Survivor Tuvalu


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Once Upon A Time Challenge

For this Challenge you'll have to use your creativity.

As a Tribe, you're going to come up with a 6 sentence mini story. But here's the catch. You'll have to use these words somewhere in the story: Onion, Mermaid and BOOM. (You need to use them at least once)

The other rule is that the story must rhyme. You can go for scary, cute or funny story. Your choice.

I'll be evaluating the use of the 3 words I gave you. The rhymes. And the story as a whole.

Be original and creative!

The best stories as a whole will win immunity. While the other one will be heading to Tribal Council.

Good Luck!​


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Once Upon A Time Challenge Results

The winners for this Challenge are... Literally The Worst and Spoopermin!

So congratulations, Enderfive, CaffeinatedKitty, FoxMccloud64, ChronosStar524, Ooglie101, Mythelf, Nitasu987, Infected_Alien8_ and 755someone755.

Your Tribe won immunity and you're all safe from elimination.


Literally The Worst's Story: (By Enderfive)

A mermaid once lived under the sea,
she liked cake and cookies and afternoon tea.
Oh, she was pretty
and she also liked knitting,
but friends she found lacking under the sea.

One day a ship sailed above over the waves
as the mermaid was knitting her way through her days.
The ship carried cannons
and onions in barrels
and the mermaid thought the onions would brighten her days,

because onions have layers and cakes have them too
and the mermaid liked cakes so she'd like onions, too.
Then a spark lit the bombs
and the sea became a tomb
when the bombs went off in one harmonic BOOM.

But the onions sunk down below under the sea
as the mermaid was having her afternoon tea
and the mermaid was happy,
she even started clapping,
because now she had onions under the sea.

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->This was the best story as a whole. Good rhymes. Good storyline. Good use of words. Everything about it was great.[/BCOLOR]

Spoopermin's Story: (By Infected_Alien8_)

Every year an onion chopping contest was held in the schoolhouse to win a special toy - this year the prize interested a little boy called Roy.

The prize was in fact a toy mermaid but Roy did not want this himself, it was for his little sister who was not well in her health.

Little Roy chopped and chopped, thinking of his sister, but he chopped so fast and quick that his fingers began to blister.

His eyes filled up with water and he could no longer see, but little Roy was determined to get that prize for his little sister to see.

But his tears blurred his vision and his heart began to boom, and as little Roy could not see, the knife fell on his finger and a scream filled the room.

Little Roy lost his finger that day and his sister did not get the toy, but the very next year when the contest resumed, the winner was announced: little Roy.

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]-> Great story as well. What was so appealing about it was how it started as a cute story and then it turned into a bloody mess and then it had a happy ending. It was very clever. [/BCOLOR]

Dejavu's Story: (By Timdood3)

There was was a boy whose purpose was to aid.
He ventured out to the docks where he met a mermaid.
They grew to love each other as much as an ogre loves onions.
It was going along smoothly and then boom, young ones.
The boy rose them as his own, hoping for one to become a surgeon.
Until one day the real father slapped him with his body, a sturgeon.

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->Good rhymes and use of words too. The story wasn't bad. The end was good (Very funny) But it isn't enough. I know 6 sentences is quite short, but you guys could've tried making it a bit more exciting. It just comes down to not being the best one out of the 3. I feel that if you would've added a bit more and making it more interesting, maybe you guys would've been saved.[/BCOLOR]


Which means, Dejavu, you lost.

Please send me a PM with the name of 2 Survivors you wish to send to the Duel. Careful with those ties! Because the whole Tribe can easily go to the Duel.

Hunter BiggestKirbyFan Timdood3 Wink

One of you will be the last one joining Aika, Fruit and Jivvi in Exile Island.

Good Luck.

Last edited:


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Tribal Council

The Survivors who recieved the most votes agaisnt are... Timdood3 BiggestKirbyFan Hunter and Wink

That's right. The whole Tribe.

BUT WAIT! Hunter decided to use his Hidden Immunity Idol. So every vote cast agasint him won't count. Which means, he's safe from elimination and from going to the Duel.

Which leaves it in a 3-way Duel between Timdood3, BiggestKirbyFan and Wink.


Wink received 2 votes.
Timdood3 received 2 votes.
BiggestKirbyFan received 2 votes.
Hunter received 2 votes.


Duel #9

Wink vs. BiggestKirbyFan vs. Timdood3

I'll PM you three with the Duel's details.

One of you will be the last one to join Aika, Fruit and Jivvi in Exile Island.

Good Luck.


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Duel Results

The 13th Survivor voted out of Survivor Tuvalu is... Wink

Which means, Timdood3 and BiggestKirbyFan are safe from elimination.


They had to come up with a sentence that would convince people to stop deforestation.

Timdood's Sentence:

"Are a few pieces of timber really worth the lives of thousands of exotic species, or may we keep the trees?"

[BCOLOR=#ffcc00]->Best one out of the three. Gives you a valid point to stop deforestaion.[/BCOLOR]

BiggestKirbyFan's Sentence:

"As a nation, let's stop deforestation and end this devastation!"

[BCOLOR=#ffcc00]->Great use of words. Very catchy. But I need more important reasons to it.[/BCOLOR]

Wink's Sentence:

"Trees are mean, lets cut them down nice and clean."



Wink, you're heading to Exile Island next to Aika, Fruit and Jivvi. One of you will be coming back.

You've become the very 1st Member of the Jury (That's if you don't win Exile Island)

You can say one last statement if you wish.

Wink, the Tribe has spoken.

13 down. 12 left.



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Exile Island

That's right! The time has come. Time for one of you to return to the game and get your revenge and second chance to win Survivor Tuvalu.

Production: Ansoro, they're ready to start the Duel.

Ansoro: Good. I can see it in their eyes how long they waited for this moment. They're thirsty for revenge.

Production: Ready?

Ansoro: Yes. May they best one win.


Welcome back, Aika Fruit Jivvi and Wink

I'll PM you 4 with the Duel's details.

This is your LAST chance to come back. So give it your all. Only one of you will triumph while the other three will be out for good.

Good Luck.



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Reuslts are finally ready. This was the toughest Challenge to judge so far. Like I mean it. Every single one of the 4 Survivors did great. It was SO close. I'll be posting them soon. Currently busy with something else.

I think I actually aged 5 more years after judging this particular challenge. Thanks, guys.