Survivor Tuvalu


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Tribal Council

The Survivors who received the most votes against are... Timdood3 and Ooglie101


Ooglie101 decided to use his Hidden Immunity Idol! Which means he's automatically safe.

That means the second Survivor(s) with the most votes will be taking his place.

Soooo.... The Survivors who received the most votes and will be in denger of leaving Survivor Tuvalu are... Timdood3 FoxMccloud64 and CaffeinatedKitty


Timdood3 received 5 votes.
Ooglie101 received 5 votes.
CaffeinatedKitty received 3 votes.
FoxMccloud63 received 3 votes.


Duel #17

Timdood3 vs. CaffeinatedKitty vs. FoxMccloud64

I'll PM you three with the Duel details.

One of you will be heading to the Jury House.

Good Luck!



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Duel Results

The 18th Survivor voted out of Survivor Tuvalu is... Timdood3

Which means... CaffeinatedKitty and FoxMccloud64 are safe and are still in the game.


For this Duel they had to come up with 2 sentences convincing people why they should take care of our planet.

I'll be honest, there was a clear winner. But I was torn between the other two. Therefore I had to make people vote to make sure which one was better.

CaffeinatedKitty's Sentence:

"Our own actions have brought about our Earth's decay, and to reverse this harm we must begin today. If we're to leave our children a planet on which to live, a bit of time and effort we all must give."

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->Once again, CaffeinatedKitty had the best sentence by far. The use of words were great. The fact that she mentioned how this planet is so fucked up already thanks to us (Powerful sentence) , yet there's still some time to change it for our future generations. It just fits so well.[/BCOLOR]

FoxMccloud64's Sentence:

"Mother nature grants us with life and beauty, so why should we destroy it and let it wither away?
If we destroy it we'll die and wither away too, lets take care of it for a better day."

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]->Amount of votes: 34. What saved this sentence was the fact that you referred to nature. And people loved that. You gave a valid reason why people should take care of the planet. No nature = No humans.[/BCOLOR]

Timdood3's Sentence:

"We need to care for our planet; we can only have one. We need it not only for ourselves, but for our daughters and our sons."

[BCOLOR=#ffff00]-> Amount of votes: 8. This is the thing, the rhyme was better, BUT it missed the mark. Which was making a convincing sentence. And that's exactly what people didn't feel like. They said it wasn't original. That they've heard it before. [/BCOLOR]


Timdood3, you've become the 8th Member of the Jury. You will however still have a chance to return to the game. So stay in touch. For now, you'll be enjoying your time in the Jury House.

You can say one last statement if you wish.

Timdood3, AKA Neutral, the Tribe has spoken.

18 down. 7 left.


New Challenge coming soon.


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Egg Challenge

For this Challenge all of you will be given 4 eggs (One of each)

Yellow Egg: Counts as 3 points.
Blue Egg: Counts as 2 points.
Green Egg: Counts as 1 point.
Red Egg: Gets rid of one egg.

Your job is to give out your eggs to the other Survivors.

For example:
I want to give the yellow egg to Caff. The Blue to Fox. The Green to Ooglie and the Red to Mythelf.

Here's the catch, whoever is the 4th Survivor with the MOST points will be eliminated from the Challenge.

*You CAN'T give 2 eggs of yours to the same Survivor in that round.
*You ARE allowed to give an egg to yourself.

NOT allowed to communicate with other Survivors about this Challenge to talk strategy.

1 Survivor will be winning immunity.


Send me through PM who you're giving your eggs to.

FoxMccloud64 mythelf Ooglie101 Infected_alien8_ nitasu987 755someone755 CaffeinatedKitty

Good Luck!
