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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Oct 8, 2011
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[lol balloon98 I had so many great things planned for the trip to Terrenus... one such thing being this large hunk of text you all are about to read. so let this be a note: This happened before balloon's post having us arrive at the gates, just to make sure there is no confusion.]

Durwin, Duffie, and Balloon made their way toward Terrenus. The ground was even, if not a little rocky here and there. Snow blanketed the bare trees and the surrounding terrain. It was a rather bright and clear day, kind of ironic considering the terror that threatened to grip the land. Durwin chuckled and a sad look encroached on the slight smile he had. When Duffie glanced at him questioningly he said,

"Oh I was just thinking about a winter say quite like this one, well except for the death and the evil and all that, but the crisp and clear day. My family came out of the house to watch the sunrise glitter on the snow. Not a cloud in sight... Had a wife, you know, and kids, 3 of em the little rascals. We were, I still am, both young and foolish, but we had smarts where it counted. My folks had just passed away a few days before hand and that had sobered me up some, I guess you could say. And the sunrise, man it was beautiful. Made a living doing repair jobs. Broke a tool? Come see Durwin, he can fix ya up! House window shattered? Not a problem for Durwin! Bandits destroyed your family? Well you're SoL cause that's permanent! That's why I decided to take up magic you know... they just waltzed right in, and I couldn't do a damn thing... just came in and took everything right out from under my nose. And then they gloated about it, while I was still under knife point, in the same room! Her, their, screams and tears are still burned into me to this day.

You know, the business of trade can give you valuable information. I had heard once that in order to gain magic one must first give something in return and the more precious the thing that is given is, the more powerful you'd become. I guess I gave up a lot that day. Well not gave up, taken from. Still a novice, I made every last one of them rue the day they defiled the Drauka family. Of course it wasn't Drauka, death, soul, underworld, not back then, it was Hepton. I stayed away from necromancy because I wasn't foolish enough to think that accursed art could help. See? Smarts where it counted.... My revenge exacted, I wandered for a long time, mopping, I suppose. This was about 3 centuries ago. I always made sure I kept myself clean and wearing new clothes. It was something my wife insisted upon. Maybe I thought I could keep a connection to her that way, or I just didn't want people noticing me coming back year after year, decade after decade.

I had begun to take a familiar route and the children would be waiting for me at the gates of what ever town I would be arriving in. Children have a natural affinity to me, I don't know why. It's a shame I never took the time to learn any of their names. Finally I settled down in Warren's Row, a quaint village far to the north, away from most people. The Landowner said I could work at the local tavern to earn keep, so that's what I did for 30 years. That's when the black figures first arrived, up north. No one knew what they were and so they would look right at em and not know what they did wrong until the things were on them. I used my power to rid the place of them, but I knew I could not stay there, not after that. I decided to study up on what ever I could find about these creatures, I didn't know that they were called Endermen, at the time. I've spent about the last 200 years doing that, preparing myself, making a shield of myself.

The last book I read was about Herobrine. It referenced another book in the town of Cliffsbane, which I was on my way to when I arrived at the Brewer's Stand. And now Herobrine is awake once more and I have to do something. Just the thought of him do to families across this world, just as those bandits did to mine, makes my blood churn, my mind melt, and my reasoning veil itself." Durwin blinked and looked up for the first time since he had started talking. His eyes had fluctuated from fiery reds and oranges, to disheartened blues and purples, to hopeful greens, and now they were an embarrassed pink. Durwin looked a bit disoriented and out in the open from the whiplash of memory to reality, he couldn't bring himself to look at the others. He said,

"I'm sorry I seem to have rambled on for quite a long time.... ummm perhaps one of you would like to say something of your own past? I hope you can forgive my senseless talking, I should have known better. What ever your story, I shall listen. It's the least I can do for putting you through that..." Durwin kept his gaze down on the ground.


Aug 6, 2011
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(( Awesome story, Thetogolopian. ;3 ))

(( Background music for story times! ))

After hearing Durwin's past, Duffie looked toward the ground in despair. She cleared her throat, and began to speak.

"Several years ago, I used to live with my family; My mother and sister. It was a pleasant and tranquil time, back in our little house in the middle of the woods... I can't say I remember anything before that, though.

"All I can remember back to is what my mother-- Sophia, who had told me, that I was found near her house, unconscious on the grass. She took me in, raising me as her own. She was with a young daughter at the time, without a husband to care... I stayed to look after her daughter, Kira. I really didn't want to cause her too much trouble, but she didn't mind."

Duffie sighed, then looked off into the forest the bandits had came from, as they continued to walk down toward the town.

"But then... One day, when Kira had came for me, to tell me that supper was ready... We went back to find our home in ruins. Fires ablaze, our stuff thrown all over the floor... At least Kira was safe...

"Kira was shocked as much as I was to find the house in shambles... But we couldn't find our mom."

Duffie then looked at the ground, watching the the gravel pass by as they do so.

"Kira, my little sister... She's still alive, in Yayakoshii. I felt the need to keep her company, but she insisted that I went out and look for our mother."

Duffie giggled, then shook her head as she smiled.

"She actually wanted to come, too. I just told her to keep herself at home, while I went out to look for her... And now I've got Herobrine involved... Who knows, maybe he knows something..."

The group was quiet for a while, when Duffie asked Balloon, "Well... What's your story, Balloon? I'm sure we have enough time for one more."


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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Chunk of text
[can I have a tl;dr please? Just really tired and my brain can't comprehend this]
[also, storyteller, I hope you're an admin so your account doesn't get locked :p thanks for making my day though]
Blob started to approach Shizuka with DarthLego5679 and Refresh100 . "So, Refresh, go grab your stuff. I'll search the town for clues of what may have happened, and on Herobrine's whereabouts. Which leaves Darth, who will...?"


Oct 8, 2011
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[can I have a tl;dr please? Just really tired and my brain can't comprehend this]
[Unsure if we should have our own storytime like the other group, or...]

[Figured a trip would be the good time for more background on each of your characters, if you so wished. You don't have to, but it would be much appreciated. ;)]


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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(( Storyteller you technically arent even in the story yet:p))
"Hmm my story is I guess different then most. I have no idea who my parents were and I grew up in an orphanage for roughly till I became 15 when I got a job at the blacksmith shop and was able to buy a house and live alone." I sighed. It was a while since I had talked to people it felt...good

"I had lived in the town of this small town called Corpios till it got bombed out of nowhere from an enemy that I have still not figured out who. After that explosion I had woken up in the ruins of the city with no survivors to be seen. Then after seeing a shard of glass I had saw what had happened to me..." It felt painful to tell this it was almost like I was back there like when the white light appeared in the bar...

"Then for years I had lived in the forest watching over Shizuka and other towns as I had stayed in hiding. To be honest, I was afraid deeply afraid of what might happen if people saw me. I knew how everyone feared and killed endermans ad the story about Herobrine. Then YOU guys came and when you Durwin announced the thing about someone handling a weapon I figured it was my time to step out of the shadows once and for all."

(( Now my last post will go in front of this one when we go to the gates))


Aug 6, 2011
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"Well best we should get going." I slowly started walking down the path with durwin and duffie as we came to the gates of Terrenus and I called to a guard to open the gates.
"An why, would we want to open ze gates for you? We aren't going to open ze gates for just any random twits zat come to ze fort!"​
"Bugger off!"​
"Balloon, I thought you were known in Terrenus?"
You zere!! In ze hideous purple! What is your purpose at ze fort?!​


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin looked up at the guard,
"It matters not who he's talking to," Durwin yells up at the gate,
"You will let us in!" He looks back at the group and mutters,
"Or I'll burn our way in... we have no time for this."


"Shizuka? Sounds like anozer place we should conquer!"​
To his men- "Zey zink zat we will give zem supplies! Heehee!"​
To the Real Terrenus guards tied down on the ground- "Quiet down zer!"​
Speaking again to the travelers- "Okay! We shall send you ze supplies to help your Shizuka! Well start wize ze food!"​
