The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


Former AoD Dev
Aug 6, 2011
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Holy shit I've caught up with everything. What the hell is going on...

I can confirm that I am in the Tribunal (and Mmarz can confirm that too) and to @JKangaroo that is the kill you roleblocked from and it was to my memory a kill against Std (who we tried again and succeeded to kill tonight)
Also @Nottykitten Yes I am Town-sided \o/ don't fail again tonight.
I am the second Tribunal member (Mmarz11 can verify) and Ooglie is telling the entire truth.
I thought we weren't going to reveal ourselves to be tribunal members, Prizyms and Ooglie :O

I'm the third tribunal member!

We did decide to go after std again last night, which is why I don't think Prizyms(and by extension, Ooglie) is Mafia. Either of them could be a part of the assassin's guild though, so it's not ruled out completely yet.
These are indeed the three members of Voltaris Tribunal.


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
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Prizyms - [fa=fa-user][/fa] - JKangarroo, (Lynch in 8)
myusername22 - [fa=fa-user][/fa] [fa=fa-user][/fa] [fa=fa-user][/fa] [fa=fa-user][/fa] [fa=fa-user][/fa] - storm886, Hunter27a1, digitalmez, timdood3, Ltin (Lynch in 4)
Ltin - [fa=fa-user][/fa] - myusername22 (Lynch in 8)

Not voting:
Mmarz11, Sploorky, Alpha102, Duffie, Ooglie101, Jeercrul (xxxFruitNinjaxXx), 77_is_the_best, Prizyms, Fiestadude, nottykitten

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch and 9 to no-lynch.

Deadline: None yet.


- xXxFruitNinjaxXx will be replaced by @Jeercrul within today at some point
- @Hunter27a1 - whilst I understand what you are doing, I would like to ask you to tone it down a bit, otherwise I'll add a doublepost plugin that automatically joins all your posts to one ;)


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
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So @myusername22, If you are not a message interceptor. What do you claim you are?

- Hunter27a1 - whilst I understand what you are doing, I would like to ask you to tone it down a bit, otherwise I'll add a doublepost plugin that automatically joins all your posts to one
Oh the peace that would being to Blockatopia


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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I went back and found some things that stuck out to me, but at the moment I'm stuck and don't want to post my idea without a confirmation on somethings that I can't find.

I know we have an idea on some of Old_man_oak's lawyering, such as with tim investigating std night 1 and turning out innocent (Std was Mafia, which means some kind of lawyering went on there)

But besides that, do we have any knowledge of the lawyering done on Night 2, the last night Oak was alive?

Also, I want to confirm again with @Nottykitten that you did claim third-party, yes? I recall you said that before but I just want to make sure.

I've been reading a lot of stuff (cutting into homework time ;-;), which I'm going to stop for the time being.
With all these different ideas I've started to have, I might be on to something but with a bunch of the roles being sort of confusing this round it may not entirely be concrete, but I'm going to try and go with it.
I just need some confirmations on some things that I'm unsure about/can't find.


Sep 15, 2011
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So @myusername22, If you are not a message interceptor. What do you claim you are?

Also if there are any doubts on Prizyms I can now confirm him.

My role is the Message Interceptor. Each night I select one player and receive whatever messages they would receive in the morning such as cop investigations etc. I am town aligned and my aim is to intercept mafia/assassin/thirdparty messages.

last night I used my ability on Prizyms and the message he received this morning was: Nottykitten is female but your action did not work

@Prizyms I'm really sorry I voted you. The message you received didn't really make a lot of sense to show your innocence until you claimed.

Also could you confirm that you tried to protect nottykitten

@Nottykitten can you confirm that your character is female in case people have doubts about my claim?

on my first night I used my ability on Nitasu I think you can all take a guess at the result: std1997 visited Fiestaguy

The second night my action was blocked. I'm not sure by who but I was going to use my ability on nottykitten though changed my mind and went with prizyms the next night.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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@Jeercrul this is a sort of recap:
Ok so just a recap of the situation:
Priz claims a doctor that can always protect male people and a small chance of protecting female I believe
Myuser claims message interceptor with 'proof' supporting Priz which was him receiving the message that Notty was female so the action didn't go through or something along the lines of that.
Notty claims to not be female
Ltin claims to have swapped himself with Hunter I think
Tim suggests that Myuser may be able to tamper messages
And these are all the roleclaims:
I have all da claims =D. I colored them according to how I see them. Those green are who I find practically proven. Those orange are third parties that the town does not need to get rid of to win.

{td}Keeper of inns{/td}
{td}Roleblocker and Lover{/td}
{td}Male doctor{/td}
{td}Nothing, but can resurrect{/td}
{td}Lord voltari{/td}
{td}Rough sleeper{/td}
{td}Allignment cop{/td}
{td}Wins with targeted person from day 0{/td}
{td}Bulletproof-lie detecting-lover-survivor. Something along those lines....{/td}
{td}Jack of all trades{/td}
{td}Message interceptor{/td}


Sep 15, 2011
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I'd like to address a few things--

I've said repeatedly. (1)I cannot change messages and I've never even heard of a role that can change system messages that are sent to people each night. Honestly wouldn't that sound a tad over powered to any of you?
Overpowered in that I would be able to say anything to anyone with full confidence the message came from the host. (2)I could randomly send someone a message telling them the cop is poisoned night 0 and that they needed to get the cop to claim so the doctor could save them. I could tell the suspected doctor their visit showed signs of the person they protected being scum and telling them they were poisoned by said person. The list only goes on and someone much more creative and much more evil could come up with better examples.
(1) I firmly believe that you do have the ability to change messages, but it's with conditions.

(2) I don't think that you, as the message interceptor has the ability to send anyone an offhanded message as easy as that.

Your assumptions make the role sound overpowered and simple. In your experience since when has any role been that effortless? There have always been conditions! I think that your ability to manipulate messages has to coincide with that person's role. Simply changing the message completely would give you the most unfair advantage in the game. Conditions!

To me you've made the most scummiest counter arguments in the game so far. You've basically called us idiots, by simplifying your role's abilities in your hypothetical theories.
If that wasn't bad enough, you've done what Old Man Oak did and brought the focus back to Ltin, when he wasn't even in the spotlight. That tactic looks like an act of desperation rather than a legitimate reason to think he's a threat.

You @myusername22 are NOT town-sided! The moment you role claimed, wasn't to help town, it was for your own benefit. You found out something about Priz and immediately voted for him. With subpar information by the way. Certain votes like that are usually lead by Cops and not side-kick roles that should be more questioning rather than accusatory.