OOC Remnants of the Elements Discussion


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
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Heyyyy anyone want to RP an old friend of Marisa's? Only specifics I have are that it's a boy with water powers that used to live in Ciasta but doesn't anymore.
I could try considering I have no idea what to take as a second character/anything. But ofc I'll probably fuck up in 1 out of the 10.000 ways and get everyone mad again. Do you want to be a bit more specific on how this person acts/looks/works?


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
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Idk, Fiesta seems to want to do it all in one go and then stay silent for a month to allow others to catch up, it seems.
> One month (Jeez, you're just like the administration over here)

At least, I myself do not have anything to talk about. You bring up anything if you have it, otherwise we'll just be filling the thread with conversations about the weather.

But seriously, a month? C'mon, people aren't that slow.


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
I fucked up, and immediately covered up the fuckup.

The thaumatology concept I was using was from the SCP-Wiki, and the SCP Wiki uses the Creative Commons 3.0 license. Which would mean this roleplay would immediately inherit that license by using the concept.

As I stated: I fixed it after an hour or so in the support channel talking to a licensing guy, then contacted the author of the thaumatology concept vetoed the license saying it's "Just an arbetrairy magitech concept I made up."

To make clear: no, *otE is not licensed in any way shape or form, and if Fali does decide to license this for god-knows-why we do not run into trouble.

That said, I was planning to make a 'Unified Thaumalogical Theorum' on the guardians and mages of this world, applying thaumatology to *otE without encumbering/changing anything. It'd cover everything. From Magic taints to the EVE being conjured into a flameball into one's fingertips, why guardians can use only a specific element (and why Ross can use two using Dual-Boot soul) to what actually came first, the chicken or the egg.

I'll post it HERE and I'll post a '*otELib' of sorts where I'll possibly allow people to freely submit pages to the library.

*otELib, what is this?
*otELib is a shortening of:
[RG]otE Library
The asterisk (*) in '*otE' is a 'regular expression', in this case it's stands for 'Insert one or more letters here'. *otE effectively denotes GotE, RotE, and any further adaptations to the Guardians series, so you can just take one or more letters, suffix it with 'of the Elements', and the '*otE' still holds up. (Addendum: This happens a lot in computer-science, *NIX denoting UNIX/MINIX, *BSD denoting NetBSD, FreeBSD, etc.)
Now, shitty technucal lessons over, let's continue.

The *otELib will be housed at http://fiestasheep.openshells.net/GLib.html (Page doesn't exist yet, shush. I'll also tinyurl something up later) This effectively allows users to upload essays of places/cities, biographies of characters, and anything else to their liking. Every piece of data can be accessed from a clean, simple, single webpage.

"How do I upload stuff to the *otELib?"
It's simple. What if I said Elementbot is watching you? Not now of course, it's still in a testing/development phase. But it'll be as simple as pie on a stick.

[;Title of page]
[;Shortened URL]
[;Pastebin link (set expiry > 2 hours)]

Elementbot scans this thread hourly, notes your essay down and uploads it to the site, easy as that.

Alternatively, you can SMTP (Psst, E-mail!) something to Elementbot on an e-mail adress I will setup later.

This is all temporary. Next december, my chains will be unbound, allowing me to work on more sophisticated decelopment of web applications, hopefully to the point where you could plug your forum account into the site, and start uploading it normally. IF *otE still lives by then.

Any questions, opinions, ideas or feedback? Please voice them before I make this and everyone says "OMFG THIS IS SHIT". Thank you, for your time.


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
I'd suggest something, or say it's a-okay, but I honestly know shit about programming so I can't :x

But it sounds like a pretty nice idea :) Though I'm a little worried about how there hasn't been any replies... My holiday just started, so I kinda expected more, but there could be something I'm missing here...


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
I'd suggest something, or say it's a-okay, but I honestly know shit about programming so I can't :x

But it sounds like a pretty nice idea :) Though I'm a little worried about how there hasn't been any replies... My holiday just started, so I kinda expected more, but there could be something I'm missing here...
Yeah, Enderfive what're ya playin' at? Can we timeskip ahead y/n?


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah, Enderfive what're ya playin' at? Can we timeskip ahead y/n?
Dude, as far as I'm concerned, we can play all the way to meeting Zwn, Alouette and Tora and then allow them to catch up to us. It's just that others seem to be opposed to that plan, as every mention of another timeskip has been met with "please don't timeskip again" from the rest.

EDIT: Besides, the last post is mine, so if we want to continue, I'm waiting for your posts, not the other way around.