Survivor Tuvalu


Jan 23, 2012
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[BCOLOR=#ffff99]Important Announcement[/BCOLOR]

As you know Survivor is full of twists. For this season I've decided to add:

[BCOLOR=#ccffcc] The Jury Mansion[/BCOLOR]

What's the Jury Mansion, our perfect Host Ansoro?

The Jury Mansion is basically the place where the Jury is going after they're voted out of Survivor Tuvalu.

So what's the objective of this Mansion? Well, every time someone's voted out, I'll be adding them to the "Jury Mansion PM"

In tha PM the Jury can talk about everything they want related to the game. They can give their opinions about what's going on so far. Who they think is being the puppet master. Who is being dumb. Who is being smart. Etc.

But here's the catch. As you know Exile Island is still working. So every time someone's voted out, they'll be going to the Mansion. In which they can get as much information about the game from the Jury as possible.

So for example: Let's say I'm voted out. So I'm added to the Jury Mansion PM. In that PM I'm going to try and ask Wink if he's willing to help me in giving information. Wink can decide to help me or not. It's his choice. So who ever wins the Exile Island Duel, will get back to the game with VERY IMPORTANT information. (Which means I'll be kicking that Jury Member out of the PM since he/she is back in the game)

There's 2 very important rule:

-Jury Members can ONLY talk in that PM I created. You can't talk in a separate PM. Which means that everything you want to say, you'll have to say it to EVERYONE in the PM. So keep in mind that every time I add someone, they'll going to see everything you all talked about.

-Survivors that are still on the game CAN'T contact the Jury Members.

If these rules are broken, I'll be kicking either a Jury Member or a Survivor from the game.


This can be a huge advantage to some players and a huge disadvantage to others.

So use it wisely.


Posting Challenge soon.​


Jan 23, 2012
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[BCOLOR=#ffff99]The Hahaha Challenge[/BCOLOR]

For this Challenge you're going to look for hilarious videos on[BCOLOR=#eb7a7a] YOUTUBE[/BCOLOR].

-It can't be longer than 1 minute (If the video is too long, then just tell me from which second to which second is the funny part)
-Needs to be from Youtube.

People will be socring your videos. Including me.

The 2 Tribes with the most votes will win immunity. While the other Tribe will be heading to Tribal Council.

Talk about it in your PM.

Good Luck!​


Jan 23, 2012
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The Hahaha Challenge Results

The winners of this Challenge are... (  ゚,_ゝ゚) Dream and ThisIsRigged!

Congratualtions, Enderfive, 755someone755, FoxMccloud64, BiggestKirbyFan, ChronosStar524, Timdood3, Ooglie101, Fruit and 77thShad!

Both Tribes have won immunity and you're all safe from elimination.


These were the videos:

[BCOLOR=#ff99cc] (  ゚,_ゝ゚) Dream[/BCOLOR]

->This was the most popular video out of the 3. Most people that watched it liked it and made them laugh a lot.


-> This are those WTF Videos that you either fall down to the floor laughing or just hate it. And that's exactly the reaction I had. A lot of people laughed and others just stayed serious. But it still got more positive reaction that the other video I'll show you next.

[BCOLOR=#99cc00]Disciples of Kukulkan[/BCOLOR]

->It wasn't that bad of a video. Some people did giggled. But that was it. Most of them didn't think it was worth laughing for.


Which means Disciples of Kukulkan lost.

As a result, you'll be heading to Tribal Council. You'lll have to send me by PM the name of 2 Survivors you wish to send to the Duel.

Survivors in Danger: CaffeinatedKitty Infected_alien8_ mythelf nitasu987 Hunter

Good Luck.



Jan 23, 2012
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Tribal Council Results

The Survivors who received the most votes against and will be in danger of leaving Survivor Tuvalu are... Hunter and CaffeinatedKitty

Which means Infected_Alien8_, Mythelf and Nitasu876 are safe.


Hunter received 3 votes.
CaffeinatedKitty received 3 votes.
Nitasu987 received 2 votes.
Mythelf received 2 votes.


Duel #10

Hunter VS. CaffeinatedKitty

I'll PM you both with the Duel's details.

One of you will be joining Wink in the Jury Mansion and the other will be safe.

Good Luck.


Jan 23, 2012
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Duel Results

The 13th Survivor voted out of Survivor Tuvalu is... Hunter

Which means, CaffeinatedKitty you're safe. You can return to your Tribe.


Both of them had to come up with a sentence convincing people out there to get an education.

CaffeinatedKitty's Sentence:

"Though getting an education may seem like a waste of time, it'll be well worth it when your life is sublime."

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->People liked this one a lot due to the fact that people could relate to it. There's many humans out there that do think education might be a waste of time. But at the end you'll have a good or as Caff puts it a "sublime" life.[/BCOLOR]

Hunter's Sentence:

"Equip yourself with education:
Enhance your wealth through maturation."

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->Some people were like "Eh?" when they first read this sentence. They didn't quite understand the relationship between Wealth and Maturation. Thought it was confusing or just didn't agree with what was being said. At the end this one got more negative feedback.[/BCOLOR]


Hunter, you're heading to The Jury Mansion next to Wink. You're the 2nd Member of the Jury.

You will also have a chance to return to the game later on. So keep in touch.

You can say one last statement if you wish.

Hunter, the Tribe has spoken.

13 down. 13 left.


New Challenge will be posted later today.



Jan 23, 2012
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The Death Note Challenge

Some of you might already be familiar with the movie: Death Note. For those who have no idea what it is, I'll just tell you what you need to know. This guy owns a notebook. Whichever name he writes in that notebook (While thinking in that person's face) he/she will die instantly)

I've randomly selected which Tribe will be attacking who.

[BCOLOR=#99cc00]Disciples of Kukulkan[/BCOLOR] will be attacking [BCOLOR=#99ccff]ThisIsRigged[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#99ccff]ThisIsRigged[/BCOLOR] will be attacking[BCOLOR=#ff99cc] (  ゚,_ゝ゚) Dream[/BCOLOR]
[BCOLOR=#ff99cc](  ゚,_ゝ゚) Dream[/BCOLOR] will be attacking [BCOLOR=#99cc00]Disciples of Kukulkan[/BCOLOR]

This is how it will work:

For this Challenge each Tribe will have a [BCOLOR=#ff0000]Death Notebook[/BCOLOR] AND a [BCOLOR=#ffff00]Life Notebook[/BCOLOR].

As a Tribe you're going to discuss who you're going to kill (Using the Death Notebook) from the other Tribe. And who you'll wish to protect from your own Tribe (Using the Life Notebook)

The [BCOLOR=#ffff00]Life Notebook's[/BCOLOR] objective is to try and predict who the other Tribe will be attacking. If you do defend the correct person, then that player they chose won't die. But if the other Tribe's kill objective was another Survivor, then he/she will die.

The [BCOLOR=#ff0000]Death Notbook's[/BCOLOR] objective is simple. Try to kill someone from the other Tribe that will hopefully not be protected by the Life Notebook.


Since [BCOLOR=#ff99cc] (  ゚,_ゝ゚) Dream[/BCOLOR] has one extra member, I've selected randomly a Survivor from their Tribe that won't be playing this round. And that is: BiggestKirbyFan You can however still talk in the PM and help them make some choices.


There might be some luck in this Challenge. But there's also som kind of mind game.

The 1st Tribe to lose their 4 Survivors will be heading to Tribal Council.

Talk about it in your Tribe PM and choose who you're killing and who you're defending.

Good Luck.
