Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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Nov 5, 2012
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He assumed that it was Notty who visited him because he didnt die. But theres so many other options that could have happened where he didnt die. But he used that assumption to continuously say that it was strange that I was told I got poured on by gasoline. I have this point in the post that you stated "didnt support anything". Can you see it from my point of view that that seems iffy?
Eh, from what I understood, when visited, he arms a bomb. When visited again, he dies along with the person who visited him. This means that since he armed a bomb (and got notified that his bomb was armed), and yet he didn't die, he could have been visited by a non-killing visiting role that triggered him to arm the bomb, which led to to guess that it was notty.


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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Eh, from what I understood, when visited, he arms a bomb. When visited again, he dies along with the person who visited him. This means that since he armed a bomb (and got notified that his bomb was armed), and yet he didn't die, he could have been visited by a non-killing visiting role that triggered him to arm the bomb, which led to to guess that it was notty.
Yes. That was his assumption. Theres probably lots of non-killing roles out there that could have targeted him but he chose the roleblocker.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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@Jivvi forgive me if I'm being slow on my part and missed out any details. Would you mind explaining your reasoning for claiming?
I claimed mainly to ensure the safety of myself and other town PRs. Anyone who takes a shot at me will need to be deemed quite expendable by the mafia.

Also, Hype, while you were last to vote, you made one of the first accusing posts directed at me


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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Eh, from what I understood, when visited, he arms a bomb. When visited again, he dies along with the person who visited him. This means that since he armed a bomb (and got notified that his bomb was armed), and yet he didn't die, he could have been visited by a non-killing visiting role that triggered him to arm the bomb, which led to to guess that it was notty.
Yeah, pretty much this

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
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Honestly, Im unsure if someone has said something about this already, but if you really had the potential to kill off a mafia member trying to kill you, why would you warn them when you could easily take them out? I dont trust this claim at all, or your warnings.

vote Jivvi
This is the earliest argument of Hype's that I can find against Jivvi after he claimed, if I am not mistaken then Jivvi is correct in that Hype began this particular argument (Unless there is something further beyond Jivvi's claim that I missed.)


Jan 12, 2012
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Well hi. I didn't respond to the day at first because I didn't have anything to say. Then it just became a game of seeing who would call me out for not speaking. Well that didn't happen. You all fail. (Except for that one person who tagged me, but that kind of doesn't count either.) Then I had a dream last night that Prizyms replaced me for not talking. So here I am. I haven't seen much evidence against anyone in particular. Seems like gut votes which can be good at times. Fiesta just seems very off center to me, and he can get on my nerves.

Vote fiestaguy


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
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Vote Count Siete - Still need a replacement for Sploorky

Swate (2) - endersteve5, Samlen[8 to lynch]
Old_Man_Oak_63 (1) - Sploorky[Still trying to find a replacement] [9 to lynch]
GmK (1) - Old_Man_Oak_63[9 to lynch]
Fiestaguy (7) - Timdood3, ansoro2112, 77_is_the_best, Swate, Jivvi, Ooglie101, storm886 [3 to lynch]
Jivvi (3) - JKangaroo, digitalmez, HypeBurst [3 to lynch]

DEADLINE - Wednesday 27 May : 1900 BST


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I return \o/
For now . _.

I think the whole thing on Jivvi is just a big misunderstanding, to be honest.

Yes, his claim was a bit unprovoked, but it doesn't really stand out to me as scummy.

And the whole "Hype got told about being gassed, so that must be the case for all visits!" is a bit ridiculous.
1) Who wouldn't notice being covered in gas....
2) Someone wouldn't notice a watcher/tracker/cop/ect.
3) I think if other people got PMs saying they were visited, more people would have said so.

Conclusion: I think Jivvi's innocent.

As for Jivvi's 'attack'...I'd actually like to see it presented . _.


Dec 10, 2012
Reaction score
I understand the reasoning behind Jivvi's role claim as he said:
I claimed mainly to ensure the safety of myself and other town PRs. Anyone who takes a shot at me will need to be deemed quite expendable by the mafia.
I feel that has cleared up Jivvi besides that I feel people are just trying to lynch him over a lack of understanding on why he claimed and the fact, he and fiesta were on a "item hunt".

As for Fiestaguy, I feel Fiesta is just being Fiesta. Every mafia game i've played with him so far has resulted in him saying or doing something that ends up getting him killed cause it sounds stupid or scummy. Now I do believe that how he has acted this game is more scummy than usual even for him. I also feel that his playstyle will just continue to cause confusion and prevent us from looking at other possible suspicions since everyone will be looking at Fiesta so in order to prevent further confusion. I feel that we should lynch him.

Also I don't know why Fiesta would ask people if they've received items during the night on day 1. That's like asking everyone to put their names in neon lights so the Mafia can take out those who got important items.

I'm sure some of this has already been said and done but I felt my current opinion should be stated so here's to hoping we're right. <.>

Vote Fiestaguy


Nov 5, 2012
Reaction score
Well hi. I didn't respond to the day at first because I didn't have anything to say. Then it just became a game of seeing who would call me out for not speaking. Well that didn't happen. You all fail. (Except for that one person who tagged me, but that kind of doesn't count either.) Then I had a dream last night that Prizyms replaced me for not talking. So here I am. I haven't seen much evidence against anyone in particular. Seems like gut votes which can be good at times. Fiesta just seems very off center to me, and he can get on my nerves.

Vote fiestaguy
That moment when you actually forget storm's existence in the game... :oops:


Nov 5, 2012
Reaction score
Well hi. I didn't respond to the day at first because I didn't have anything to say. Then it just became a game of seeing who would call me out for not speaking. Well that didn't happen. You all fail. (Except for that one person who tagged me, but that kind of doesn't count either.) Then I had a dream last night that Prizyms replaced me for not talking. So here I am. I haven't seen much evidence against anyone in particular. Seems like gut votes which can be good at times. Fiesta just seems very off center to me, and he can get on my nerves.

Vote fiestaguy
Back to serious discussion. I feel that this is really poor coverup for your inactivity in the game. Who on earth would want themselves to seem suspicious, especially intentionally? If you really do mean it, please do take the game seriously and play to the best of your abilities. If you are town, this isn't helping the town much. May I also interject that your vote on Fiesta seems like it was done either in a rush or that you are just following what the majority is doing because you have nothing to say. But seriously, how could you not have anything to say? There's been a lot going on and I'm pretty sure you must have at least an opinion on what has happened/what is going on.


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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Interesting bandwagon on fiesta =S Nice that people started posting and being active, but I didn't want a bandwagon on anyone with little/no reasoning to it. Very few of the people voting fiesta actually gave much of any sort of logical reasoning for voting him. Not talking is bad, but bandwagoning is worse. Now before people go crazy and lynch fiesta, let him speak in his defense, and for the people whom have already voted fiesta, give us your reasons. Saying it's your 'gut' instinct is rarely a good reason to lynch anyone. I know some people gave their logically thought out reasons for their votes on fiesta, but the rest of you voting need to tell us why.


Sep 15, 2011
Reaction score
Jivvi said:
And anyway, what did you expect, me to go to my death tied to the front of the bandwagon you and Digi started?
Do you know who actually started the vote on you?
Post #773
JKangaroo said:
All of my suspicions in my previous post still stand, as they have not been addressed.
You seem to be the most suspicious; I can see the possibility of the role existing, yes, but everything else just doesn't seem to fit.
Vote Jivvi
And who followed...
Post #784
Jeercrul said:
Jivvi: If not for Digi and Jkang's posts, I wouldn't have noticed about the incoherence in his posts. One thing that particularly struck me was his need to claim directly after Oak's claim, which I see no reason to do so, and it seemed more like a chance for him to gain the town's trust and for killing roles avoid killing him at night. And yes, my inn touched briefly on the subject of innkeepers, I'm not sure whether Jivvi's inn did so as well. I'm not willing to delve into the topic of PM mechanisms, but so far for our inn it has seemed like an innkeeper is non-existent in this game and rooms are similar to that of the rooms in DC.

vote Jivvi
Why haven't you addressed these two as well?
Also, suspicion stated out on me via Digi being ignorant. about Jeer's role last game. The post wasn't really relevant, just something to throw in; suggesting the concept of day-inns may be in play again.
I'm being ignorant because you misinformed something? Do you not know how suspicious you came off after dodging the numerous amount of times you were addressed to answer this:
Also, the mafia better be careful not to hit an Innkeeper, be there one this game.
Simply stating "Oh woops, my bad. Just referencing possible past game roles" doesn't really cut it. You've made a specific threat or warning to Mafia.

The only thing I'm willing to believe so far, is your claim. You're Mad Mike, you have an armed bomb and whoever visits you now will blow up you and the visitor. A third-party role I could honestly do without - but your vote still counts. It seems that you're possibly in the clear. My vote still remains, because there's still a part of me that thinks you're anti-town.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Interesting bandwagon on fiesta =S Nice that people started posting and being active, but I didn't want a bandwagon on anyone with little/no reasoning to it. Very few of the people voting fiesta actually gave much of any sort of logical reasoning for voting him. Not talking is bad, but bandwagoning is worse. Now before people go crazy and lynch fiesta, let him speak in his defense, and for the people whom have already voted fiesta, give us your reasons. Saying it's your 'gut' instinct is rarely a good reason to lynch anyone. I know some people gave their logically thought out reasons for their votes on fiesta, but the rest of you voting need to tell us why.
I stated my reasons somewhere before, but I'll do it again for the sake of posting . _.

And sometimes bandwagoning is better than mass inactivity because no posting = no game while bandwagoning = game keeps going....

So basically my reasons:
He keeps trying to get information that doesn't need to be revealed. First it was items. Then it was inn members. Then there's his pressuring OMO to claim.
Other have also posted other stuff that I'm too lazy to cite....
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