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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin followed Balloon and Duffie over to where they heard the sound,

"If it's a cat or a dog or something, I think I may find that I am hungry..." Duffie smacked him on the arm.

"It was only a joke!" They arrived to find several men in their underwear gagged and bound together.

"My my! Who are these fellows?" Durwin walked up and undid the gag in one of the men's mouth. The words spilled out like they had been pent up and his mouth had been ready to burst,

"We are the guards of Terrenus! Please you must help us! The men, the ones you killed, attacked us and left only a small number here! They have a much bigger force just to the Northeast! Please, free us and we can give you supplies!" Durwin looked suspiciously at the man,

"What makes you think we need supplies? We seemed to have taken this fort without much effort, yes?" The man's gaze turned toward the ground,

"We, uh, heard your conversation... Quite a shame they wasted those cows like that. But please hurry, we may not have much time! Durwin looked at Duffie and Balloon,

"Well what do you think we should do? Leave em here and go find the supplies ourselves? Or release them? I'm leaning toward leaving them here... there's something... wrong, about them."


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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"Release them I know this one right here." Balloon picked up the guard who was on the far right of the remaining guards. "This is a prosperous fort and I am not going to steal from it." Balloon turned to the guard that had spoken to the group. " Well seeing that those impostors already gave us food do you by chance have any armor, weapons, or potions we could use? Since in case if you haven't heard Herobrine and the enderman have returned..."

(( Refresh100 how did he mess up?))


Aug 14, 2011
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It felt like he had been walking for miles. He didn't recognize anything at all! He found a lake close by, so he decided to camp near there for a while. He hoped that some travelers would pass by in the confusing world. No wonder the warp gate for here was left in the very old corridor of the Time Factory. he would have suspected that a place like this would have had it's time cut off a long time ago.
"Hello!?" Blinx called out into the air, hoping someone would hear. He knew how to survive on his own with the lake providing fish and water, but he knew that he would go insane if he didn't find company soon. Milk would have been nice, too.


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin looked at the men tied up,

"What? Just cause I can do it quickly doesn't give you right to get lazy..." He saw the look in Duffie's eyes and gave in,

"Alright fine... twist my arm why don't ya..." Durwin snapped his fingers and the ropes and gags were cut.

"There, can we go now? I really rather not be here when that army shows up."


Aug 14, 2011
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Perfect! Now that I'm stocked up on fish and full of water, I'm ready to continue on! Now...

Which direction did I come from again?
Realizing the situation he was in, Blinx quickly decided to go backwards. Luckily, he realized this in a relatively short time. He continued on forwards and saw a large mountain coated in trees! There was enough wildlife to sustain him for a lifetime! Blinx quickly ran to the mountain, happy to find it.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the mountain, a village is being evacuated, as they realized the mountain that they lived on was a volcano that could explosively erupt at any second.

"It's gonna blow! Get out of your houses! Save you children and your wives! We can't save the houses and properties, but we can save it's inhabitants!"

Blinx heard some faint screaming on the other side of the mountain, and thinking that it was just some sort of animal, he ignored it. he thought about looking for the screaming animal tomorrow. It seemed as though it's in terror, which could mean free food! He decided to ignore it because of the possible diseases it could have held. While wandering the forest a bit more, he found a lake with many blue crystals. He collected a large amount of them, knowing that they will serve him great good in the future. Death could literally be just around the corner, and pausing time is the best solution for avoiding something!


As the guards are unbound, the old guard leaps and wraps his arms around the legs of Duffie. He begins sobbing at her feet.
"Thank the blessed Notch that there are people with an ounce of kindness in this world! Those vile people tortured us for days! Perverting our minds with their wickedness! They pulled our ears! And gave us wet willies by the half hour!" He shudders, remembering.
The old guard crawls along the dusty pavement of the fort, reaching the side of a well. He pulls from it a ladel, and begins drinking from it, splashing water on his face, which fall to form tiny beads in his beard. He pulls himself up along the well's ledge, and with a great effort, manages to sit himself upright.
"Forgive me, it feels as if it has been years since I had the nectar of life touch my parched lips."​
"Ah, balloon98, I have heard of you before. My fellow men have spoken highly of you. I wish they could be here to tell you personally, but I fear they have been taken captive by men very like of who you have saved us from today. Those vile men also stole most of our supplies to their base, but there is some food and medical supplies hidden in a storage house at the back of the fort. I'll have Marco and Julian lead you to it."​
Turns his attention back to Duffie. A trustworthy smile appears on his face.
"My young woman, there appears to be a great aura surrounding you. You appear to be someone that has a destiny, perhaps you are not aware, but one day, it will become clear. I have something I wish to give you."​
He removes a thin silver chain from around his neck. A small black stone hangs from it, swinging in a pendulum motion. The stone appears to constantly change shape, changing to spheres, stars, horses, family members.
"This is the Obsidian Pendulum. I call it Ami, after my mother. It has the power to help you find what is lost. The only thing you need is a thought, and Ami will guide you without fail. For example, where is my old hat?"​
The chain of the Pendulum immediately stiffens and points perfectly horizontal to the left by a pile of rubble laying on the ground. The man walks over to it, being led by the un-moving Pendulum, and begins removing the rocks until he discovers a tattered black hat with a large hole in it.
"Well it doesn't look like my hat will be any use anymore, but I hope that Ami will be useful for you. It was a family heirloom, but with no family of my own to inherit it, I wish for you to have it. "​


Aug 6, 2011
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Duffie walks toward the old man, accepting the family heirloom, observing it in the palm of her hand, watching as the shape changed into the shape of a teardrop. She closed her hand above it.

She looked back at the guard. "... Are you sure you'd like to give this to me? It wouldn't feel right to take something that seems so dear to you..."


Aug 14, 2011
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Blinx had been feeling multiple tremors. One of them had brought down a few trees. Feeling that the area was a little bit too dangerous, Blinx got slightly farther away from the mountain.
The small distance that he had traveled saved his life.
The mountain appeared to blow up, and the pyroclastic flows were speeding towards him. He reached for his time sweeper as quickly as possible and paused time. He ran as fast as he could, knowing that time will come back in about four minutes. Blinx kept on running, and he was almost out of the pyroclastic flow's path.
Suddenly, time came back.
He was close enough to the pyroclastic flow when he got away from it that his tail was singed by the heat, but not enough to be dangerous.
"Wow, if it hadn't been for those pause crystals, I would have died..." Blinx said to himself. Patting himself on the back for finding the crystals, he decided to go back on the path. In the distance, he saw the outline of a fort. Around the outside of it, he saw people. As he got closer to the wall, hefelt the presence of some strange artifact with impressive powers and smelled... rum...?
"Hey! Can somebody open the gates for me?" Blinx shouted.

[I need some opinions, should I lose the ability to manipulate time, or just use it in crucial situations?]


"Hah, an old man such as me has no use to try and find what he has lost. I need to enjoy what I have in front of me, besides, the only thing that concerns me at the moment is the safety of my friends that have been captured by those thugs. After we three regain our strength, we shall gather a force to release them. Besides, balloon mentioned that you seek to defeat the legendary Herobrine? Sounds like you'll need Ami more than I ever had or will."​
"Hey, who is that I hear outside? Someone should let him in! Assuming he's kind-folk."​


Aug 6, 2011
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Duffie nodded toward the old man, as she heard someone outside the fort, as well. She put on the necklace, then turned back toward the old man.

"I'm sorry, I haven't heard your name, and you've ours. I'm Duffie Shirayuki, you've already known about Balloon..." She picked her thumb over her shoulder, "And that grumpy scrooge is Durwin."


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin's eyes turned orange,

"Who you calling grumpy, little miss-sleeps-a-lot!?" He advances on Duffie, and takes the amulet,

"Where are the supplies we are looking for?" It shifts and points to the southwest. Durwin thinks about it for a minute,

"Where are the supplies we need?" The amulet shifts and points to the northeast. Durwin grumbles,

"You'd think after 300 yrs, you wouldn't have to put up with name calling." He turned back to the group,

"C'mon lets get going, those supplies aren't going to sprout legs and come to us."


Looks at Durwin
"I was quite like him once. Pessimistic. Brash. A bit cranky. But my soul began to weather against the sands of time, and began showing some of my soft sides. I just wish that I had learned to control myself, before I met my wife, the most beautiful woman I will ever know....." He paused, staring into the distance. He quickly jolted back.
"Ah, my name? Isaeus Mundy, I believe it is. Unless that Old Man's Disease is kicking in! Ha!"​
He stands up and pats Duffie on the shoulder.
"Look out for yourself Duffie Shirayuki, and watch out for your friends as well. Remember, your friend there has a power beyond belief. I hope that you will be there for him, if he can't control his feelings just as I hadn't. I don't want him to hold the guilt of a regrettable action like I do."​
"Take as much of the supplies as you need, and safe travels to you all"​
Isaeus, Marco, and Julian exit the fort and journey off.