They Are Among Us [Game Complete!]


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
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Said it was unlikely but still said it was likely at the same time; basically said Unu could know a fake claim would pan out like this.
i could see him being pressured eitherway, i just dont think that pressure would lead him to fake claim cop. i did add there was still a possiblity he still fake claimed cop for the reason you mentioned, fair, but at the time he was uncc'd. now with erik's cc, i trust unu more than erik, as i said. feels like both you and erik are misinterpreting me, altho the phrasing could have been more to the point.


Mafia Host
Aug 24, 2012
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OK. Not being funny guys. But we have 3.5 hours left to make a decision and if we don't we are in the same position tomorrow as we are right now, just minus a player.

I personally think Erik is the most suspicious, but I don't want to risk that cop lynch. Therefore I'm going with Pairjax as I find both them and Inffy equally scummy, but Pair has been flipflopping and very wishywashy with their answers. I also believe they are more likely to gain the votes we need compared to Inffy.

If anybody else has any thoughts on who we should lynch and why I am open to listening to your arguments and trying to work out together what the best course of action is.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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So, the fact i personally find the two of you morse suspicious isn't reason enough for me to vote one of you?

So I should be sus of Pair's 180 but ignore yours?
Just ignore what I said there, I took it back since I realize it wasn't really a fair argument

What pings you the most out of erik's cc? What makes Unu looks more credible in comparison?
Nothing specific, just a gut feeling that UNU is town that started to come over me when talking to him

Not looking to be on a wagon with Inf and Fog.
Wait am I still voting pair?

vote fog


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
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Curious how you went to such a great length to defend Erik, then after some posting by Unu explaining that he claimed prematurely because of pressure, you decide to do a flip on Erik. That really plays into my tinfoil theory that you backing Erik was TMI from the get-go. Also makes sense considering you want multiple wagons to divide things up.


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
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OK. Not being funny guys. But we have 3.5 hours left to make a decision and if we don't we are in the same position tomorrow as we are right now, just minus a player.

I personally think Erik is the most suspicious, but I don't want to risk that cop lynch. Therefore I'm going with Pairjax as I find both them and Inffy equally scummy, but Pair has been flipflopping and very wishywashy with their answers. I also believe they are more likely to gain the votes we need compared to Inffy.

If anybody else has any thoughts on who we should lynch and why I am open to listening to your arguments and trying to work out together what the best course of action is.
So much 'we' in this post and it's pinging me real good.

Pair's problem hasn't been how they've gone through answers, but that their answers themsevles aren't worth much.


Mafia Host
Aug 24, 2012
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Fog what do you think of Infected not thinking Im mafia now, despite him finding me suspicious before I was cc'ed?
To be honest I don't understand how he is playing this game right now. One second he is here, then he completely flips, then he is back and for some reason out of all the suspicious people right now I am getting his vote?! I have no clue anymore ?


Mafia Host
Aug 24, 2012
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Tim also rated a post of mine earlier so I would like Timdood3 to offer his perspective here.

Don't like moments like this where too many people are on the sidelines. Makes me think maf is just lurking and watching, which is both frustrating and lame.
Also, the less you speak, the more people just forget about you. Then people start placing stupid votes, like on me.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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From page 2:

Page 7:

Your stance on lynching seems to change very quickly throughout the game. Going from "I will vote if someones suspicious" to "you're kinda sus and I wanna get a lynch going" to "I don't want to mislynch a cop but still want to lynch someone else". And now just as I'm writing this post:

Going with the person who has the most votes and who is most likely to get a lynch pushed on them who, once more, is claiming cop. Like all bias aside that I'm the one you're trying to vote for, you seem so ready to push for a lynch.

Page 8:


I'm sorry but you yourself say that unu wasn't that close and then claim to say that you don't agree that he was under no pressure while trying to push for a lynch on me? This feels so incredibly sus. You flip flop from unu's claim being suspicious to saying you believed him all along and think we should lynch me. And this comes after the fact that you say you don't want to vote unu with no cc'd cop claim and after I come up you decide that instead it's a better idea to vote for the cc'd cop.

Infected_alien8_ that should give you an idea of what I'm thinking about Fog and HK. I'm really reluctant to move off of unu since if he lives, my survival N1 will be based on whether the doctor believe I'm inno or not plus there really shouldn't be 2 cops in a closed setup. That being said, Fog and HK are both sus and I can understand not wanting to lynch a cop claim. I'll swap my vote over to Fog for the time being as it seems that there's a larger consensus that they seem the most sus
vote Fog
I don't really agree with any of the reasoning here. Like, in my eyes nothing fog said there was contradictory, he said he didn't wanna lynch because he had no suspects, but understood the value of lynching. Then he had suspects, so would rather lynch.

Same with hk, he never said UNU was under 'no pressure' in the post you quoted, he was just talking about whether it was close enough to fakeclaim cop or not, so I don't see a contradiction there
Curious how you went to such a great length to defend Erik, then after some posting by Unu explaining that he claimed prematurely because of pressure, you decide to do a flip on Erik. That really plays into my tinfoil theory that you backing Erik was TMI from the get-go. Also makes sense considering you want multiple wagons to divide things up.
I really disagree that I went to "great length" to defend Erik. I shared my read on him, saying it was 'slight town', and explained why.

I then mentioned erik's posts about UNU's claim made me question erik, though I still held him as 'slightly more likely to be town than scum'.

Then I spoke with UNU, my gut read on UNU was that he was town, and then erik cc'd. So, my read on erik became scum.

I always want 2 wagons, you can go back and search past games to check if you want.

So much 'we' in this post and it's pinging me real good.
same, it read to me as fog trying to be as reasonable and cooperative as possible so that he can be more persuasive. But, I know I'm likely just confirmation biased.

To be honest I don't understand how he is playing this game right now. One second he is here, then he completely flips, then he is back and for some reason out of all the suspicious people right now I am getting his vote?! I have no clue anymore ?
It's day 0, my reads are of course gonna be fluid and susceptible to change. I'm voting you because I'm fine leaving both cop claims to live, and you're my biggest suspect outside of the cop cc's right now.

Why wouldn't you be voting them?!
Because I town-read them now, as I said a few pages ago

I would quite happily smack a bitch right now. I don't see why he is voting for me. I have done nothing wrong.
I already explained that I had a gut feel of you being scum like yesterday


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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same, it read to me as fog trying to be as reasonable and cooperative as possible so that he can be more persuasive. But, I know I'm likely just confirmation biased.
(which obv isn't necessarily a scum thing to do but I do think scum are more likely to think about being doing that than town)


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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And for anyone still wanting to lynch me. You may not want to lynch the cop.
Uhhh...First thing's first: Gross. Claiming cop on Day 0 under minimal pressure. Seems like a panic move. And the apparent casual manner in which he dropped the claim to me sounds like he's trying to sound smug about it.
I mean I feel I was one of the first people to have some suspicion on Erik, I also voiced my concerns surrounding you and Tim. It is just at this stage in time I feel that Erik is the most suspicious out of the 3 of you
There is one issue with this thought process and that is that I was (as far as my memory serves) the first to put pressure of Erik, with inf close behind. If you find myself and inf suspicious, it would stand to reason that you would consider Erik more innocent based on that.
Ok, gotcha. Right now infectedalien & Erik are the most voted for. Infectedalien I don't feel comfy about voting for yet, though they talk waaaay too much, but what do we have against Erik?
This seems to imply that talking a lot is suspicious. It might just be a difference in experience, as you said you've played a lot on discord where I understand the games happen very quickly. Things are slower here, and usually more thought through. In a format like this, there's plenty of time and space to think through your thoughts and make them known.

"But your original arguments of it being unlikely we'll kill mafia today and wanting to wait a night to see about items are still there. I don't see why are us talking more than you thought would be enough to justify letting go of those? We haven't talked so much that suddenly there's a big chance of us lynching mafia now, surely? Can you help me understand what happened?"

Becuase normally in most mafia games I'VE played the first day ends in 24 hours, and usually people BARELY say anything. if I had known there was going to be TEN PAGES of discussion in the first day I would've certainly had a different opinion. The reason why I said "we have a low chance of knowing who the mafia is" is because I thought we'd go straight to the night shift.

"Why do you want to vote for Erik"

No reason! Ok, you wanna know who I REALLY wanna vote for? Fog, the same person I was first suspicious of. They vibe wrong, and I stick to that. So yeah, I'm fencesitting again. What are you gonna do, brutally murder me? Do it and prove my point.

Vote Fog
I feel 90% confident UNU's the legit one at this moment in time but there doesn't seem to be any harm in waiting. At worst the legit cop gets blocked but at least we played it safe.
There is harm in waiting. Like I've stressed numerous times, we *need* to lynch, and 50/50 is about as good as it gets for Day 0.

***The above is all more or less live reactions from me catching up. 5 pages while I sleep is always fun, yikes.***

My vote will stay on Erik unless me not moving would be the difference between a lynch and a no-lynch. If someone claims your role, it simply doesn't make sense to not cc immediately. Like I said above, it doesn't get better than 50/50 raw odds on D0 so statistically, it's best to lynch between the ccs, cop or otherwise.
Even if I did want to wait to lynch between erik/unu tomorrow, who are the other options?
Fog? What has fog done to be suspicious? I haven't seen anything that pinged my radar. It seems to just be vibes and wagoning?

Pair? I admit that I I don't feel great about him, but I do actually think he's probably town. His 180 from no-lynching out the gate to now wanting a lynch does actually makes sense because his expectation (nothing happens, day ends) didn't match reality (wait, people actual vote here?). I don't like how he seemed to be just following others' opinions, but it appears that he's put his foot down and stood up for his own opinion...I don't know if that means he's town or if it's a gambit...

I know mars is going to call me out for fencesitting on this one, but I really am torn on pair. The more I think about it, the more I convince myself that I'm willing to lynch him. But maybe I'm going soft here, but I wouldn't want to lynch him D0 his first game here.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
Tim also rated a post of mine earlier so I would like Timdood3 to offer his perspective here.

Don't like moments like this where too many people are on the sidelines. Makes me think maf is just lurking and watching, which is both frustrating and lame.
I was getting there! I had 5 pages to catch up on between dinner and other things lol


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I don't think I've been as clear as I ought to have been about why my reads have been the ways they are or changing, so I'll do a reads list.

HK - Slight scum. Posting felt quite exessicely wordy, like trying to seem more helpful and thoughtful than what it was. From memory hk does this as scum but but town. However he's only done it in one post, and I'm not confident about my memory of that, so it's slight scum.

Mars - moderate-strong town, gut feeling.

UNU - moderate town, gut feeling. initially I had a slight scum read on him from a tiny gut feeling at the start of the game, and him brushing sessy's mistake aside as innocent rubbed me the wrong way since I thought it was unreasonable and so I concluded that maybe he knew sessy was town and was trying to look good by being right about her. However, my gut changed to a town read after talking to him today.

Tim - moderate-strong town, gut feeling.

TWG - slight town, process of elimination would deem him to be town according to my other reads, but outside of that I don't have a read on him.

erik - slight-moderate scum. Initially I thought slight-town since he would've been a bit clumsy to be maf, which in general is unusual, but also my memory of erik is that he wouldn't be like that as maf, but possibly as town. Then his posts after UNU's claim felt a bit off, though I still thought he was slight town. Until my gut decided to trust UNU more than I trusted erik, and as UNU's cc, he's now my suspect.

Good Skele - slight town, gut.

Fog - slight-moderate scum, gut.

Sessy - neutral.

Pairjax - slight-moderate town, gut.


Mafia Host
Aug 24, 2012
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Like I've stressed numerous times, we *need* to lynch, and 50/50 is about as good as it gets for Day 0.
Look, as we know I am most suspicious of Erik right now. But if he is cop, then there is a 0% chance we get a report tomorrow. If we vote for somebody else who is being suspicious. I.E Inffy or Pair. Then we still have a 50% chance of getting a little information.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Although thinking about it, the reason erik's posts started to make me question him (after UNU claimed) is because he seemed too confident about it being fake. Which, to be fair, would be explained by him being real cop. So I guess that part of my erik read is irrelevant to why I now suspect him.

But still, ultimately my gut trusts UNU as cop, my read on erik isn't as strong as that, so it overrides my previous read of erik. That's why I think erik's scum, purely because of my UNU read