I suddenly found a sparkly binder _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _". So yeah, I'm not telling, but I'll give a hint, which is that thing.

I went to sleep at the usual 5:45, woke up at the usual 6 o'clock thanks to Toilet, took a shower and OF COURSE I DIDN'T NEED TO BRUSH MY TEETH TROLLOLOLOL wore my clothes, grabbed my backpack and was on my way to the cafeteria. My breakfast is nasi lemak ( lemak). Toilet's breakfast is tea leaves, and now I'm wondering if she likes leaves. Kylie's breakfast is cardboard, I guess no one wants today's hot lunch, and it's not hard to understand why, because today's hot lunch is casserole. But some people were forced to have that exactly.

Then I went to the class. Marn, Nico, Greg and Mintie were there. I was a bit patient for the class to start. Why? We're going on a field trip! I've never been on a field trip before. Although, I have gone to different places with my family. It was a field trip to aBlockz, I think I've went to this country once before. It's a class field trip, I didn't want to be left behind.

Toilet, Kylie, Hender and the rest of the class starts to assemble.

Now, Mr Zombles was coming in, and Kylie and Toilet now head straightfirst towards his arms. Is he really that delicious? I'm pretty sure they would have eaten him whole if it didn't count as murder.

"Okay, we shall now go to the airport to go aBlockz," he said, looking a bit unstable. Of course he looks unstable, he was bitten by a pair of half-wolves...

The entire class cheered. Everyone was going.

So we went to the subway station. We were taking 'Kitties Express'. Because it's in the shape of Nyan Cats, Siamese cats, etc. Kitties Express has branches by subway stations, bus and planes.

We took the plane, and had a fantastic time in it. I've been there once or twice during the weekends when the arenas here were closed. So when we arrived, we were greeted by a few people.

"Welcome to aBlockz!"

A young girl named Lilly came towards us. And guess what? She was a vampire. And nearly all the kids screamed out loud. Not me. Because I've met Lilly during the times the arenas at Blocktopia were down.

"This is aBlockz. Enjoy your stay. And Hi Fal! How have you been?" said Lilly.
"Been good," I said in reply.
"Wait, you two know each other?" asked Toilet, confused.
"Yeah, during the weekends, when Blocktopia arenas are down due to fixing certain things, or to add new stuff, I come here instead," I said.
aBlockz isn't that far away from Blocktopia, it's only a 30 minute train ride away. But we took a train because by foot, it'd take hours.
"So anyway, let me show you to the hotel," she said cheerfully.

So when we went to the hotel, we found it quite comfy. I happily jumped onto a bed. One room fits four. Perfect, because I ended up with the same roommates as in the dorm, minus 2.

"Well, this is a surprise eh?" said Hender, who got the window. I'm a scaredy cat, so I slept between Hender and Toilet. Kylie got the bed near the door. The hotel specialises in hosting for people on field trips, and that's why we went to this hotel.

"Yep," replied Kylie, brushing her hair with a comb... Wait...

"That's MY comb!"

Yes, that comb was mine. When did she get a hold of my comb?

"Well, when you dropped your bag on the table, I just couldn't resist and took it..."

I sighed heavily. "At least you didn't eat the zip to open it."
"I wouldn't go that far for a comb that wasn't mine," she said.

And then, they showed us a few attractions. They showed us their premium arenas and their free-to-play arenas. We all went to the Lava Arena there first.Obsidian melts into coal and then melts into nothing. How does that make sense? The only block I knew that was actually safe is glass, so I don't know what I think about it, but the concept is the same as our country's arena: survive the lava. And I still had a little bit of fun, although I still prefer Blocktopia's. I met different types of people. There are people who don't mind being cramped into one spot. True story :s. I had to be cramped with Lilly and another person whom's name I forgot. I dealed with it too, I found it funny :D. And there are also people who, are in fact, oh-so owners of a house. Well, WRONG. I made a house and then suddenly, someone came along and said that my house would melt. I said, 'No it doesn't it's glass'. But then he started to destroy my house. I told him to stop, and then, he said, 'You don't own this house'. That made me furious. I kept telling him to stop, but he wouldn't budge, so in the end I had to make a new house. I survived, but oh, you should have looked at the face of satisfaction he had on his face when he took over a house made by me. This is another true story. This is another reason why I like Blocktopia better. Afterwards, those with a premium pass went to their premium servers, whilst the rest of us went to the pool at the hotel. Of course, we wore our school swimsuits. On Thursdays, we all have to do swimming lessons, and that's why the school has swimsuits. I have gone to 4 different schools, one was kindergarden, and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th was because we kept moving. My 3rd school actually did this, which is why I put it in, except we had to bring our own swimsuits. And then our class went to have dinner at the cafe at the hotel. I had rice and eggs... Mmmm... Eggs... My stomach is growling whilst I write this ;-;. And then we went to our rooms. I read a book and played tic-tac-toe with Hender, whilst Kylie and Toilet gnaw on some papers in their school binders. And then we all went to sleep.


Oct 20, 2012
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So, after this, if not many people pays much attention to this thread, I'm probably going to stop, unless people come look at it again. It's gonna be a Christmas special. My religion actually doesn't celebrate Christmas, but I decided to do it for the sake of others, plus my cousin was born on Christmas. So here we are...

I wake up in the morning at the hotel room.

I yawn loudly. I saw that everyone else was already awake. Kylie had showered already, Hender already had showered and Toilet was waiting for her to finish showering. So I said my good mornings and waited while reading a book in my hand.

After I took a shower and wore my clothes, we all grabbed our bags and went to the cafe for breakfast. Most of the class were already eating breakfast, so we all ate. I ate toast and chocolate spreading. Kylie ate muffins. Toilet ate cupcakes. And someone already prepared ham and eggs for Hender. I guess that person didn't know she didn't like ham and egg breakfast. She said thank you, but threw it out while he wasn't looking. Then when he looked again, she said, 'I'm stuffed', and said she didn't need to eat any more, and then when he wasn't looking again, she devoured one of Toilet's cupcakes very quickly. I giggle at this foolishness.

Lilly came along.

"I hope you enjoyed your stay, please come again," she said kindly.

During the train ride, Kylie and Toilet were biting each other's tails, whilst Hender is avoiding getting her hair bitten by them. I looked out the window. We were soon gonna be there.

When we got back to the dorm, we all placed our bags on our beds.

"Well, since today's a day off, why not we all go and buy stuff for presents?" asked Hender cheerfully.
"Huh? Why?" I asked in confusion.
"You don't remember?" said Toilet.

Hender and Kylie giggled.

"Well, that's fine," said Hender cheerfully.
"Yup," said Kylie. "Toilet will explain when me and Hender leave. For now, get your wallets."

When they left, Toilet explained.

"Tonight, at the schoolhouse, we're all gonna celebrate Christmas Eve," said Toilet.

Of course, I thought. How could I forget? It's Christmas.

So then when I got ready, me and Toilet headed out to the town. I looked around.

"Hey, how about candy for Hender, and a big box of chocolate for Kylie? We can get them at the candy store," I suggested. "Great idea!" said Toilet. "They'll love it!"

So we got a jarful of candy and a very big box of chocolate at the candy store.

"Hey, how about a cup for Sz, and a 3D picture of a hippo for Marn?" Toilet suggested. I agreed. Marn would love the hippo pic in 3D. And Sz would admire the model treehouse.

So we got a model treehouse and a pic of a hippo in 3D at a souvenir shop.

"Hey, how about a creeper duck for Shocker, and a zombie duck for Mr Zombles?" suggested Toilet. I started to go a bit uneasy for some reason. But I agreed.

So we ended up buying a pair of disposable plastic gloves just to buy the zombie duck. We bought the ducks at the Pet Store.

"Hey, how about mints for Asian, and a doll for Deb?" suggested Toilet. I've started to go more uneasy.

We bought the dolls at the toyshop.

"Hey, how about flint and steel for Mr Sploork, and a nice cup for Nico?" suggested Toilet. I've starting to notice why I feel uneasy. It's about the pace we're going.

We bought both at the General Store.

"Hey, how about mints for Mintie, and candy canes for Grimm?" suggested Toilet. There it goes again. The same line.

We bought both at the candy store again.

"Hey, how about-"


That was me.

"Sorry, I got a little frustrated with the way you keep saying, 'hey, how about'. How about we have a change of pace?" I said.
"Sure!" she said hyperly.

So we bought the rest of the gifts, and then we separated. We still needed to buy presents for each other, after all.

I looked around. Hmm, I wondered, what would she like?

Then I saw something. Right there, at the tool shop. There was a diamond shovel. She would love it. She loves spleefing. So that's what I bought. And I asked it to be wrapped there, in blue wrapping, because we were going to wrap the other presents at the treehouse after lunch.

After me and Toilet ate lunch at the cafeteria, we went to the treehouse to wrap the presents. Luckily, no one wanted to wrap their presents there.

When we finished wrapping, sun was beginning to set. We all headed for the schoolhouse. We were the first one there. We also got to see the huge Christmas tree. It was so... Big.... Beautiful... Impressive...

When people came along one by one, we all gave presents to each. We were correct; They all loved their presents. Kylie devoured the entire box immediately. We laughed at this foolishness.

Toilet loved hers. She was taken aback by how she had a diamond shovel in her hands. And then she gave me hers.

It was a flower. It was prettier than the one I put on Rya's head.

"Well, I know how you put a little yellow flower on Rya to tell her apart from others, but then I saw this, and thought you would like it on her, so..."

"I don't like it. I LOVE it! Thank you Toilet!" I said with joy in my heart. She smiled at my reaction.

And then I got more presents. One of them was bubble gum. This one was from Hender. I'm pretty sure she bought it to avoid her hair being eaten, but I loved it anyway.

Kylie gave me a jacket. The most prettiest jacket I've ever seen. It looked like fire. I admired it so, and it was very soft, like my favourite pair of pants.

And then I searched through my pockets. earlier in the day, we also visited Aksu, because we bought a present for him, too. Surprisingly, he had presents for us, too. We both got the same type of snow globe, but we admired it anyway. It was based off Lava Survival. Apparently, the snow had frozen the lava, and everyone was cheering. It doesn't really make much sense, because lava melts snow. But it looked so pretty. His present was a nuke. Because he goes to TNT Wars, we thought we would give him an ultimate weapon, although it took a lot of points off us -.-.

Sz gave me this sort of odd shaped thing. It had lights in this formation: ooooo0O0ooooo
It goes like, when the lights go to the center, you're supposed to 'smash it'. No seriously, I once got this for my birthday. It was like, BAM BAM BAM WHAM, but let's just forget about that -.-.

Nico gave me, OH HOH, candy recipe book. I love this. I've always been trying to make candy properly. My best candy is out of brown sugar. Nico said it was very tasty, but ironically, he doesn't like brown sugar. I'm gonna make proper candy with this.

I got more and more presents. Oh, they're all so nice. When the party was over, we all went to bed. What a nice day it has been.

There we go. As I said earlier, if I don't get that much people to see this later on, I'm probably going to stop until others look, but if you do look at this, thanks, and I'll probably continue. This is my present to you, folks, Merry Christmas!



Oct 20, 2012
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I'll need to think of something first to write about and figure out what about my character you have already put into the story, e.g. class, friends etc.
Name: Oak
Age: Why don't YOU figure it out, age doesn't matter, there are students older than the teachers.
Class: Class Neptune ( And by the way, I hope you read the other days, because some people's classes are already chosen. Make sure that the classmates you want are not already in other classes, because I don't want the storyline to mess up. For example, Trngl goes to Class Supernova)
Special ability: Falcon Punch
Weapon: You choose.

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
A Day with that Old Man
After the battle with herobrine and teaching Faliara the holidays had finally come. I knew that Faliara had gone with her friends to go shopping for Christmas, I was hoping she hadn't forgotten but as excitable as she was, I was sure she would. However the question remained of how I was going to spend my Christmas, Classes had finished for Neptune for awhile and most of my classmates were off with their own friends. Being an old man in appearance, friends were hard to come by, I did know of one place however where I would always find some friends. Unlike Faliara I spent a fair bit of time at the zombie arena, I was decent at it in my own eyes, although I thought I might be a bit better at it if the odd pteordactyl or brontosaurus would stop getting in my way. On the way their I quickly met up with Hypey and Rose, those silly pandas were always into mischeif, unfortunately they were honest pros at the zombie arena, I would hardly ever catch them. So mostly I spent my time Falcon Punching away zombies or catching humans, whatever worked.

I left the arena for awhile to rest after catching quite a few humans, it was tiring work, I sat down on a park bench to catch my breath. Maybe I should get a present for Faliara, for being a great learner. As I wrestled with that thought in my head of what exactly to get her, out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw Herobrine again. Upon further inspection, nothing was apparent, however this had me worried, if Herobrine was up and about again he might chase after Faliara again. Or maybe he wants revenge on me, I did hit him pretty hard. I had to warn Faliara, I also realised I knew just the present to get her, I quickly ran to an armoury shop and got her a nice set of iron gauntlets, these would be nice if she were to use her new Falcon Punch.

I caught up with Faliara at her dorms, knocking on the door I was greeted by Kylie, who almost ate the present I had just gotten for Faliara. I appeased her appitite with an old maths workbook of mine I no longer needed, Kylie then let me in and I greeted Faliara with her present. She seemed quite pleased with the gauntlets, and asked how I was and how sorry she was that she hadn't thought to get me a present. I told her there was no need to get me a present and not to worry about it but I let her know what I thought I saw outside the Zombie Arena. "Whaaat?" she said, Faliara seemed stunned that Herobrine had recovered so quickly. "I only thought I saw him, there is no cause for alarm, yet" I told her, which was true, I only thought I saw him it might have been a trick my eyes played on me. I wished everyone a Merry Christmas and left, I went to my own Dorm, jumped into my bunk and proceded to eat a block of chocolate.


Oct 20, 2012
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Awright, Lava's back! I've been reading a fanfiction, I'll post the link to you after I write the story. If you are interested in Rin and/or Len, or you just like reading things with over 100 chapters, then I suggest it. Anyways, let's see what today's announcement may be, for it is yet again another Friday, with frying pans!

I wake up at 6 o'clock. I'm gonna skip what I did from 5 o'clock to 5:45 am, because I really want to hurry up and continue reading that fan fiction, expect this to be a little short. I yawn loudly. I'm pretty sure I would sleep through the day if it weren't for Toilet. So I showered, wore my clothes, grab my bag and headed for the assembly.

The first annoncement was what Oak told me (unless you read how Oak spent the day, you won't understand). Everyone was shocked, and so Wil calmed the students down and we are all advised to be careful. the second anouncement was the top 3 cleanest classes in the school, and the dirtiest class. I always look forward to this. My class had never won a place in the top 3, but at least we were never the dirtiest.

"3rd place goes to Class Mercury," Wil announced. Blab was the representative of the class, and so he went to the stage to receive the trophy.

"2nd place goes to Class Supernova." That rang in my ears. Trngl's class had usually been 1st place. I can't believe someone could outdo Class Supernova. But then, who did? Then I remembered this week, my class has been doing super-hard to get 1st place. Maybe...

"1st place goes to Class Star."

YES! I thought with joy. Hender was our class representative, so she stepped forward. Our class was so happy. Our hard work had payed off.

And for the dirtiest class was Class Uranus. Rashid and his sister, Salama were there. I felt sorry for them. The dirtiest class has to stay behind and clean the assembly.

Today's class was History and Arts. History wasn't my favourite, but Arts was.

In class, we learnt about the history of the arenas. They told of the SMP arena. There's also an LSMP arena, but it's fairly new. So we do not speak of that until next year, only then we learn its history. After lunch, we had arts and crafts. We all learnt how to make a pinata. I painted mine light yellow, and then filled it with candy. We sometimes use old ways to celebrate New Year, and sometimes some random student gets a new idea and tells Wil about it. Well, I just got a new idea, so I say everyone puts up as much pinatas as we can and then RAINING CANDY!

Wil actually liked that idea. And that's what we're gonna do at New Year's Eve.

I went to the park. I went there, for Oak still has some lessons on the Falcon Punch. I wore the iron gauntlets and started training. I got it a bit stronger after the lesson, but it's still a bit weak. The iron gauntlets helps a lot. I'm really grateful for it. After the lesson, I gave Oak some iron armor, to make up for Christmas. He really liked it. I smiled and then went to the Lava Arena. I made a little farm, with a duck and a pig and a cow. I also made a new type of bed. But your feet will end up touching someone else's. *evil laughter*

Afterwards, I went to the treehouse. Kylie, Mintie and Toilet were there.

"You're late, Fal," said Mintie, obviously upset.
"Sorry, I was practicing my new Falcon Punch," I said.
"Let's play."

You see, tonight at the playroom there will be a congkak tournament. If you don't know what congkak is, search it up. But I think you know already :p. We were all practicing. So after we finished practicing, we headed to the cafeteria to eat dinner. Afterwards, we wnet to the playroom. We all competed well, and in the end I got 3rd Place. Rashid second, and Salama first. So yeah, that's it.

When I got to the dorm, Grimm and asian were reading a book.

"Yo," said Grimm.
"How was the tourny?" asked Asian.
"It was quite good. I got 3rd place," I said proudly.

So Toilet, Hender and Kylie arrived while we were reading that exact book.

"How was your day?"
"What a tournament!"
"Watcha reading?"

And then we all read the book until it was finished. It was quite thick. When we finished, it was 12:30. So we all went to sleep. Good thing Saturday wasn't a school day.

As promised, here are the links:

Part 1:
Part 2:

I suggest you read them in order. So yeah, I'm gonna continue reading part 2...

Didya notice? What constant number did I get?


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Alright so imma write something from the perspective of the principal.. lets see how it goes :3

The alarm clock went off.I dragged myself out of the levitating bed, almost falling off it. I turned and looked at the clock, " 7:00 A.M" it displayed. I groaned and started rising from bed.

"Wait.. 7 AM?! I'm late for school!"
I rushed to the staff office, which was adjacent to my bedroom. (Yes, I live in the school). I turned on the coffee machine to "Madness Express Coffee", and nearly 10 litres of coffee flowed out onto a giant cup. I poured in a few litres of milk, a few kilograms of sugar (Yep, I use the metric scale) and stirred the coffee with a giant spoon. I then drank the whole thing in 10 seconds.

I went into my office with my sleeping clothes just as Faliara from Class Star appeared. She said that she had a new idea for New Years Eve, which was that everyone puts up as much pinatas as they can. And to quote, "RAINING CANDY!". I liked that idea and wrote it down in the school schedule.

Next, I took out a thick book from the bookshelves and started writing down the announcements given out today. Yeah, records.

"Reappearance of Herobrine, Cleanest Class Awards.. etc." I wrote.

Just then, I heard screaming coming from outside the office. It was a bunch of terrified students running towards the school exit. I was puzzled, "What IS going on?" I thought. Then, I saw something at the far end of the main corridor. It was....

