Who would be the judge?
I mean, obviously staff, but this is a very subjective matter. Take me for example; I'm a general asshole, but I know people (staff) who would vouch both for and against that.
Sorry let me clear up the confusion, what I meant was that
only Head staff are responsible for this, not the operators, not vetops nor controllers. ER needs to abolish the users that are dragging the community through the dirt with their childishness, i'm sure the CAs are already aware of a few, this doesn't necessarily mean they need to be removed, but they need to be dealt with because some of the abuse is really unnecessary!
But hey don't worry about it, I'm sure half the staff here wanted me banned at one point as I noticed a threat bitching about me in the staff forums when I was promoted; but at the end of the day, they want you gone on their grudge, or opinion on you not because you've actually broken rules.
As for unique ideas, I recently pm'ed ogarci about an upgrade to rof but I can see it as a potential server idea so I'll give the ca's a shout to see what they think.
As for this: the quality of maps dropped as the server got older, most likely because staff lost motivation to look at the maps and ended up just giving them a +1 if they were just below par, because I saw a lot of bad maps that had good potential, it was just the balancing that was shit.
There were a lot of maps where hunters got OP kits and survivors got nothing, realistically we should try going back to basics, no iron or diamond armour, only iron weapons, no enchants etc.
It has good intent and isn't in a bad direction, but there needs to be reworked rules/buffed hunter kits. Never understood why a survivor could be full iron and a hunter could be no armor wood sword. One viable way to balance it is make the actual hunter much stronger, like permanent double speed, double jump, str 1, reg 1, etc. Survivors have numbers, hunters have gear. Makes perfect sense to me.