Survivor Tuvalu


Jan 23, 2012
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The Hide and Seek Results Part #12

Enderfive decided to hide in the Beach Cave.

[BCOLOR=#339966]#TwistsAgainstOoglie[/BCOLOR] decided to look in the Beach Cave... and he found Enderfive


Round #13

[BCOLOR=#339966]#TwistsAgainstOoglie[/BCOLOR] are Hiding.
[BCOLOR=#00ffff]The ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Dream Lives On[/BCOLOR] are Seeking.

Nitasu987 saves his Tribe! We're doing 2 more rounds once again.

Good Luck!​


Jan 23, 2012
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The Hide and Seek Results Part #13

Nitasu987 decided to hide in the Sand Castle

[BCOLOR=#00ffff]The ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Dream Lives On[/BCOLOR] decided to look in the Beach Cave... and he found no one!


Round #14

[BCOLOR=#339966]#TwistsAgainstOoglie[/BCOLOR] are Seeking.
[BCOLOR=#00ffff]The ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Dream Lives On[/BCOLOR] are Hiding.

IF Nitasu987 manages to find Enderfive, he'll win it for his Tribe!

Good Luck!​


Jan 23, 2012
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The Hide and Seek Results Part #14

Enderfive decided to hide in the Palm Trees

[BCOLOR=#339966]#TwistsAgainstOoglie[/BCOLOR] decided to look in the Palm Trees... and he found Enderfive


Which means... nitasu987 brings VICTORY to his Tribe!! With a major comeback!

Congratulations, Nitasu987, FoxMccloud64, Infected_Alien8_, Timdood3, Ooglie101 and 755someone755! You're all safe from elimination. You have all secure a spot in the Merge!


That means [BCOLOR=#00ffff]The ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Dream Lives On[/BCOLOR] lost the Challenge.

It was REALLY close.

I'll need you all to send me a PM with the name of 2 Survivors you'll wish to send to the Duel.

Survivors in Danger: 77thShad CaffeinatedKitty mythelf ChronosStar524 and Enderfive

Good Luck.



Jan 23, 2012
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Tribal Council

The Survivors who received the most votes and will be in danger of leaving Survivor Tuvalu is... 77thShad mythelf Enderfive and CaffeinatedKitty

77thShad received 3 votes
Mythelf received 2 votes
Enderfive received 2 votes
CaffeinatedKitty received 2 votes
ChronosStar524 received 1 vote

Which means only ChronosStar524 is safe for now and securing a spot in the Merge!


Duel #13

77thShad vs. mythelf vs. Enderfive vs. CaffeinatedKitty

4-Way Duel!

I'll PM you 4 with the Duel's details.

One of you will jon the others in the Jury Mansion. The other three will still be on the game and making it to the merge.

Good Luck!



Jan 23, 2012
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Duel Results

The 16th Survivor voted out of Survivor Tuvalu is... 77thShad

Which means, mythelf Enderfive and CaffeinatedKitty are safe from elimination and will secure their post in the Merge!


The four of them had to come up with 2 sentences trying to come with a solution to eradicate poverty around the world.

Here's their sentences with their analysis:


[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Mythelf's Sentences: (Gold)[/BCOLOR]

"To eradicate poverty we must think of the children; give them access to education, food, clean water, and health care. Then and only then will the brutal cycle of poverty come to an end, for children are the future of the world everywhere."

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]-> I have one word for her sentences: Perfection. Mythelf had it all right. She hit the nail right on the head. The most efficient way to decrease poverty would be education. Without no access to education the cycle will simply keep going. Best one out of the 3 for sure.[/BCOLOR]

Enderfive's Sentences: (Silver)

"Poverty is a problem worldwide, so we need something to turn the tide. Taxing the rich much more efficiently would help us get rid of this crippling poverty."

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->Enderfive got a very good point as well. Taxing the rich would help a lot. The probelm would just be the way that money is managed. Since we know there's a lot of corruption going on. But clever point nevertheless.[/BCOLOR]

CaffeinatedKitty's Sentences: (Bronze)

"Plenty of empty houses to be found, and people to fill them all around. Give them a constant place to sleep, and they'll soon be getting back on their feet."

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->While I appreciate her idea about giving them a house and perhaps it would make it a bit easier for them, it's not the most clever way to help them overcome poverty. Sure, you can give them a nice house, but they won't have the money to keep it running. Not that smartest solution. She was saved due to 77thShad's sentence that you'll see in a second.[/BCOLOR]

77thShad's Sentences: (Eh)

"When it comes to the poor don't ignore. Please take the time ignoring poverty should be a crime."

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->Where can I start with this. He didn't quite give a way to erradicate poverty. He just mentioned "Don't ignore it". Which that's not a strong enough way to help them out. And the rhyming is quite off as well.[/BCOLOR]


77thShad, you've become the 5th Member of the Jury. You'll be heading to the Jury Mansion next to Wink, Hunter, Fruit and BiggestKirbyFan.
You will still have a chance to return to the game. So stay in touch.

You can say one last statement if you wish.

77thShad, AKA Villain, the Tribe has spoken.

16 down. 10 left.


New Post Coming Soon!



Jan 23, 2012
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The Merge

Congratulations Top 10!


You've managed to survive this long. Obviously you have all played a great game so far to still be alive. Or else you wouldn't be here. So feel proud for this accomplishment.

Just so you know:

[BCOLOR=#ffffff]Heroes Left: 2 (Ooglie and Chronos)[/BCOLOR]
Villains Left: Just 1 (Enderfive)
Neutrals Left: 4 (Timdood, Mythelf, Nitasu and Fox)
Newbies Left: (755, Caffeinated and Infected)


This means the game changes completely. There's not going to be anymore Tribes.

It will be everyone by themselves. You need to be extra careful now.

Challenges will be individual from now on. So if you want to win immunity you need to put a lot of effort into them.

You're free to start making alliances if you wish.


Keep in mind that only 1 more Survivor need to be sent to the Jury Mansion before 1 of them comes back to the game.


I'll be working on the New Challenge!



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Joke Challenge

This will be an easy and simple Challenge. Each one of you will need to send me through a PM ONE joke.

The THREE Funniest ones will win immunity. So there's going to be 3 Survivors that will be safe from elimination.

Obviously, I'll be asking people to vote for their favorites. Since not everyone has the same sense of humor.

You can either come up with your own jokes or look some in the internet. Your choice.

Good Luck!
