Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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May 7, 2012
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1. Timdood's role balances out the fact that we don't know the roles of people who die.
2. If this is a ploy, then Tim deserves to win.
3. I trust Tim over Hype and Ansoro combined.
4. I trust coolio 100% and Hype says that she is mafia.

Vote Hypeburst
There is no trust in mafia. One thing that has really been bugging me the more I think about it is how Timdood said he felt comfortable coming out of the mafia closet because we could lynch a pirate thus ensuring his safety in the next night (Meaning at current a confessed pirate has confirmed we have 3 pirates). Than we have two people voting with immediately with? Three people on the same side voting in relatively quick succession and one of them a confessed pirate is a little too tall an order for me to believe in. Still going to wait on ansoro.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Now that you point it out, Road, it probably does look a bit sketchy, but they're just hasty town members.

77 is a Party Host, and made one into a party, meaning that the mafia couldn't communicate their actions or potential strategies. Why would such a role exist that was mafia? It does nothing but hinder them.

Second, 77 trusts Coolio because she claimed "very believably" to him in an inn, and he found the claim to be very believable. I'm not in the inn, so I don't know the specifics, that'd be something for Samlen to address.

Also something interesting to note about Coolio, (this isn't a reason why you should believe in her) is that she has been a vanilla townie in like every game. Except for the Bloody Masquerade where she was an assassin ninja tracker(?) and killed by the other mafia N1. Poor Coolio.
If you want trust, you're gonna need to at least try to be more thorough =S
It was two AM, cut me some slack xD

Night 1: Duffie, Arsonist
Night 2 (Party night): Samlen, Vanilla townie
Night 3: Jeercrul, Amnesiac
Night 4: Endersteve5, "NewsPaper Guy" (Journalist)
And past that point Ansoro stopped sharing his investigations because they became insignificant, as we already knew everyone's roles.


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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Gathering my thoughts again on living people

Ansoro: Town Commuter - Claim felt sketchy and incomplete, Tim's explanation could make sense but still not certain yet.
Timdood: Town sided Pirate - Pretty sketchy claim. Could just Lynch since he's a Pirate (whether from claim or lying) but if he's somehow telling the truth, then might not want to lynch him now. Not sure yet.
Samlen: Town Vanilla - Still doing whatever I can for the town, and today's just confusing. I could claim to have more evidence suggesting my innocence than other people, but still not a lot of evidence either way (I can look this up if you guys need it).
Hype: Town Firefighter - Role claim was well thought out or true, not completely sure either way.
Coolio: Town Vanilla - Don't know for sure, could be faking, could be true. No evidence to suggest either way.
Digi (Now Road to Ruin): Town Ghoul - Seems most likely to be town from evidence, so probably is what they say they are.
77: Town Party Host - Would assume town since role is normally town-sided (and wouldn't make a lot of sense as Pirate sided).

Looking at this, I'd make the assumption that Road to Ruin, 77, and I are the most likely confirmed townie's (from my point of view). This would leave Timdood, Hype, Ansoro, and Coolio as possible candidates for Pirates. Now Tim has claimed to be a town-sided Pirate, and outting Hype and Ansoro as Pirates. Now I do believe it's likely we've lynched off 3 Pirates so far (Swate, GmK, and Storm), which even if I were to stick with the belief of there being 5 Pirates in this game, then 2/4 of the above mentioned would be Pirates. Those are decent odds of lynching a Pirate, and even if we mis-lynch, we wouldn't loose right away (Unless there were two kills tonight).

If I believe that we do/did have 6 Pirates in this game, then this would leave 3/4 of the above mentioned to be Pirates, and could lend some credibility to Tim's claim. Even if Tim's claim is partially wrong/untrue ect, at least one of the 'outted' people (Hype/Ansoro) are Pirates, and possibly even both. Looking at Hype and Ansoro, I feel that both claims have their flaws, though (maybe it's just me) I feel like Ansoro's claim might be less believable.

Still not certain enough to cast a vote yet, but these are my thoughts (as of now). Still waiting for more discussion from various people (like Ansoro) before I make my decision.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Now I do believe it's likely we've lynched off 3 Pirates so far (Swate, GmK, and Storm), which even if I were to stick with the belief of there being 5 Pirates in this game, then 2/4 of the above mentioned would be Pirates. Those are decent odds of lynching a Pirate, and even if we mis-lynch, we wouldn't loose right away (Unless there were two kills tonight).
There were five to start off, and Storm the Vampire was converted N1 because the mafia thought that he might have been the vigilante.


Jan 23, 2012
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Okay, I now have some clarity about what's happening here. Since I'm the one who is being blamed and being dragged to stuff I have no idea about.

First of all I always dislike how people pair me up with others. (In this case HypeBurst). This reminds me, back in previous seasons, when people were freaking pairing me up with Road and whatever Road did was going to affect me. You want to judge my game? Then judge me individually.

Now, since I'm the ONLY one that knows that I'm indeed town, I'm asking myself. Why is Tim or whoever the other mafia are (That's IF there are other Mafia. Let's remember it could even just be Tim the only one left. No one knows that except Mafia) blaming everything on ME? The reasons I came up with were: 1.) Since my role prevents me from dying almost every night then they/he/she can't really kill me. They can try, but it's a risk I doubt they're willing to take. So what's their/his/her only option? Get me lynched.

I have another theory. What if this is just a plan to sacrifice a real mafia in order for us town to gain Tim's trust in this game. Let me explain myself a little bit better, for this theory I'm thinking Tim and HypeBurst are Mafia. They made this plan where Hype was going to volunteer to get lynched. That way the next day the game will probably continue since Hype was indeed Mafia. But now Tim gains everybody's trust. So obviously people will be like "Tim was right! So if he was right about Hype then Ansoro's mafia too!". He'll continue doing that until he wins the game. Why? Because people were blinded by it's "Heroic" but false act.

I thought about this because back in the season where Alpha won, Mafia came with a plan to sacrifice One One Two (Who was mafia). That way they were going to trust Prizyms and Alpha (Also Mafia). And guess what, people DID trust them. I was seriously the only one against them. And what happened at the end? Alpha won.

Now, this is a totally different game. I'm just showing this example so you guys are OPEN MINDED about this. Again, this is just a theory.

Now, I don't want ANYONE to think I'm in Hype's side. The fact is, I don't trust any of you! As much as I know Tim's Mafia I still think Hype, 77, Coolio, Road or even Sam can be Mafia as well. I don't trust anyone but myself. The only person I trusted a little bit more was Ender but now he's gone.

And now that I mention Endersteve, did you all noticed how Endersteve was against Timdood the last day and now he's gone? Yeah, just something to consider.

Okay, something I've learned about playing Mafia is that whenever there's a will written, long and believable post your brain automatically thinks "Yes. He's right in everything". And you practically get blinded by it.

Listen to me everyone, the fact that there could be a post that you think fits everything, DOESN'T mean that it's true. As well as Town can come up with very believable posts, Mafia CAN do the exact same thing. Very very easily.

Putting too much trust in someone is the worst mistake you can do in this game. You always need to be suspicious of everyone. If you're trusting someone 100% then you really don't know how to play this game.


I want to address Tim's post now.

Notice how Tim is labeling me as the Stalker. I'm an easy target to be labeled with such role because my role (Commuter) does practically nothing but go away every night. So I can't really prove I'm the Commuter since my role doesn't really give me much evidence to make people believe in me. (Like other roles which are easy to prove you're that role you're really talking about). Why not someone else? Well, since apparently Ender was the NewsPaper Guy he investigated several people. Digital (Road), Sam, etc. With Digi it came out she used her ability or whatever with Duffie and with Sam it came out nothing. <---- That means they can't be stalkers. Since Ender would've probably received a different message. Tim's not going to blame 77 as well, since he prove he could use his ability. And then there's Coolio and Hype which I just don't see them being blamed by that. Coolio's inside an inn with Sam and 77 I think? So thayt's too risky. So that leaves me! I think I was never even investigated by Ender either? And let's remember Ender didn't investigated Tim either I think. So that make's it easy for Tim. I'm not part of any inn and I always go away every night. I'm basically a loner who's an easy target to blame.

"But Ansoro. How does Tim knows all these stuff then?" <-----Easy. Timdood can be the Stalker himself. Or even it could've been someone else who is still alive or dead already. Notice how Tim says every stalker's investiagtion but then he stops and says: "And past that point Ansoro stopped sharing his investigations because they became insignificant, as we already knew everyone's roles." He said how "I stopped sharing investigations". That's an easy excuse when you no longer have the Stalker on your team since it was maybe killed already? Because if I were to be Mafia I would STILL investigate people and share the information. Because you never know if people are telling the truth about their roles.

It's very very very easy to come up with a "clever" post when you know all these information. Also, Tim had to his advantage that people's roles are not shown when they die. Which that's great for mafia but it sucks for us town. He's saying how GmK, Swate and Storm were mafia. And describing all their roles with their respective names. People, open your eyes. Anyone can do the same thing. No one knows what their true roles or name were so it's way too easy to come up with everything and fool everyone.

In my honest opinion I think there's probably 2-3 Mafia left. One of them I now know it's Timdood. if I had to guess who the other can be it would be either HypeBurst (Since I still think in my theory) or Cooliorules. (Simply because she immediately believed Tim without really using her brain. And she was like "Um yes, Now that I think about it, Ansoro can pull out a mafia role). Like what the hell? Anyone in this game can pull out a mafia role! That's not evena good reason. You never ever had suspicious on me the entire game but now you're like "Yes yes. Ansoro's guilty too." That's seems way too Bandwagony and sketchy to me.

And people, let's remember something. Claiming Traitor is an easy thing to do. Because you're palying both sides. So people might not really see you as a real target since you might "help" the town.

This is what I think, there's NO traitor in this game. I believe the fact that the traitor knew who all the mafia were is completely silly and idiotic. (But that's just me).

And another thing I think people haven't brought it up yet, Tim's saying how he can win if he's the last one remaining next to town. BUT, does that mean us town win as well? Or just Tim? Because it's easy to say he's winning with all of us. But we don't know that for sure.


I need to end this.

Again, think before you act. Don't be fooled so easily. Don't trust people so fast in this game because that's how games usually end fast. Think.

Instead of reading something and believing in it quickly, come up with your own theories and ideas first.

If you really think about it, Tim's post can be made up very easily. (Not saying GmK, Swate and Storm were not mafia. Probably some of them were, but again, it's easy information he can use to come up with this).

Right now the only person who I think we should lynch because we now know 100% he's mafia is Timdood3. He keeps saying how he IS mafia but he's not an "evil" one. Do we know that people? No we don't.

So are we going to risk and lynch someone who might or might not be mafia instead of someone we have right in front of us telling us he is?

This is an easy decision to me since I KNOW for a fact he's mafia. Simply because he's lying about me and falsly accusing me. But I can't say the same for you all.

I'm speaking the truth here. It just depends on you what you'll do about it. But make sure it's YOU the one making the decision and not get influences by others. Again, think people. Please.

Last but not least,

Vote Timdood3


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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First of all I always dislike how people pair me up with others. (In this case HypeBurst). This reminds me, back in previous seasons, when people were freaking pairing me up with Road and whatever Road did was going to affect me. You want to judge my game? Then judge me individually.
No one is judging you based off of Hype's actions, you two are being paired because you're both pirates.
No one knows that except Mafia) blaming everything on ME? The reasons I came up with were: 1.) Since my role prevents me from dying almost every night then they/he/she can't really kill me. They can try, but it's a risk I doubt they're willing to take. So what's their/his/her only option? Get me lynched.
You say your role keeps you from dying and that the only way for you to die is by lynch. Wouldn't it be much easier to simply ignore you? For the most part, you've been pretty quiet, and if you were town, I wouldn't see you as a threat to mafia.
I have another theory. What if this is just a plan to sacrifice a real mafia in order for us town to gain Tim's trust in this game. Let me explain myself a little bit better, for this theory I'm thinking Tim and HypeBurst are Mafia. They made this plan where Hype was going to volunteer to get lynched. That way the next day the game will probably continue since Hype was indeed Mafia. But now Tim gains everybody's trust. So obviously people will be like "Tim was right! So if he was right about Hype then Ansoro's mafia too!". He'll continue doing that until he wins the game. Why? Because people were blinded by it's "Heroic" but false act.
So what you're saying is: Tim+Hype are mafia. There are seven players left. Tim busses Hype. Next day, there are five players and Tim is the only remaining pirate. Could you explain how one pirate could even hope to win the game against four townies?
And now that I mention Endersteve, did you all noticed how Endersteve was against Timdood the last day and now he's gone? Yeah, just something to consider.
So you're saying that because he was against me, and is now dead that I must be a pirate. News flash: I am...How many times must I say it? He's dead because you two thought he had the most influence over the town. I said already, people who thought I was evil were sort of right because I was acting semi-evil to fit in with the pirates (it's not the easiest thing to do while plotting against them).
Notice how Tim is labeling me as the Stalker. I'm an easy target to be labeled with such role because my role (Commuter) does practically nothing but go away every night. So I can't really prove I'm the Commuter since my role doesn't really give me much evidence to make people believe in me.
According to you, the others that could have been chosen are: Samlen, Coolio, Road, or 77. Samlen and Coolio are both vanilla townies, and 77 is the already proven party host. That leaves Road. Who is literally unkillable at night. Wouldn't it make more sense to be lynching him? His role is the bigger threat, so if what you say is true, why would I go for you?
Notice how Tim says every stalker's investigation but then he stops and says: "And past that point Ansoro stopped sharing his investigations because they became insignificant, as we already knew everyone's roles." He said how "I stopped sharing investigations". That's an easy excuse when you no longer have the Stalker on your team since it was maybe killed already? Because if I were to be Mafia I would STILL investigate people and share the information. Because you never know if people are telling the truth about their roles.
We already knew everyone's roles, so why would you share unless your investigation came up with something other than what they claimed? Since you stopped talking about your investigations altogether until last night, I figured you'd just stopped since there was a chance of Ender finding you out. Would you rather I lie and just make up some investigations?
And people, let's remember something. Claiming Traitor is an easy thing to do. Because you're playing both sides. So people might not really see you as a real target since you might "help" the town.
Why would I be doing any of this if I was working towards a mafia victory? I'm not playing both sides. I'm playing for the town. Just because I count among your numbers doesn't mean I'm one of you.
So are we going to risk and lynch someone who might or might not be mafia instead of someone we have right in front of us telling us he is?
So there are only a few scenarios left for this game:
I'm lynched: I lose guaranteed, and one side is going to win.
Hype&Ansoro are lynched: The town wins, and I with them.
Samlen/77/Road/Coolio is lynched: The mafia wins.

And I'm just going to take a moment to remind everyone that both Hype and Ansoro were on the Samlen vote.


Jan 23, 2012
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No one is judging you based off of Hype's actions, you two are being paired because you're both
No. We are being paired because YOU are saying we're pirates.

You say your role keeps you from dying and that the only way for you to die is by lynch. Wouldn't it be much easier to simply ignore you? For the most part, you've been pretty quiet, and if you were town, I wouldn't see you as a threat to mafia.
Not really. Ignoring someone is not a solution. It all depends on how many mafia there are still on the game. If there's just you or 1 more then of course you'll need to eventually lynch me. Unless you're willing to leave me last, which it's not happening since you're targeting me right now. And no, you're coming for me and not for Road simply because Ender kind of proved Digi/Road is speaking the truth about her/his role. So your plan would fail completely. But not with me, because I don't have something to prove that my role is real. So yes, you can easily leave Road till the end and get me lynched.

So what you're saying is: Tim+Hype are mafia. There are seven players left. Tim busses Hype. Next day, there are five players and Tim is the only remaining pirate. Could you explain how one pirate could even hope to win the game against four townies?
It depends on how many Mafia there are left at this point. I mentioned this theory with the objective of letting everyone know several options that can happen right now. We need as many options as possible. Not only yours.

So you're saying that because he was against me, and is now dead that I must be a pirate. News flash: I am...How many times must I say it? He's dead because you two thought he had the most influence over the town. I said already, people who thought I was evil were sort of right because I was acting semi-evil to fit in with the pirates (it's not the easiest thing to do while plotting against them).
Tim, again. Saying "Hype and Ansoro are Mafia" is not a valid statement. I can easily say "Road and Sam are Mafia" and make up some silly story like you're doing right now. Your words are not bigger than mine or anyone else's.

The fact that Ender died DOES alarm me. Because he was against you. I'm not using this statement to blame everything on you but it's something we all need to take in consideration and not ignore it.

According to you, the others that could have been chosen are: Samlen, Coolio, Road, or 77. Samlen and Coolio are both vanilla townies, and 77 is the already proven party host. That leaves Road. Who is literally unkillable at night. Wouldn't it make more sense to be lynching him? His role is the bigger threat, so if what you say is true, why would I go for you?
What are you saying? I said Sam, Coolio, Road and 77 CAN'T be chosen to be labeled at Stalker. I gave my reasoning already. Read them.

Oh and Tim, how do you know for sure that Road is unkillable at night? Because as you said in the previous Stalker's Investigations, you never said Digitalmez was investigated. So how are you so sure about it?

We already knew everyone's roles, so why would you share unless your investigation came up with something other than what they claimed? Since you stopped talking about your investigations altogether until last night, I figured you'd just stopped since there was a chance of Ender finding you out. Would you rather I lie and just make up some investigations?
Stop saying "we". And this is complete bullcrap. How would you know everyone else's roles if the supposed stalker never shared it's last investagtions? It's VERY different people claiming their role (Which can be true or false). Everything you're saying about me "supposedly doing" it's actually you doing it. But instead you're grabbing me as as a puppet.

And I'm just going to take a moment to remind everyone that both Hype and Ansoro were on the Samlen vote.
And sorry but, what are you talking about? I was never against Samlen. I even never voted for him. In fact, you did. Not me. So don't even say that.

Again, we have Tim who is 100% Mafia. Are we seriously going to lynch someone who might or might not be mafia instead of someone who we know for a fact that is? If we lynch Tim it's a win-win thing for us town.

Think about it this way, EVEN if Hype and I are Mafia (This is an example) you already know all the information Tim had to say. You can now get rid off him and IF you believe in Tim then you can lynch Hype and myself next. (Just trying to prove a point that Tim's no longer useful. And it's a huge risk for us to keep Tim till the end.) You can't possible trust him.


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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Also something interesting to note about Coolio, (this isn't a reason why you should believe in her) is that she has been a vanilla townie in like every game. Except for the Bloody Masquerade where she was an assassin ninja tracker(?) and killed by the other mafia N1. Poor Coolio.
No that isnt something "interesting to note" actually. I know you said this isnt a reason to believe her but then why do you need to bring it up? Talking about past roles is completely unneeded and irrelevant. That just feels more like you are grasping for straws to make her seem innocence, even though her actions

Timdood's role balances out the fact that we don't know the roles of people who die.
How could anything balance out what he is claiming to be his role? There is literally no way that could ever be balanced, Do I have to spell out what his role is again? Nothing could ever come close to balances out that overpowered claim.

If this is a ploy, then Tim deserves to win.
Are you fucking joking? "haha he made a completely unbelievable post about this superpowered role, lol idc I think he should win lol". I know you have been on the verge of giving up in this game, but dont force your giving up on us just because he made up a 'cool' ploy. If I had come out and said "Im the King of Unicorn Island, vote Timdood" do I deserve to win? Both of those claims are equally as unfathomable. Honestly it just angers me that you would put this in your reasons.

I trust Tim over Hype and Ansoro combined.
Well I dont know where your trust stands on anyone so I cant argue this so meh.

I trust coolio 100% and Hype says that she is mafia.
You said before, you trusted her on her claim, and what was her claim? A Villager. Im sorry but how is claiming villager something that makes you go "I TRUST HER 100%". A role she has nothing to explain and no questions to answer, the easiest role to fake. How do you get trust from that? If its because she managed to claim a T name that wasnt Samlens then I would like to direct you to a a website called "google" here you will find a vast variety of T names that fit your claim faking needs. Theres like 1092091 T names in the world, it would be almost impossible to claim the one that Samlen actually is.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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No that isnt something "interesting to note" actually. I know you said this isnt a reason to believe her but then why do you need to bring it up? Talking about past roles is completely unneeded and irrelevant. That just feels more like you are grasping for straws to make her seem innocence, even though her actions
I'm not trying to defend her innocence with that, it was just something interesting that I had noticed.


Jan 23, 2012
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My bad. I was in a hurry to finish the post and didn't go back to check.
Uh no. I don't believe this. You're just desperate at this point. If you were to be the traitor you would've doubl check before pointing fingers at me. This is a huge thing.

And let me remind ALL of you how all the Samlen's vote went.

First of al Cooliorules was the second one to vote for him. She's ALWAYS bandwagoning every single vote.

Then this is where it got weird. There was a sudden Bandwagon consisting of Gmk then Hype then Timdood and then Storm.

So my question is, Timdood, if your only way to win mafia was to win with town then WHY did you "hammered" the vote? Because all these seems like you're contradicitng yourself. YOU were the one who was against Sam. YOU voted for him. YOU wanted him dead.

Not me.


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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ansoro2112 I had made a post earlier that day stating I was trying to understand the whole Samlen thing. I was reading on my phone the highly dramatic and biased version I got from Coolio in the main thread of the tumbleweed test that looking back seems rather harmless. I wanted to wait until I got home so I could type my vote on the computer rather than my phone. After Tim hammered the vote and Storm made another vote underneath it, I knew I had a huge mistake and was the first to point it out the next day.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Uh no. I don't believe this. You're just desperate at this point. If you were to be the traitor you would've doubl check before pointing fingers at me. This is a huge thing.

And let me remind ALL of you how all the Samlen's vote went.

First of al Cooliorules was the second one to vote for him. She's ALWAYS bandwagoning every single vote.

Then this is where it got weird. There was a sudden Bandwagon consisting of Gmk then Hype then Timdood and then Storm.

So my question is, Timdood, if your only way to win mafia was to win with town then WHY did you "hammered" the vote? Because all these seems like you're contradicitng yourself. YOU were the one who was against Sam. YOU voted for him. YOU wanted him dead.

Not me.
What makes you think I'm desperate? I was working to finish the post before I had to leave, and so I didn't have time to check the vote count.

And I've explained my vote on Samlen the morning after it happened: There was nothing I could do to defend him, and so I went with the mafia's plan, as going against it surely would have gotten me killed. As you know, there was quite a lot of pressure on me from the mafia to not do anything rash against them.

Alright, it's taken me like 20 minutes of searching, but I've finally located the list of people, in order, the voted Sam: Ender, Coolio, GmK, Hype, Tim, Storm.

And you would have been next, had Coolio not voted.

And to Hype's post about 77:
Can I just say that when he voted GmK all he posted was
meh for now
vote GmK
And nobody bats an eye.

But now that it's on you, you feel the need to call him on his short voting posts. I mean, at least he included reasons this time.

But for now I'm just going to wait for the rest of the town to respond. I'll answer any and all questions, but I see no point in arguing with Ansoro and Hype any longer.


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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Timdood3 Answer Ansoro's question. Why would you hammer a vote on someone you knew as innocent if you cant win with mafia, essentially sealing your loss? Dont just say you are done listening to him or me for that matter, because you dont have an answer.

And for the 77 point, I noticed the reason of "Tim deserves to win" and I had to point it out. After reading his other "reasons" I found faults in those too and pointed them out. Im currently on 3/4 votes to lynch and when someone jumps on with that kind of argument, thats the difference between 77s vote for me and 77s vote for GmK


Jan 23, 2012
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What makes you think I'm desperate? I was working to finish the post before I had to leave, and so I didn't have time to check the vote count.

And I've explained my vote on Samlen the morning after it happened: There was nothing I could do to defend him, and so I went with the mafia's plan, as going against it surely would have gotten me killed. As you know, there was quite a lot of pressure on me from the mafia to not do anything rash against them.

Alright, it's taken me like 20 minutes of searching, but I've finally located the list of people, in order, the voted Sam: Ender, Coolio, GmK, Hype, Tim, Storm.

And you would have been next, had Coolio not voted.

And to Hype's post about 77:
Can I just say that when he voted GmK all he posted was

And nobody bats an eye.

But now that it's on you, you feel the need to call him on his short voting posts. I mean, at least he included reasons this time.

But for now I'm just going to wait for the rest of the town to respond. I'll answer any and all questions, but I see no point in arguing with Ansoro and Hype any longer.
It's about time for me to get out my sassy attitude.

At this point making mistakes and contradicting yourself is what we need to pay attention to. And that's exactly what you just did. "I needed to leave" blah blah blah. No darling. Bullcrap everywhere.

Timdood, you are not making sense at all! So you ust gave up? Because ther was nothing else to do? I don't believe that at all. You freaking hammered the vote! You couldn't care less if Sam was going to get lynched! Because the truth is, you are not a traitor!

And don't you dare say I would've voted for Sam if Coolio wouldn't have voted. You DON'T know that because you don't freaking know what's going on my head! That's the most lame and stupid statement I've seen next to 77 and his silly reasoning behind every vote in this season.

Yes, 77, I'm talking to you. Your reasons have been incredibly stupid. The reason why I haven't really been against you was simply because that ability of yours saved your ass. But besides that you haven't helped us town in nothing. And saying "Lol yolo swag Tim deserves to win #whatthehelliamdoing". Please stop! Not helping at all!

And Tim, it took you 20 minutes to find the order of Sam's votes? Damn. I found that in less than a minute.

And Tim, we are not arguing. The others that haven't voted are going to base their votes on what we're talking right now. So no, you are not going to ignore me. Unless you no longer have how to defend yourself.

And please, just like Hype said. Asnwer my question.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Timdood3 Answer Ansoro's question. Why would you hammer a vote on someone you knew as innocent if you cant win with mafia, essentially sealing your loss? Dont just say you are done listening to him or me for that matter, because you dont have an answer.
1) I didn't hammer, stop saying that I did. Storm dropped the hammer, not me.
2) Again, I voted because there was nothing I could've done. I direct you towards the first time...This is what, the sixth time I've answered this?
To be honest, I had taken on a defeatist attitude, thinking that "Eh, he might be scum. If he is, great. If he's not, well...We don't have many other leads, and the game will end anyway."
The days may have gone on, but that doesn't change the reasoning at all. Notice the "defeatist attitude" remark. I knew there was nothing I could do, so I opted to put myself out of my misery. That didn't happen, now we're here.
At this point making mistakes and contradicting yourself is what we need to pay attention to. And that's exactly what you just did. "I needed to leave" blah blah blah. No darling. Bullcrap everywhere.
I made a mistake in saying that you voted for Samlen. I don't mind admitting that. But what are contradictions of which you speak? And I needed to leave...Real life takes priority over this game, and I posted it in haste.


Jan 23, 2012
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1) I didn't hammer, stop saying that I did. Storm dropped the hammer, not me.
I know you didn't hammer. I'm saying you did because you basically were the last one. We all know it was Storm but still. The point is I see Sam's votes as a huge BandWagon.

2) Again, I voted because there was nothing I could've done. I direct you towards the first time...This is what, the sixth time I've answered this?
But here's where I don't get it. It's too hard for me to believe this. Sam needed just 2 more votes to get lynched. There's enough time to do something about it. IF I were to be a traitor and my winning condition is to win with town then I would be doing ANYTHING to stop the vote. But the thing is, you didn't do anything. You kept your suspicious for Sam that day and then you voted for him. Without any effor whatsoever to try and stop it.

I made a mistake in saying that you voted for Samlen. I don't mind admitting that. But what are contradictions of which you speak? And I needed to leave...Real life takes priority over this game, and I posted it in haste.
I understand that but I don't believe it. Mistakes are what leads us to the truth. We're all waiting for some kind of slip. We're always hoping for that.

Do you understand what I'm tryng to say? It's really way too hard to believe you're the Traitor when you tried to get Sam lynched without even trying tos top it. And that's when I say you're contradicting yourself.


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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oops I made a counting error when I was checking if what Ansoro was saying was true, I misunderstood his meaning of his hammer statement. My bad my bad.

But looking back you hardly even tried to help Samlen at all, when you made that second to last vote.

So, I've been thinking about this, and it just...doesn't really add up in my opinion. Samlen, you said that you asked Coolio for her role name, Tumbleweed, in order to see if she was fake claiming...However, you also said the following.

I've seen no evidence that "a lot of people" assumed that all vanilla townies were "Tumbleweed X,"
but that's somewhat unimportant.

What is important is that I get from this is that you don't believe Coolio's claim, even after she passed the "Tumbleweed Test."
Why give her the test, if you were only going to not believe her anyway?
And Samlen asking for Coolio's role name before claiming struck me as incredibly wrong....I just didn't get to be the first to point it out because I was asleep and Ender wasn't :p
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