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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Aug 14, 2011
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"Hurt? There didn't seem to be anyone there. It appeared to be a mountain that was peaceful and looked nothing like a volcano, or at least one that erupted recently. I heard very faint screams, but that was after the tremors, so I assume that it was just wildlife communicating to each other. Those animals know when natural disasters strike. Besides, who would live out on a mountain in the middle of nowhere?"


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth took a very quick glance around to assess his situation.
The walls of this small niche were slick stone, and reached over 3 stories high.
And that spider looked fierce....
"Come and try and get me, little bugger!" Darth yelled at it.
He reached out his arm and made a clenching gesture with his hand. The spider was lifted off the ground a bit, and slowly crushed to death.
"Poor guards..." he said sadly. "They never stood a chance against these beasties. It's like they're...more powerful now."

Darth quickly got out of the cramped area and finished searching the streets.

"Nothing much of value, except-What's that?"
Darth heard a noise like whimpering. He took a look inside a small building and found a dog sitting there, whining softly.

"Poor fellow. Here, have some bones." Darth tossed the bones from the skeletons to the dog. It seemed to perk up immediately.

"Have fun, puppy. I've got to get going."

Darth stepped out of the building and walked towards the wreckage of the tavern. He could hear the sounds of breaking and clattering bottles. He glanced back to see that the dog was now following him.

"Shoo! Go home!" he declared. It just sat there and whimpered.
"Fine, follow me." he shrugged.

He continued on into the tavern to see Refresh tossing empty bottles over his shoulder.


Aug 6, 2011
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Duffie yawned obnoxiously, not paying any attention to the conversations behind her. She was really tired.

She looked up into the sky, noticing that the sky was changing into an orange-y color. Seems the sun was going down, which meant night was slowly approaching.

"Hey, Durwin. Where exactly is the pendant taking us?"


A ghoul approaches Defiant_Blob, pale skinned with eyes of blinding whiteness. It pains your eyes as you look into them. The ghoul is banded by fiery chains, which snake along the ground and into a smokey blackness behind the being and disappear. It is as if the ghoul is bound by its energy. It begins to speak without the use of its mouth, but it's voice is hollow and raspy.
"Mortal, I am the messenger of your imminent pain, hardship, and death. The people of your tongue know to fear me by the name of Ahgul. I speak for those who you wish to bring a means to an end, Herobrine, the Lord of Shadow. Your meaningless quest to attain peace in the realms has angered the Shadow Lord, and wishes for me to deliver a warning of your coming demise if you so wish to tamper with the ultimate destiny of the Dark Lord and his Queen. If you comply to his kind request, you shall receive your deaths quickly and with mercy. Do you understand mortal? Speak!"
Humanoid shadows begin to appear coming from all directions. They begin to move closer, and closer, and closer....


Aug 14, 2011
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Wow, I don't think I wanna mess with Durwin, he looks more vicious than the Industrial Time Machine... Blinx thought.
Since he was going to stay with them for a while, he decided to give each of them something.
"Durwin, Balloon, Duffie, I have something for you guys."'
Blinx handed each of them a time control neutralizer.
"This will negate the effects of my time controls to you three only, meaning you get to experience what happens when the world is paused, slowed down, sped up, or rewound. Even though there are barely any time crystals in this world, I still have about two pauses left, so these should come in handy for ya."


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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Blob smiled, confusing the ghoul. "Listen Aghul. Now, I know you probably don't know much about how things work in this realm, but let me get things straight. In this world, I am the Defiant Blob. That is, I'm pretty much the most famous person in my world. Now, you may be wondering why. Well, I'll tell you: It's because I, the Defiant Blob, single handedly defeated Aghul and his army of minions. You're probably confused right now, thinking, 'What? I am not defeated!' What you don't understand, however, is that that event happens today, and it is going to happen very, very soon." Blob drew his sword. He'd recently found it buried in the debris of his old home. The Tetsusaiga it was called, said to wield massive power. Now's a better time than ever to see how good this sword truly is.. "Messenger of Death, Voice of the Shadow Lord, Aghul, prepare to be sent to the deepest levels of the Nether! I am your death!" Blob began running at Aghul, the blade in his hand trailing a reddish aura behind.


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin took the item,

"Hmm, thank you," He examined the item for a while before placing it in his pocket. The smell of campfire became noticeable in the night air. Durwin sniffed,

"Mmm, smell that? Mmm I could really go for a s'more right about now... I wonder if they'll shared." They had arrived at the army encampment.


"Hahahaha, Foolish Mortal, You cannot merely kill the voice of the Shadow Lord. I am ethereal. This body you see before you is projected from the real Ahgul, powered by the crying voices of a thousand dying souls."
Ahgul is unfazed as Defiant_Blob swings his sword, releasing blood curling screams as the sword cuts through the ghoul's body. Smoke reappears to replace what has been severed, and the face of Ahgul stares a mere inch in front of Defiant_Blob's face. There is a feeling in the air, as if thousands of lives were taken all at once.
"Don't you see, mortal? Darkness will always be around to see that your pathetic lives remain pathetic. There is nothing that you can do to stop it."
The shadows begin to slowly glide back into the smoky portal, high pitched noises begin to occur, undulating in frequency and volume. It is as if the spirits are singing, but they all sing of sadness.
"You are brave for a mortal, but that bravery will be your downfall."
The chains of the ghoul begin to slowly pull it back into the portal, the chains clatter and spark fire as they slam on the pavement.
"Heed my warning!"
The last message from Ahgul resonates in Defiant_Blob's mind, but no evidence of the event actually occurred, as Defiant_Blob is staring at a pile of burning shrapnel, from when his Tetsusaiga destroyed a pile of crates.


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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"Okay so how do you guys want to do this? You want to sneak in and get supplies, sneak in and attack,or full blow attack them? I would like to not fight though we don't know how many there are in there." Balloon looked at them questionably waiting for an answer.


Aug 6, 2011
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"Honestly," Duffie answered, "I think we should sneak in. Who knows how big the army is! Our best bet is to get Durwin to conjure a box and let us sneak inside."

Duffie laughed to herself, then shook her head. "Not really, but seriously, I think we should sneak in rather than risk the attempt of making them give us the supplies out of fear. Or fighting it out. We're only a group of people, while they have an army..."


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin looked upon the army,

"I'd guess... about one thousand men? Not much of an army but sizeable enough. It's up to you guys, I don't think they'll be too much of an issue if we fight, especially in the dark where chaos reigns, but if we try to sneak in and then sneak out, and get caught, well then we have to fight anyway and we lose the element of surprise."


Aug 6, 2011
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[The forums done stop givin me alerts :(]
Refresh looked up and was mildly shocked but glad. Darth had returned. "There you are, where have you been? And oh my God what's this little puppy dog doing here?" he said moving in on the dog now slowly backing behind Darth. "Aw, aren't you so cute?" he said in a playful voice while holding the now scared dog's face, he looked back up to Darth, "What's his name?"

[Edit: I derped and asked his name twice]


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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Blob shouted into the nothingness, "Coward! If you are so great, fight me yourself! When I find you , or Herobrine, I'll rip you limb from limb, cell from cell, atom from atom." Blob's face suddenly dropped. He remembered the barkeep. He hadn't told the others. He'd found a letter from the barkeep in the town, and couldn't help but to assume the worst. It was covered in blood.


As Duffie, Durwin, Balloon, and Blinx approach the encampment, they watch as about 100 men are gathered around a large bonfire. Most, if not all, the men are drinking from mugs, bottles, or at least a sort of container (Durwin notices one is drinking from a shoe) which contains Primordian Ale, perhaps one of the most dangerous alcoholic drinks in all the realm. It's hangovers last for a minimum of 2 days, and a state of drunkenness can last for twice as long, for just drinking one mug-full. All of the men in this group are very drunk, and take no notice at the travelers approaching them, and continue their boisterous drunken laughter. They are all staring at three men staring around the fire, who apparently are having a facial hair competition.
"Look, mein ez quite good eh?"
"Myyyyne isss betterrr *hiccup* ya! It haz curly spindlies!"
"Mai mustache ez ze best, it has lamps, so I can haz moar ale at nite!
In unison: "Drink to our gud fortune!!"
Everyone in the group clanks their bottles and drink another glass, joyous that they all three have won the contest.