Survivor Tuvalu


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Ansoro2112 i am the true winner of the door challenge as while i exploded you never said that i died
furthermore, i wasn't listed in the death list
this means that i am immortal, and am obviously completely exempt from death in the future
no, it just means you were so insignificant that it was pointless to make any further note of you


Jan 23, 2012
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Duel Results

The 10th Survivor voted ou of Survivor Tuvalut is... Fruit

Which means, 755someone755 Enderfive and Timdood3 are safe.


For their Duel they had to imagine that they were the owners of a circus. And they needed to invite people to come to their show. Their job was to come up with 1 sentence convicning people to come to your show.

The most convincing one would win. It needed to rhyme as well.


Enderfive's Sentence:

"We have lions and dogs and cats and bears, all of them happily dancing in pairs;
there's jugglers and acrobats, magicians and clowns, so why don't you come see the best circus in town?"

-He had the best one. He included so many things that would easily grab people's attention.

755someone755's Sentence:

"Come see our circus, all!, see monkeys brawl, and elephants crawl, we promise you’ll have a ball!"

-This was the second best. What I liked about Ender and 775's sentence is that they included what they were going to have in their show. Which that's clever.

Timdood3's Sentence:

"Come see the show; your mind it will blow!"

-Eh. I wasn't too crazy about this one. There's nothing that really grabs my attention. It seems far from original.

Fruit's Sentence:

"Come out to my circus, I promise it will leave you wordless."

-But it was Fruit's boring one that lost. His biggest error was that it didn't even rhyme. (Fruit, I even told you to make sure it rhymes and you still didn't do it) If you would've put a little bit more work on this and made it rhyme, you would've probably beat Timdood3.


Fruit, you're joining Aika in Exile Island. You might still have a chance to return to the game. So stay in touch.

You can say one last statement if you wish.

Fruit, Wink's wish came true.

10 down. 16 left.


Okay, Tribes are back up!

I'll work on the New Challenge!



Jan 23, 2012
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The TV Challenge

For this Challenge, your job will be to come up with a completely new Reality TV Show.

The 2 most appealing and most-likely to succeed show, will win immunity. While the other Tribe will be sent to Tribal Council.

I'll have people outside the game voting for these Shows.

This is what I'll be looking for:

-Reality TV Show's Name
-Objective of the Show
-Describe/Explain to me how it works


It must be original. Which means, never seen before. So if you copy another show out there, you won't be winning this Challenge.

Talk about it in your Tribe PM.

Good Luck!



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The TV Challenge Results

Let me just say that this was one of the hardest Challenges to judge so far.

But we finally have our two winners.

The winners are... Spoopermin and Literally The Worst!

Congratulations Infected_Alien8_, 755someone755, 77thShad, Mythelf, Nitasu987, Ooglie101, Enderfive, CaffeinatedKitty, Chronosstar524, FoxMccloud64 and French_Fries! Your Tribe has won immunity and you're all safe from elimination.


Spoopermin's Idea: (Created by Infected_Alien8_)

Name: Two-Slash Prison
Objective: Survive the prison and win the cash prize (2 winners)
Explained: 15 contestants are chosen. 5 are randomly selected to be on the guard team. The others areprisoners. The prisoners live in pairs, 2 per cell. For the majority of the day these cells are open and theprisoners can freely roam around the cell area, interacting with each other. Guards can also enter and interact. At night time, however, all prisoners are locked in their cell.
The guard team live in their own quarters together and have a large selection of food. They must provide each prisoner with 3 meals a day, minimum half a can of beans per meal (breakfast, lunch and tea/dinner). This selection of food is also for themselves. It has a variety of food types - luxurious food, but of limited amount, and not so luxurious food. If this three-meal-a-day requirement is not met, allguards will receive a 'Slash' (see later). Three times a day, one guard is selected to be the 'Warden' and assigned a task. This task will be an order for one or a selection of prisoners to perform an act. This can be something simple, like "do 50 press ups" or embarrassing like "Strip to your boxer shorts and dance". The Warden must ensure that this task is completed, and if it is not - if a prisoner refuses or theWarden does not enforce the task - the Warden receives a 'Slash'. Two slashes and that contestant is out. A contestant can only be a Warden once per day. The tasks assigned vary.
If a prisoner refuses to accomplish the set task, the guards must punish them in any way they see fit (e.g. locked in a cell, beans for dinner, press ups etc.). If that prisoner is not punished, a slash will be assigned to the current Warden.
Guards may help ensure the Warden's task is complete.
Prisoners may decide they dislike a certain guard and refuse their orders to kick him out of the game. Or a guard may have to give a horrible order and prisoners may refuse.
If a guard is sent out of the game (two slashes), they lose and miss out on the cash prize and one prisoner is randomly selected to become a guard replacement and the game continues.
As tensions rise, as guards choose the prisoner's food compared to their own, give out unfair punishments for disliked prisoners and have to give horrific commands, alliances within the prison may forge and enemies will be made.
guards can also command a "lockdown" - all prisoners are locked in their cells for three hours. This can be used once a week. Obviously this would most likely be met with dislike towards the current guardteam by the prisoners...
When there are only three prisoners and five guards left, the three prisoners vote two of the guardsout. The remaining six contestants are randomly paired guard-prisoner and have to compete in these three teams for the large cash prize. This involves physical and mental challenges. The pair that wins in the end wins the cash.
This reality tv show creates a lot of situations where making the right friends is key - make an enemy with the wrong person and your life in the prison could be made hell. Guards can order prisoners to do anything they please at any time and give out punishments if these are not met (however giving out punishments is only required if it is a set task for the Warden).
Throughout the show prisoners may be given secret bonus roles, such as "food trader" where they are given one "food card" to give to a fellow prisoner which ensures they have a nice meal that day. Again, this can create alliances or cause relationship problems and arguments.
Alliances will form, plans will be devised and even in the finale a prisoner may strongly dislike his guardpartner enough to make them pay for the embarrassment or shortage of food that the guard gave them and lose the game purposefully!
The show would be on every day until it ends.
In between selected scenes of footage a host would entertain the audience. The challenged set to the guards are sent though a computer screen and is given no voice.

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->[/BCOLOR] This was the most popular idea out of the 3. With 53 votes in total. People liked this idea firstly because ANYONE from any age can watch it. It's original, funny and there's a lot of things going on. They thought it wouldn't be a boring show at all. It would keep you entertain, which is what Reality TV Shows should do.

Literally The Worst's Idea: (Created by Enderfive)

The Geek Week

Starting next Tuesday night on TLC, The Geek Week is a show about the smartest, hottest, nerdiest geeks who are thrown into the real world, where they must find their own means of survival. Experience life through their eyes with the innovative "on-forehead-cameras", which will be attached to each of the contestants - you guessed it - foreheads for a better insight at what these people are going through daily in an unfamiliar environment. There will be love, drama, romance and betrayals as each of the contestants struggles for the grand prize: 10,000 US dollars and the coveted title of the Grand Geek. And yet they must stay true to their nature, as at the end of the season, points will not be awarded only for adaption, but for staying true to the geek way as well.

Who will win the smaller prize of 1,000 dollars and the title of the Geek of the Week at the end of each show? And who will win the Grand Prize? Whose toes - or glasses - must he (or she) step on for that?

Find out next Tuesday at 9 PM EST on TLC.

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->[/BCOLOR]This idea got 24 votes. They liked the idea of seeing "misfits" leaving their comfort zone and stepping out to the real world. They thought it might be entertaining. But some said they were not sure IF it would last that much. They still like the idea of them staying true to themselves. They said that was very clever.

Dejavu's Idea: (Created by Timdood3)

Name: Social Inter-factions

The game starts with twelve players. Four from each principle part of the internet: Forums, community boards, and blogging.

Which is to say....
Reddit (+other popular multi-purpose forums) to have an informed and well rounded group.
4chan because what better to make it funny than the crudest part of the internet?
Tumblr because our teenage girl viewers need some of their feminazi trigger-warned heroes, and everyone else needs a group to focus their hate onto.

A good portion of the show is just showing how the three groups interact, but it also has a survivor-esque aspect to it. They're not on a desert island or anything, but one by one they will be sent home by means of a lottery.

Think of it like this: Instead of players casting votes and the person with the most votes leaves, one vote = one copy of their name in the lottery.

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->[/BCOLOR] This one was the lowest one with 12 votes. The main problem with this show was that it's directed to people of a certain age. Not necessarily kids/adults/elderly/. I had to explain to them what exactly was Reddit and 4Chan. While the idea itself isn't that bad, people thought it wouldn't last long. People said that perhaps instead of making it people from different parts of the internet, it could've been like people from different values/religion/ etc. Something that the public would understand a bit better. And they also thought the idea was not that original as the other two.


Which means... Dejavu lost.

I'll need you guys to send me a PM with the name of TWO Survivors you wish to send to the Duel.

Survivors in Danger: Wink BiggestKirbyFan Hunter Jivvi Timdood3

Good Luck.



Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
goddammit still not getting alerts. will try to unwatch/rewatch.

Also, do me a favor and vote these fine people on to next Season of Surivor IRL!!
Males: Mike, Max, Joe, Woo, Spencer, Vytas, Troyzan, Stephen, Terry, and Shane.
Females: Shirin, Kelley, Kelly, Ciera, Abi-Maria, Stephanie, Mikayla, Natalie, Monica, and Peih-Gee.
Just go to and vote! Let's get these guys back on!!!


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Tribal Council

The Survivors who received the most votes against and will be in danger of leaving the island are... Jivvi qnd BiggestKirbyFan

Jivvi received 4 votes.
BiggestKirbyFan received 3 votes.
Wink received 2 votes.
Timdood3 received 1 vote.


Duel #8

Jivvi VS. BiggestKirbyFan

I'll PM you both with the Duel's details. You two have managed to survive several Duels. But now one of you will be voted out.

Good Luck.​