Survivor Tuvalu


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Duel Results

The 11th Survivor voted out of Survivor Tuvalu is... Jivvi

Which means, @biggetkirbyfan you are safe once again. You're destroying these Duels! You can return to your Tribe.


They had to come up with 1 sentence convincing people to help those in need (Poor people)

BiggestKirbyFan's Sentence:

"If you see a person in need, don't proceed, do a good deed."

-> Simple. Great rhyme. Easy to understand.

Jivvi's Sentence:

"It might seem hard to help those hard done, but it's easy to make change if you can spare some."

-> It's kind of confusing to get at first. Kirby's is much better.


Jivvi, you're heading to Exile Island next to Aika and Fruit where you might still have a chance yo return to the game. So stay in touch.

You can say one last statement if you wish.

Jivvi, the Tribe has spoken.

11 down. 15 left.



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
I'll be working on the New Challenge!


So far:

Heroes Left: 3

Villains Left: 2

Neutrals Left: 4

Newbies Left: 6

-> You would think the Newbies would be the ones to be out first. But look at them. They're dominating over the veterans! And keep in mind that if MrRockMan wouldn't have left the game, they still would've have their numbers intact.

-> Then there's the Neutrals. Always in the middle. They're doing okay.

-> Heroes lost half of their team. But the other half is still alive.

-> Villains are the ones struggling. Only 2 left.


I wonder who'll be the ones in the Top 3.

We'll see.​


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Smarty Bubbles Challenge

Very simple game. Click this link and play this game:

The 2 Tribes with the highest scores will win immunity. While the other one will be heading to Tribal Council.

You can try the game as many times as you wish. But make sure you post a screenshot of your score. Or else I won't count it.

Use your Tribe PM for this.

Good Luck.



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Smarty Bubbles Results

The winners of this Challenge are... Spoopermin and Dejavu!

Spoopermin is in a roll! And Dejavu finally won a Challenge!

Congratulations, 77thShad, Mythelf, 755someone755, Ooglie101, Nitasu987, Infected, BiggestKirbyFan, Timdood3, Wink and Hunter!

You've won immunity and are safe from Elimination.


Spoopermin's Score:


->Mythelf got this amazing score! Giving Spoopermin 1st place and their victory.

Dejavu's Score:


->BiggestKirbyFan got this score. Not even close to Mythelf's but it works.

Literally The Worst's Score:


->FoxMccloud64 got this score. Not enough.


Which means, Literally The Worst are the losers of this Challenge.

You need to now send me by PM the name of 2 Survivors you wish to send to the Duel.

Survivors in Danger: CaffeinatedKitty ChronosStar524 Enderfive FoxMccloud64 French_Fries

Good Luck.​


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Important Announcement

Production: Ansoro.

Ansoro: Ugh. What now. What do you need?

Production: Um... Remember those poison berries that are scattered all over the island?

Ansoro: The ones we talked about before starting this game? Yes I do. What about it?

Production: Did you tell the Survivors not to eat them?

Ansoro: Hmmm. I might've left out that small detail. But I'm sure they're smart enough to stay away from them.

Production: I'm afraid it's too late.

Ansoro: What do you mean?

Production: As you know the Survivors are starving out there. And French_Fries decided to go for a walk and he stumbled upon these berries... And... well... we found him laying on the ground. Suffering. He died seconds later.

Ansoro: ARE YOU SERIOUS? HE'S SO INCONSIDERATE! He's risking my job as a Host! If the news get ahold of this we'll be screwed!

Production: Any ideas?

Ansoro: Yes. First, I need more hairspray. Second, bury the body. And tell the Survivors he had to leave due to stomach illness.

Production: Yes sir. BRING THE SHOVELS, GUYS!


French_Fries is currently busy with a lot of stuff. Thereofre he's leaving Survivor Tuvalu.

Which means, there won't any voting.

ChronosStar524, Enderfive, FoxMccloud64 and CaffeinatedKitty are all safe.


French_Fries, you can say one last statement if you wish.

The BERRIES have spoken. 1 more Hero down.

12 down. 14 left.



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Good News

Remember when I said that the Jury was going to be the ones that get 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th place? Well, I'm going to be nice for once and say that from now on the Survivors that get voted out will be forming the Jury.

Meaning that I'm going to open 1 or 2 more spots in the Jury. (Depending on who wins Exile Island. Because if Fruit, Jivvi or Aika wins, then there are going to be 12 Jury spots in total. If someone else wins it, then there's going to be just 11)

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]So in other words... Congratualtions to all of you! You've made it to the Jury![/BCOLOR]

So be careful from now on who and how you're voting someone out. Because those Survivors are going to be the ones choosing the winner at the end.

I made this sudden change because I truly feel that the remaining Survivors are very invested in the game. And it's only fair to give them a chance to at least be part of the Jury. You have all gone through a lot in the game so far, so you'll have a good judgement on your final choice.

Just please, no more deaths.

From now on, game gets MUCH harder. Only the good ones remain.


I'll be working on the New Challenge.
