The "True or False?" Results
There's been a clear winner. With 7 right answers!
You have won the Challenge and Immunity. You can't be voted out of Survivor Tuvalu.
Correct Answers:
Ender- 1
Kirby- 2
Nitasu- 3
Fox- 3
Tim- 2
Alien- 1
Caff- 1
Myth- 3
Ooglie- 2
755- 2
Mythelf's Answers:
Right: 7 (Ender, Fox, Tim, Alien, Oog, 755 and Caff)
Wrong: 2 (Kirby and Nitasu)
Fox's Answers:
Right: 4 (Nitasu, Alien, Mythelf and 755)
Wrong: 5 (Ender, Kirby, Tim, Caff and Oog)
Enderfive's Answers:
Right: 4 (Fox, Alien, Caff and Mythelf)
Wrong: 5 (Kirby, Nitasu, Tim, Ooglie and 755)
Infected_Alien8's_ Answers:
Right: 4 (Fox, Caff, Myth and Oog)
Wrong: 5 (Ender, Kirby, Nitasu, Tim and 755)
BiggestKirbyFan's Answer:
Right: 4 (Nitasu, Tim, Alien and Mythelf)
Wrong: 5 (Ender, Fox, Caff, Oog and 755)
Timdood3's Answer:
Right: 4 (Kirby, Alien, Caff and Mythelf)
Wrong: 5 (Ender, Nita, Fox, Oog and 755)
755someone755's Answers:
Right: 3 (Kirby, Nita and Caff)
Wrong: 6 (Ender, Fox, Tim, Alien, Myth and Oog)
Nitasu987's Answers:
Right: 3 (Ender, Fox and Myth)
Wrong: 6 (Tim, Alien, Caff, Kirby, Oog and 755)
Ooglie101's Answers:
Right: 3 (Nita, Fox and Caff)
Wrong: 6 (Ender, Kirby, Tim, Alien, Myth and 755)
CaffeinatedKitty's Answers:
Right: 1 (Ender)
Wrong: 8 ( Kirby, Fox, Tim, Alien, Myth, Oog, 755 and Nita)
Kirby, Tim, Oog and 755's facts were the hardest ones to guess with 7 wrong each.
Ender with 6.
Nita with 5.
Fox and Alien with 4.
And Mythelf's And Caff's were the easiest to guess with only 3 wrong.
As you can see there's been a tie for 2nd place. One more Survivor needs to win Immunity.
Is between
FoxMccloud64 Enderfive Infected_alien8_ BiggestKirbyFan and
I thought a number between 1-100.
The CLOSEST to my number will win immunity. Send me your number through PM.
Good Luck!