Survivor Tetepare


Forever Shining
Jan 1, 2012
Reaction score
Just read a few very interesting pages.

Good luck to all left in the game, and a special shout-out to all those that I've previously played with! Apologizes I left the game so early, but quite busy currently.

The Hero's vs. Villains season sounds so good, I may have to move around my schedule!

Once again good luck, former survivor John out.


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Mini Challenge
Each Survivor needs to choose a number between 1-11. Can't choose the same number as the others. So make sure the number you choose isn't taken.​
The Survivor who chooses the number I thought about will have a "Free Pass" for this Tribal Council which no one can vote for him/her and he/she will immediately be in the top 10. (He/she will still have to vote though)​
Post in this same thread which number you want
1- Taken by Raxo​
2- Taken by Hype​
3- Taken by Awwwyea​
4- Taken by 77​
6- Taken by Smoggy​
7- Taken by Vati​
9- Taken by Storm​
10- Taken by Kattzen​
11- Taken by Fruit​

Waiting for either digitalmez or mariosatr to choose 5 or 8.​


Jul 5, 2012
Reaction score
Mini Challenge
Each Survivor needs to choose a number between 1-11. Can't choose the same number as the others. So make sure the number you choose isn't taken.​
The Survivor who chooses the number I thought about will have a "Free Pass" for this Tribal Council which no one can vote for him/her and he/she will immediately be in the top 10. (He/she will still have to vote though)​
Post in this same thread which number you want
1- Taken by Raxo​
2- Taken by Hype​
3- Taken by Awwwyea​
4- Taken by 77​
6- Taken by Smoggy​
7- Taken by Vati​
9- Taken by Storm​
10- Taken by Kattzen​
11- Taken by Fruit​

Waiting for either digitalmez or mariosatr to choose 5 or 8.​
I say randomize those two! We shan't wait any longer for them!
We need results, as I cant see them, I have to work tomozza. xD

Besides, Digi will pick 8.


Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
I noticed that Vati's vote count is getting lower and lower. I don't know whether people are just getting tired of voting for him and him not getting eliminated or whether he has connections.

If you are just tired of voting for him..... don't be like that. He is still a threat no matter what.

Also when I was in my alliance with Hype and digital, they protected vati heavily. Maybe they have something to do with it? What a dangerous trio. Especially since digital still has that immunity.


Aug 25, 2011
Reaction score
I noticed that Vati's vote count is getting lower and lower. I don't know whether people are just getting tired of voting for him and him not getting eliminated or whether he has connections.

If you are just tired of voting for him..... don't be like that. He is still a threat no matter what.

Also when I was in my alliance with Hype and digital, they protected vati heavily. Maybe they have something to do with it? What a dangerous trio. Especially since digital still has that immunity.
Hey you don't have to be all mad cause I did not join your little alliance with raxo and you. It was my decision ok. Look I just want to be part of the goddamn final 10 for atleast once. In the second season i was 11th place and third season i was kicked out even though i was close to the top 10 once again. I don't really care about winning I just want to be in the top 10. If you guys still think im a threat so be it vote for me again IDGAF. I never voted for storm once but i guess I will now since he is being all butthurt cause I did not join the alliance. So thats another vote for you storm congratulations. I know you are plotting something against hype and digi your saying stuff like they are in a mega alliance of 5+ people without even having proof or naming names. You got betrayed #DEALWITHIT it's the game but no need to bring me in your little conflict between those 2. I was a soloplayer with Forest_Knight since the beggining and everyone voted for me and him. Now I dont want to get mixed up with what happened between you hype and digi. That is your problem not mines not raxos not kattzens not 77's not anybody's tbh. Just leave us alone ok or else im just gonna cry in a corner or something.