Geekenstein is 12th in the Living list, she has 11 letters in her name. She's had 3 accusations of being suspicious, which also has 10 letters in.
Geek plays Minecraft, which has 9 letters in and is Advanced on Create. Advanced has 8 letters. Letters has 7 letters, letters are related to papers which has 6 letters. Strangely enough there are papers about the mafia which is 5 letters and you know what the mafia do? They kill. Kill has 4 letters.
It is all making sense now, 4 letters.. 3 accusations.. 4 - 3 = 1, she has 1 vote and that is me. The word me has 2 letters, 2 + 1 = 3, you know what has 3 sides? The illuminati triangle.
Geekenstein is the mafia illuminati confirmed.