Solitude V1 - Nuclear Winter


Aug 27, 2011
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Day 2
Iron! Iron! My Kingdom for some iron! After digging down, in search for ores vital for my survival, I have come across diamond at a particularly strange height indeed. The perfect vein of seven diamond blocks, I thought I was sorted. Yet I couldn't and still can't find a single iron ore! Why has Notch forsaken me so?!

Day 3
IRON! At last my quest for iron is complete! After roaming this desolate landscape in search for the pesky resource, I have finally gathered enough to forge myself a pickaxe! I have finally been able to harbest the diamonds that have been mocking me so! 1 diamond pic and 1 diamond sword. SORTED.

Day 4
Today, I came to the realisation that my cold, exposed tree top would not be suitable if I am to be spending an extended period of time living like this, as it increasingly seems to be the case. As, such, I hae constructed a small fortified where hopefully I, and other survivors will be safe. With apples, access to mining and tall walls, it gives me a great deal of confidence in believing I will make it through this!

Day 5
Civilisation? I woke up from a peaceful nights sleep in my new fort to see light in the distance! After deciding to investigate, I find an inscription on a tree nearby, in which someone called Shande said he had been there. Could this be another survivor, or perhaps just a ruthless Chinese dictator, I may never know, but I knew that my best chance of finding anyone, dictator or not, was following those torches...

Day 6
After a day and night of walking on blistered feet, the torches show no sign of stopping soon. I know I should turn back, but by myself, I am turning insane, I see figures on my fort walls and constant nightmares about this "Shadow Master". Wait.....whos that? ITS LISTINGS! My old school buddy! I may have chance of survival yet!



Aug 6, 2011
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Journal Entry 1:
It's been about 2 weeks since I ended up.... here? I don't know where he is. I woke up on a crude cobblestone staircase near an old ice fishing village. I rummaged around looking for supplies, and found a pair of iron boots, an iron sword, and a stone axe. If I ever run into the man, this @Jolteon42, I will need to thank him and repay him. These boots have made my journey safer and easier on my feet.

I wandered around the area for a week, exploring old structures, gathering what I could from the surface. I dare not venture into any of the monster infested natural caves. I was able to gather some redstone from a very well stocked shack, but I didn't take any of the Lapis I saw, I'd rather not resort to stealing. Sadly, the radio I built seems to be useless except for one transmission I received about a Naplam Strike or a fire bombing. I have yet to see any fire though.

I eventually settled in an wooded area, setting up a small but cosy camp in the giant trees dotting the landscape. I also covered the entrance to deter any thieves. I don't have much to steal though, but I'd rater not lose what I have so soon. My next few days will involve getting a farm going. And maybe plating some trees to replace the ones I cut. I do hope I see a friendly face. I thought I had found someone, but it turned out to only be a trail of bones...

(Also @Shinyshark I guess.)


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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Log 2:
"Fort Kangaroo" as I now seem to have called my new home has been flooded again an my Palisade wall partially burned away...
But all that doesn't matter now.
I have decided to abandon my Fort... Taking any supplies and wood I can gather.
For Winter is here... I'm going North... Into the Blackness... To find a Wall... To find any Others... To find hope...
Log 3:
A pair named "dirtcake and Smannd" found me gathering extra wood from the wall I built...
They stayed the night, and I left with them the next.
We encountered a fort built on ice... The graves of "Shadowofgods" and his companion laid at the gates...
However... we were attacked unexpectedly by what dirtcake dubbed as "Mr. Bones." .... an invisible force smiting us with lightning bolts and pigmen... What has the world come too?
Log 4:
Traveling alone now. Discovered IceCove and Fort Lumber.... Staying the night. Hope they don't mind me borrowing some supplies.

(@Shinyshark: Also I guess)


Aug 6, 2011
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Swate's Diary Entry

Day 1
I have woken up from what feels like a ten-day Hell. Last I remember was a huge explosion and EonLatias and I screaming in pain. How could I survive? How long have I been sleeping on the emerald velvet below me? And was Eon still alive? I decided to set out to find some answers. However, it was night, so I just fell asleep again somehow.

Day 2
Well, I decided to set out. I could see burning green people in the distance, so I decided to go that way. On the way there I kept passing trees that were huge and had gigantic trunks. I found a little area with a frozen lake and a little frozen river coming off it. Al of a sudden, I heard a freaky SSSSS noise and sprint-jumped about 5 blocks. Lucky I did. A creeper blew up as I flew and I was left with one and a half hearts. I had to find shelter. All of a sudden, a light caught my eye as I saw a little cavernous area with some torches. I came in and found a little cavern with a furnace and a workbench, along with a sign that said "RIP Diago21 (I think?!)." It sort of scared me a little, and the name also seemed familiar somehow, but I decided I had to stay the night or die. Blocking off the rest of the cavern that continued off of where the furnace was, and blocking off the entrance except for a door which I also placed, I just sat there. I crafted a bit, twiddled my thumbs, and also cooked some of the meat I had gathered earlier to replenish my hunger. All of a sudden I fell asleep again, sitting on the workbench that I had not placed. I dreamed of the days before I woke up the other day. I dreamed of a place called New Haven.

Day 3
I woke up and placed a few signs next to the sign referencing this "Diago21" character so that, if there were others wandering this land like me, they would know they are not alone. After that was done, I set off in a different direction. I found a bit of iron on the way, that was good, until all of a sudden I heard a weird noise and I lost half my health. I tumbled forwards and turned around to defend myself from the attacker. I saw a long lanky black thing holding a block, and I recognised it as an Enderman. That was weird, I thought, I thought Endermen burned in daylight? And that was the last thing I thought before I blacked out.

Day ???
I don't know how long I've been lying here, but here I am. My entire body has been severed in half and I'm writing this with the last strength my muscles have. And guess what, just great. I'm running out of in so I guess I'll have to use my own blood. Goodbye worl


Dec 4, 2011
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Diary Note,

Just 20 days in and I have already lost 5 of my friends. 4 lives taken by creepers and 1 has gone missing. Now I am forever alone in post apocalyptic, nuclear winter doing the best I can to survive. I am not doing too bad if I say so myself as my tools are up to a high standard and I have armour to help me live. I am just hoping not to die and find civilization. @Shinyshark

Roobarb Pie

Aug 6, 2011
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Day One:

I wake up. What am I doing here? Looking around, I see several of my peers who had fallen to misfortune, i slayed their motional cavaders without thinking twice. To my left, I spotted a large tower. On the sign, it mentioned something of a resistance, of all things! In a time like this, where the only thing keeping me alive is the scarce levels of sugarcane that I've used up, how can they expect me to use my life defending a wasteland?

I travel west, knocking down a few trees with my trusty wooden axe. It's getting dark. I head towards a source of light, finding an abandoned hideout. I spend the night there. Prehaps tomorrow shall shape up.



Professional innuendo creator/finder.
Aug 6, 2011
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Day 16.

I keep walking and walking and walking, I am getting sore feet. Wish I had some bandages for my feet, but I guess the pain will wear off in due time. Radiation really is gone like that radio said. But there's one thing I am asking myself; Why help us if you want to kill us?

Day 17.

I found the most beautifull hill ever! It has a big tree, But that'll fall soon enough. Boy, If it wasn't for the fact that the bombs haven't dropped yet I think this might've caused some panic. *BOOM* goes the tree, Awesome! Now to slap my house on it...

Day 18.

House is done, Running out of ink, Keeping it short!

Day 19.

Alright, The lake infront of my house has enough squid for an infinite supply, atleast for as long as I'll be living..."

Day 20.

Trying to get the materials for a receiver, I could also possibly try blocking that Chinese broadcast but then again, They might accidently swap out info; I don't want to risk it so I'll keep it to a receiver. I learned about the technique's of EMP in the military before I went here, Hence why I know about this but I also know that EMP's don't block nuclear explosions.

Day 21.

I just thought about this, I might be wrong or I might be right. I received Co-ordinations of that secret base, Once inside everything was looted. Haha, My house is partly made of that chinese out-post, Asuming it is an out-post or chinese, Did look like it.