Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
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And hey, I see Road to ruin viewing the thread. Haven't seen him in awhile.(at least since Intrusion) Hey road! o/
Should join another game sometime : D
Road probably thinks "dayuuummm, games have gotten real interesting since I left, I should come back!" ;)

So, we have a few votes here and there, but nothing sufficient. We know about a potential arsonist but not his conditions. We know some people are shifty but nobody is really letting go yet (understandably).

We basically...aren't any further than D0.

Yay town!


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Road probably thinks "dayuuummm, games have gotten real interesting since I left, I should come back!" ;)

So, we have a few votes here and there, but nothing sufficient. We know about a potential arsonist but not his conditions. We know some people are shifty but nobody is really letting go yet (understandably).

We basically...aren't any further than D0.

Yay town!
Hopefully everyone comes back active in the next couple of hours. It's the usual time that we get, like, 5+ people viewing this thread at a time. :p


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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We'll, for one I never stated they I thought there was probably going to be a Janitor; merely analysing the possibilities. ( What kind of Jan we've seen before, etc )

Also, when I said role-specific, I meant that most of the tricky elements revolve around role specifics.

Lel also, for what it's worth, I was role blocked last night, either by Notty or a mafia blocker; I guess we may find out tonight.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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But just a hint for mafia; you may not want to see what happens if you target me again
Why wouldn't they want to target you? What would happen if they did? What makes you so sure they already hit you once?

And just for Prizym's rule about not rating things: Duffie rated it friendly! He's thanking Jivvi for the heads up! Duffie must be mafia!


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Why wouldn't they want to target you? What would happen if they did? What makes you so sure they already hit you once?

[hl]And just for Prizym's rule about not rating things: Duffie rated it friendly! He's thanking Jivvi for the heads up! Duffie must be mafia![/hl]
Oh, there's a rule?

But what's wrong with ratings when I'm participating already?


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
Reaction score
Thought we'd have more happening today... I'll jump in here on summarize things on how I see them.

+We have two main focus points of suspicion today, mostly Swate and Old_Man_Oak.
-Swate: People are suspicious of him since his playstyle seems unsure and not particularly helpful right now, and some of his words can be seen as Pirate slipups. Generally chaotic, drawn fair amount of attention.
-People suspicious of Swate seem to have genuine reasons, though he could be easily confused due to being 'new'.
-Old_Man_Oak: Had what looked like was a slip-up on day 0 and people aren't buying his explanation that he was trying out some 'plan', of which we didn't really hear him speak much of.
-People voting OMO so far are only two experienced players that seem bent on making sure he gets lynched
-May have just been an assumption based off of flavour text.

We certainly aren't getting anywhere if people don't post their ideas or make decisions, and certainly not if people don't post more. I'm initially more inclined to vote for OMO since I expected a bit more of a defense from an experienced player than 'I had some plan'. I'm also interested in Swate for the reasons stated above, but also a different, if round-a-bout, perspective. If Swate was a townie making all these Pirate-like mistakes, I would have expected more people to be jumping on Swate because it's an opportunity just ripe for the Pirates to jump onto him and yell out 'He's obviously Pirate, let's get em!' The fact that this hasn't happened as of yet means that our town just hasn't managed to wake up and get talking (which we've had a fair amount of pages posted today and more than a whole day since night), orrrrr the Pirates aren't jumping on Swate for providing them a good chance to lynch a 'non'-townie since Swate is actually IS one of them. Even if I'm wrong, this might help get people talking and it's the best theory I can come up with right now.

Vote Swate


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Thought we'd have more happening today... I'll jump in here on summarize things on how I see them.

+We have two main focus points of suspicion today, mostly Swate and Old_Man_Oak.
-Swate: People are suspicious of him since his playstyle seems unsure and not particularly helpful right now, and some of his words can be seen as Pirate slipups. Generally chaotic, drawn fair amount of attention.
-People suspicious of Swate seem to have genuine reasons, though he could be easily confused due to being 'new'.
-Old_Man_Oak: Had what looked like was a slip-up on day 0 and people aren't buying his explanation that he was trying out some 'plan', of which we didn't really hear him speak much of.
-People voting OMO so far are only two experienced players that seem bent on making sure he gets lynched
-May have just been an assumption based off of flavour text.

We certainly aren't getting anywhere if people don't post their ideas or make decisions, and certainly not if people don't post more. I'm initially more inclined to vote for OMO since I expected a bit more of a defense from an experienced player than 'I had some plan'. I'm also interested in Swate for the reasons stated above, but also a different, if round-a-bout, perspective. If Swate was a townie making all these Pirate-like mistakes, I would have expected more people to be jumping on Swate because it's an opportunity just ripe for the Pirates to jump onto him and yell out 'He's obviously Pirate, let's get em!' The fact that this hasn't happened as of yet means that our town just hasn't managed to wake up and get talking (which we've had a fair amount of pages posted today and more than a whole day since night), orrrrr the Pirates aren't jumping on Swate for providing them a good chance to lynch a 'non'-townie since Swate is actually IS one of them. Even if I'm wrong, this might help get people talking and it's the best theory I can come up with right now.

Vote Swate
I'm not going to say anything since it seems like the more I talk the more people can use against me. I expected more people to talk while I was sleeping tbh, I'm going to wait a bit more before saying anything. Nothing personal, just I've talked too much so I'm remedying this by shutting up for a bit, wait for others to have their say so it's fair.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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If Swate was a townie making all these Pirate-like mistakes, I would have expected more people to be jumping on Swate because it's an opportunity just ripe for the Pirates to jump onto him and yell out 'He's obviously Pirate, let's get em!' The fact that this hasn't happened as of yet means that our town just hasn't managed to wake up and get talking (which we've had a fair amount of pages posted today and more than a whole day since night), orrrrr the Pirates aren't jumping on Swate for providing them a good chance to lynch a 'non'townie since Swate is actually IS one of them. Even if I'm wrong, this might help get people talking and it's the best theory I can come up with right now.
So if I have this correct:
You say Swate's a pirate because people aren't jumping on his face...
And that he's a pirate because his fellow pirates are unwilling to bus him.

This...this doesn't really seem like a sound explaining imo....

And as Sploorky put it "Choo Choo"
I just don't find OMO's reasoning of "Oh, I had this plan....but it didn't work..."

Vote Old_Man_Oak_63


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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I'm saying he's a Pirate because, from a Pirate's perspective, Swate would be a great opportunity to get a townie lynched, since he has made so many mistakes that could be exploited into getting the town to lynch him. The fact that they haven't done so already means they're either too busy to see the thread, missing a perfect chance for them to lynch a townie, or he's a Pirate and they obviously don't want to throw him up for lynching. The reasons for voting OMO are reasonable enough and it certainly looks like he's a Pirate, but, from my logic, I think Swate also stands out as suspicious, and as I've stated, not just from the way he's acted.


Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Ah hell, I really want to vote for OMO as he was my main suspicion yesterday too, but I'm afraid to show my opinion which is just as valuable as the opinions of the other four people that have already voted for him. :( I feel chained, I can't do a single thing without people cherry-picking ways as to how what I do is "mafia-like."
Don't care. Voting for him as he continues to give off the Mafia vibe to me, alongside other suspicious things that happened yesterday which I'm too lazy to type (also in class so I'm trying to finish this comment quick), the biggest tip-off for me though is the still-unexplained slip-up.

Vote Old_Man_Oak_63


The Local Cow
Sep 23, 2011
Reaction score
To be honest my main FoS is no longer Swate. I have a theory and all shall be said tomorrow, or maybe before - but not today (in game time) Also a separate theory which can link together pretty easily if Oak is Mafia or an Assassin's Guild-esque role. All will be revealed my lovelies <3 (or not since I'll probs be killed tonight \o/)


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
I'm not going to say anything since it seems like the more I talk the more people can use against me. I expected more people to talk while I was sleeping tbh, I'm going to wait a bit more before saying anything. Nothing personal, just I've talked too much so I'm remedying this by shutting up for a bit, wait for others to have their say so it's fair.
This is the type of post that people are harassing you for; try to make a convincing defence, rather than hide!


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
I seem to find it look more and more like you're looking scummy. The more people start voting and giving their reasons. The more i'm starting to get convinced

Oh. And do i have to remind you that he Doesn't care about getting voted on?
Also. With my vote You're at L-2. Think hard about claiming OMO
I'm fully aware that the pirates don't know who each other is,
Still seems like a scum-slipup to me, And saying you have a plan but not elaborating enough on it. I'm just going to

Vote Old_Man_Oak_6
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