They Are Among Us [Game Complete!]


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
do you think I'm more chaotic as town or mafia and why
Dont you optimistic me. This game you feel chaotic and this game you feel maf. To me those vibes strengthen eachother. You were on a lot of people yesterday, and there was a lot of suspicion and chaos to go around, but somehow fog, who you felt sure was scum as first got lynched in the end. I cant help but feel you are behaving scummy.


aka Jenben101
Creative Staff
Survival Staff
Jun 14, 2014
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I'm honestly surprised you were skeptical of Unu's claim but said nothing of mine, and now I'm higher than him on your POE. Walk me through that
You seem very pushy about the tiniest littlest slip ups. I backpedalled with my suspicions on Unu because of what others brought up not because I'm trying to protect a team member or whatever.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Id say maf, since chaos usually plays out better for maf. You also played a significant role in yesterdays lynch, and how it went, which in my eyes was less than ideal.
nice try scum

my POE is uh Inf/Mars/Unu maybe
I don't think you ever answered when I asked why you're suddenly suspicious of me?

Okay, cool night. I'm not really that surprised that Erik was killed last night, seeing as the mafia must've realised that my influence and ability to read would've gotten Unu lynched either way. I'll get right into my views about unu first.

Okay about Unu. Obviously, seeing that Erik got killed last, Unusual would be in the spotlight. When day started I thought that he was the best lynch, and I still believe so. Let's begin with his 'real' claim:

First thing first, he says that his previous claim was a lie. What caught my eye when reading this for the second time, is that he says "but my ability works differently than a cop", I'll make sure to get back to this later. He also claimed to had a conversation with Sessy the night before, and Sessy also confirmed this. I'll say that I don't necessarily think that he's lying about this specific part. I would actually want to see for his role to flip before we can determine if Sessy also is on on this (obviously if Unu is lying about this, then so is Sessy / alternatively someone on the mafia team is this anonymous player).

He continued his post:

I don't really understand what he means by this. I don't see how he wasn't technically wrong - he was obviously not a cop. I'll get back to this later. The next sentences makes me question Unusual's critical thinking. Erik claimed to be cop - and then Unu 'had' to cc to not get lynched? Is this the perspective of a town that wants to clarify about their role, or a mafia trying to avoid being lynched? Kind of off-topic, but he also says he claimed the same ability as him *mysteriously*, which I pointed out last day.

Anyways I'll get on to what makes me 100% believe Unu is scum, at least from my point of view.
Like I said in my big post last day; When Unu claimed, he claimed as a cop. He claimed to be a cop, and used the cop role as an authority role as to why we should listen to him. He made it obvious to us that we shouldn't lynch him since he was *the* cop. Now, my question for Unusual is the following: How would you ever think that your role, a messenger, is a cop role? Unu's role does not involve anything near what a cop traditionally does. Unu has had a huge experience within mafia and I know for a fact that he would not have a simple misconception about this if he was telling the truth.

If Unu had said something along with "I have an messaging / interrogation role" or something like that I would believe it far more. But Unu not only directly claims cop, he also directly counterclaims the cop. Does it seem very town to see a cop claim and think "well I gotta cc them to stay alive"? No, because no town thinks like this. I'll make it more clear:

Obviously states that his ability is differently than a cop (hint: differently what he claimed yesterday)

No shit.

Why? Why would a town ever counterclaim (and yes, this is literally counterclaiming) a cop? Makes no sense

States that he cares more about surviving than getting cop lynched.

Further on, he states that he wanted to get neither of them lynched:

Sadly that's a lie since he voted Erik right after Erik claimed:


I'll sum it up in a big nice block of text this last point if you didn't get it previously. Unu first claimed cop because that's how he interpreted his role. When he was counterclaimed, he was surprised. He says he realised that Erik was the real cop, and wanted that both should live. However, he voted out Erik and counterclaimed him by claiming more or less the same ability. Unu's argument is fake because 1. He should/would not claimed cop in the first place (since he obviously wasn't one). 2. He counteclaimed the cop. 3. He claims he did it with good intentions as he wanted both him and erik to stay alive. 4. He now claims to not be the cop, infact a totally different role that in no shape or form could be interpreted on being cop.

I'm sorry if this post is a bit chaotic, I'm having so many thoughts and I think I forgot like half on them when I wrote this, make sure to ask questions though, I probably forgot some things. Sadly gonna cut the post here since it's getting late and I want to watch a movie tonight, but I'll make sure to make a post tomorrow about other people/aliens ;).
for clarity's sake and to save time since idk when UNU is gonna come back or how meticulously he's gonna respond:

UNU's argument isn't that he thought he was cop and misinterpreted his role, it was that he thought town didn't have a proper cop because he was the "Sheriff" of the game and with so few players thought they might not have a real cop role, then he was surprised at erik claiming an actual cop role, he cc'd Erik since after claiming cop, if he were to back down and say 'oh well I said cop but I'm not actually' would've most likely gotten him instantly lynched since it looks like mafia claimed cop, then accidentally got cc'd so took it back, and so tried to keep himself and erik alive

my main concern is like you pointed out, he voted erik and made 0 attempt at saying we should keep both of them alive for a while, so that doesn't make sense according to his story

Yes, seeing how powerful the item is, absoluetely.
excuse me I said not to elaborate

Also would everyone mind giving their opinion about this lovely fellow named Infected_alien8_ ?
he's a great person and deserves to live

also he's town

You make a fair point, but maybe we need a full coop then. Just feels pointless to be able to send my items around, when i dont know who has a use for it.
I'll be making a post on this later

Dont you optimistic me. This game you feel chaotic and this game you feel maf. To me those vibes strengthen eachother. You were on a lot of people yesterday, and there was a lot of suspicion and chaos to go around, but somehow fog, who you felt sure was scum as first got lynched in the end. I cant help but feel you are behaving scummy.
think more specific about it then, when you say 'somehow fog got lynched' - how exactly did that happen?

who voted fog and who switched last second? which of them do you think are my scumteam helping me out?

and yeah I agree my reads are all over the place but you've played enough games with me to know that I'm exactly the opposite of that in my scum games, you've literally called me out as being 'too careful' as a reason to suspect me so why you suddenly think I'm fine being completely opposite is imo fairly telling of what role you have this game

sure my meta could've changed but you've not once referenced the fact that i'm usually less chaotic as scum so I'm not convinced you're really trying to help people best figure me out at all


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
sure my meta could've changed but you've not once referenced the fact that i'm usually less chaotic as scum so I'm not convinced you're really trying to help people best figure me out at all
that is, just as the word you use implies, meta reasoning. It's been a while, and overall my memory of past games isnt that great. Thats why ive been mentioning this game, and how you feel this game.

who voted fog and who switched last second? which of them do you think are my scumteam helping me out?
Anyone could have switched last second, its about the moments leading up to it. When i say you feel chaotic this game, that doesnt mean you dont know what you are doing. Also, not all posts of you this game are chaotic, but the ones that are seem off.

and yeah I agree my reads are all over the place but you've played enough games with me to know that I'm exactly the opposite
In addition to meta reasoning, this is also a slippery slope to wifom. If i would know exactly how you would behave, you could behave differently to throw me off, and we are stuck in a loop.
you've literally called me out as being 'too careful'
i dont recal this.


Mafia Host
Dec 31, 2012
Reaction score
(IK ur not Unu so I don't really expect you to answer on his behalf, I'd just like to comment this)
UNU's argument isn't that he thought he was cop and misinterpreted his role, it was that he thought town didn't have a proper cop because he was the "Sheriff" of the game and with so few players thought they might not have a real cop role, then he was surprised at erik claiming an actual cop role, he cc'd Erik since after claiming cop, if he were to back down and say 'oh well I said cop but I'm not actually' would've most likely gotten him instantly lynched since it looks like mafia claimed cop, then accidentally got cc'd so took it back, and so tried to keep himself and erik alive
You're saying this and it absoluetely makes me think if this what Unu could've done. In a very specific scenario, yes. However there are multiple holes in that theory; Namely the fact that unu claimed cop. Cop is a very specific role, where it individually is one of the most powerful roles. I feel like if he said something along of "I'm the equivalent of cop", or something along those lines, then it would make sense. He should've realised that a cop could have existed and thus shouldn't have claimed it (since it would out the cop). Unu is smarter than this. Also I think we should look at Unu's reaction.

my main concern is like you pointed out, he voted erik and made 0 attempt at saying we should keep both of them alive for a while, so that doesn't make sense according to his story
I actually went back at this for a second opinion (I initially thought you meant the opposite). However, besides the vote on Erik himself, he was actually sort of passive when it came to lynching Erik. I do still believe him to be our best lynch-option from what I've previously said about his claim, counterclaim and vote on Erik.
excuse me I said not to elaborate
he's a great person and deserves to live

also he's town
I know he's a great person! Said person also stole all of my items, which sadly made me really mad at him. That is the reason why I want others opinion on him too!


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Anyone could have switched last second, its about the moments leading up to it.
but your point (seemed to me at least) was that i'm scummy because the person I wanted dead ended up being dead.

by that I assume you mean, my maf team helped me - since I can't lynch someone on my own and me being mafia doesn't suddenly make me more influential for controling votes

which means you must think some of the people who voted fog are scum. which ones?

that is, just as the word you use implies, meta reasoning. It's been a while, and overall my memory of past games isnt that great. Thats why ive been mentioning this game, and how you feel this game.

In addition to meta reasoning, this is also a slippery slope to wifom. If i would know exactly how you would behave, you could behave differently to throw me off, and we are stuck in a loop.
i dont recal this.
yeah all of this is fair enough

(IK ur not Unu so I don't really expect you to answer on his behalf, I'd just like to comment this)

You're saying this and it absoluetely makes me think if this what Unu could've done. In a very specific scenario, yes. However there are multiple holes in that theory; Namely the fact that unu claimed cop. Cop is a very specific role, where it individually is one of the most powerful roles. I feel like if he said something along of "I'm the equivalent of cop", or something along those lines, then it would make sense. He should've realised that a cop could have existed and thus shouldn't have claimed it (since it would out the cop).
I agree that he should've considered a different cop existing, and to think UNU is town basically means I assume he was extremely narrow minded in this game. whether or not that's true I dunno

pretty sure I know the answer to why he said he's cop instead of being more specific, but gonna let him respond to this question (ill explain why later if you want)

I know he's a great person! Said person also stole all of my items, which sadly made me really mad at him. That is the reason why I want others opinion on him too!
look you were either scum, in which case I stole your stuff, or town, in which case I was pretty sure you were gonna be nightkilled last night

i thought maf had a blocker and that one of UNU/erik were scum, which would make blocking the real cop and killing someone else the best play last night, so I thought they'd do that

and you were the most visibly trusted player, with a claimed item that needed other items (so probably useful somehow), so I predicted you'd die

that'd mean mafia would get your items, so I chose to intervene and take them myself


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Anyways, I'd like to know if anyone out there has one of the following items. They've been paraphrased/riddled just in case maf has a role which can take things from you if they know exactly what they are or something:

Item 1: My eye has the first word. The second word is a tool.

Item 2: With this, I can keep my food cool and my hair dry!

Item 3: It's light, and it's hot, and I have one on my desk actually.

Reason I'm asking should hopefully be obvious. TWG can confirm it isn't malicious


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
look you were either scum, in which case I stole your stuff, or town, in which case I was pretty sure you were gonna be nightkilled last night

i thought maf had a blocker and that one of UNU/erik were scum, which would make blocking the real cop and killing someone else the best play last night, so I thought they'd do that

and you were the most visibly trusted player, with a claimed item that needed other items (so probably useful somehow), so I predicted you'd die

that'd mean mafia would get your items, so I chose to intervene and take them myself
In what Loony Tunes world does maf not immediately go for the cop


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
In what Loony Tunes world does maf not immediately go for the cop
in a world where they block them instead, kill someone else, then still have a chance of town lynching the cop, meaning 1 extra townie was killed compared to if they killed the cop at night and town lynched the maf cop the morning after


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
Except Unu's claim was significantly weaker than Erik's upon review and opinion was shifting against him. Especially if Unu did the backpedaling he did to start this day phase he'd be shipped out asap.

And this is going off the assumption maf had a blocker in the first place, and you speak as though it's so certain.

The whole argument is WIFOM by the end of the day. What's true is that you took a valuable item from an agreed-upon tr to 'save them.' Do you plan on giving that item back or are you going to hold on to that so your team can use it? ?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
Except Unu's claim was significantly weaker than Erik's upon review and opinion was shifting against him. Especially if Unu did the backpedaling he did to start this day phase he'd be shipped out asap.
the mafia will have made this decision during night 1 obviously, not now

at the end of day 1 it wasn't clear (to me at least) at all which one was mafia, never mind which was up for lynch, so mafia doing this play would've been very viable

UNU only did the backpedalling today, if hes mafia, because erik is dead. obviously if UNU was mafia and the mafia carried out the plan I said he wouldn't do that, he'd persist he was cop and hope town lynches the real cop as per the plan

Except Unu's claim was significantly weaker than Erik's upon review and opinion was shifting against him. Especially if Unu did the backpedaling he did to start this day phase he'd be shipped out asap.

And this is going off the assumption maf had a blocker in the first place, and you speak as though it's so certain.

The whole argument is WIFOM by the end of the day. What's true is that you took a valuable item from an agreed-upon tr to 'save them.' Do you plan on giving that item back or are you going to hold on to that so your team can use it? ?

i thought maf had a blocker
not really?

maf blocker is an extremely common role so I thought it was pretty likely they had one

The whole argument is WIFOM by the end of the day.
what's WIFOM exactly? my point was that i thought mafia would probs do that plan

What's true is that you took a valuable item from an agreed-upon tr to 'save them.'
"an agreed-upon tr" by you and tim you mean

nobody else said twg seemed town afaik, it was just he had 2 people trusting him and 0 doubting him, compared to everyone else who had either 1 person or less trusting them and/or one person or more doubting them

i personally didnt townread twg, i thought he could be scum, but also thought it was town it'd save the items

Do you plan on giving that item back or are you going to hold on to that so your team can use it? ?
of course I don't plan to keep it since mafia will just kill me for it tonight if they want to, that is if they don't steal it from me today since someone took one of fog's items during yesterday


Almighty Goat
Oct 21, 2014
Reaction score
but your point (seemed to me at least) was that i'm scummy because the person I wanted dead ended up being dead.
I think you are scummy for the way you behave, or what it feels like. Fog getting lynched, and you pressuring fog plays into that.

It's fairly possible pairjax is scum, but its not a given that any of the other voters should be scum.

Anyway, ima head to bed. Id like TheWeakGuy48_ to confirm inf's post isnt malicious, when he reads this tomorow.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
(also if maf does have a blocker that means I'm 99% sure UNU is town since why else wouldn't they leave him and erik both alive, especially when erik was more suspected than UNU yesterday - UNU's always working out the maths behind what mafia decisions should make so surely he'd have told them to leave erik alive if he had a maf blocker)

so if anyone has any reason to think maf has a blocker then id say speak up today


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
the mafia will have made this decision during night 1 obviously, not now

at the end of day 1 it wasn't clear (to me at least) at all which one was mafia, never mind which was up for lynch, so mafia doing this play would've been very viable

UNU only did the backpedalling today, if hes mafia, because erik is dead. obviously if UNU was mafia and the mafia carried out the plan I said he wouldn't do that, he'd persist he was cop and hope town lynches the real cop as per the plan
My point was if Erik lived and Unu performed the way he did today, he'd def be on the chopping block. He is essentially a lock scum atm

maf blocker is an extremely common role so I thought it was pretty likely they had one
Yeah it's common, but it's not guaranteed. Your post indicated that you found it to be the most probable route, which is a mighty assumption to make all thing considered. Because:

what's WIFOM exactly? my point was that i thought mafia would probs do that plan
What if maf didn't have a blocker?

What if town had a blocker and blocked the maf blocker?

What if town had a tracker, tracked maf blocker and now maf blocker could be exposed?

What if Unu botches the cc war and Erik survives and gets protection?

What if what if what if

"an agreed-upon tr" by you and tim you mean

nobody else said twg seemed town afaik, it was just he had 2 people trusting him and 0 doubting him, compared to everyone else who had either 1 person or less trusting them and/or one person or more doubting them

i personally didnt townread twg, i thought he could be scum, but also thought it was town it'd save the items
Two people agreeing upon a tr early isn't indicative of anything? His takedown of Unu's claim was a pre good start

of course I don't plan to keep it since mafia will just kill me for it tonight if they want to, that is if they don't steal it from me today since someone took one of fog's items during yesterday
And in what world were you trustworthy enough to do so, considering you were a hammer away yesterday from being lynched, and boy do I wish I could turn back time on that


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
like, the wifom of killing erik and UNU having to back pedal like this would absolutely not be worth it, surely in anyone's mind, so if maf have a blocker then UNU isn't mafia, to my mind
So if maf had a blocker, you said that would optimally block Erik and kill someone else

But Erik is dead, ergo that theory falls flat.

How does a blocker enter into this scenario so easily, and how does that clear Unu?


Mafia Host
Oct 3, 2011
Reaction score
And by the end of the day you'll have the meta fallback of "I'm chaotic as town"

Meta is fine as a potential guide, but it should never be the basis of a read or the way through which a read is refuted. At some point, you have to divert from meta and explain in a different manner.

imo you've done nothing different this day compared to yesterday that makes you any less of an sr, and your continued defense of Unu is wearing on me. Stop jumping through hoops to clear your partner, he's locked for lynch.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
My point was if Erik lived and Unu performed the way he did today, he'd def be on the chopping block. He is essentially a lock scum atm
yes I know what your point is, but my point is that UNU wouldn't have performed like this if erik had lived and UNU was maf, if he was doing the plan I thought he was doing

Yeah it's common, but it's not guaranteed. Your post indicated that you found it to be the most probable route, which is a mighty assumption to make all thing considered. Because:
I know it's not garunteed

yeah I did find it really probably - most probable route not necessarily, but it was probable enough to make me want to do it vs any other option I considered such as stealing from a random person or stealing from the cop in case they did die, but if they didn't possibly taking an item from them which they needed to do their role or something

you say it's a "mighty assumption" but i made no assumption

What if maf didn't have a blocker?

What if town had a blocker and blocked the maf blocker?

What if town had a tracker, tracked maf blocker and now maf blocker could be exposed?

What if Unu botches the cc war and Erik survives and gets protection?

What if what if what if
you can 'what if' on any choice you make, those possibilities are all true but they don't negate the, in my opinion, pretty strong likelihood of maf having a blocker and therefore deciding to leave both cops alive

Two people agreeing upon a tr early isn't indicative of anything? His takedown of Unu's claim was a pre good start
are you saying that two people townreading someone means that someone is probably town? in which case i highly disagree

and as mentioned, his takedown of unu's claim was what first made me a little suspicious of him, so i disagree on that as well

And in what world were you trustworthy enough to do so, considering you were a hammer away yesterday from being lynched, and boy do I wish I could turn back time on that
it doesnt matter if im trusted to do it or not, im gonna do what i think is best for town, im not gonna decline a choice that i predicted would be good for town just because 'people might think i wasnt trustworthy enough to do that'

and boy do I wish I could turn back time on that
this sentence wont age well


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
Reaction score
So if maf had a blocker, you said that would optimally block Erik and kill someone else

But Erik is dead, ergo that theory falls flat.

How does a blocker enter into this scenario so easily, and how does that clear Unu?
im saying

- if maf had a blocker AND unu was maf, erik would most likely be alive

- and if maf had a blocker and erik is alive, they prob dont have unu

therefore erik being alive just means that either a) maf dont have a blocker and unu is either maf or town, or b) maf have a blocker and unu isnt mafia

And by the end of the day you'll have the meta fallback of "I'm chaotic as town"

Meta is fine as a potential guide, but it should never be the basis of a read or the way through which a read is refuted. At some point, you have to divert from meta and explain in a different manner.
your continued defense of Unu is wearing on me. Stop jumping through hoops to clear your partner, he's locked for lynch.
this sentence also wont age well

im only offering my opinions, some of them against UNU, some in his favour - you could interpret that as me defending my partner if you want but consider the alternative as well