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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Aug 6, 2011
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As Darth, Balloon, and Defiant begin to sit theirselves at the dining table, Duffie looks around, noticing Durwin is still no where to be found.

She looks at the object she had been given, wondering when she was supposed to use it...

But, before she could give it any second thought, the dinner soon started to pour in.

(( Make it looks awesome, StoryMaster. :3 ))


"Ah, glad you like it sir. It's anchovy and fermented garlic flavored; a Soffian specialty!"

Hundreds of foods are being sheparded to and from the table, the waitresses and waiters are a bustle of white blurs.

The Butler begins going around and informing the guests of the types of foods they are being offered.

"Hang-cho Pies" "Vealafrapachinos" "Pork Dewhiplights" "Stuffed Camel's Hump" "Golden Fairy Tails" "Westermongers" "Conosouirs" "Shadow's Bloodwurst" "Katchafraz" "Hyruliean Biggles Snouts"

Darth asks a question to the Butler about what he is eating currently, because it's hard to see through his mask.

"Oh those sir? Those would be called 'Chicken Nuggets'. I don't even know what part of a chicken is a 'nugget'..."

The Butler walks down the table, lost in thought.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"Ah, glad you like it sir. It's anchovy and fermented garlic flavored; a Soffian specialty!"

Hundreds of foods are being sheparded to and from the table, the waitresses and waiters are a bustle of white blurs.

The Butler begins going around and informing the guests of the types of foods they are being offered.

"Hang-cho Pies" "Vealafrapachinos" "Pork Dewhiplights" "Stuffed Camel's Hump" "Golden Fairy Tails" "Westermongers" "Conosouirs" "Shadow's Bloodwurst" "Katchafraz" "Hyruliean Biggles Snouts"

Darth asks a question to the Butler about what he is eating currently, because it's hard to see through his mask.

"Oh those sir? Those would be called 'Chicken Nuggets'. I don't even know what part of a chicken is a 'nugget'..."

The Butler walks down the table, lost in thought.
[Wasn't sure how I was going to eat, but that works too. :p]


In the kitchen, the Caretaker looks about all the pots and pans that are being heated to unmeasurable temperatures. The Caretaker spots a chef stirring a clear liquid in a small pot.

"Chef, would that be the Doku Soupe that you are stirring?"

"Yessir, this would be it."

The Caretaker removes a small vial of liquid from his coat pocket, then waves his hand in front of the Chef's face.

"You will add this into the Doku Soupe."

"I will add this into the Doku Soupe."

"Very good Chef, have a nice day."

Darth feels a disturbance in the force....


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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Balloon notices Defiant attacking the food like he hadn't eaten for weeks. "Defiant slow down save some for the rest of us. Waiter can you tell me which of these dishes don't contain meat since i am vegetarian." As expected Balloon gets a few weird glances from people around the table.


Aug 6, 2011
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After walking for hours Refresh stopped and sat down near a stream. He splashed water on his face, then took out some bandage and applied it over the tear in his "skin." He looked up at the SkyBase and said "How in the hell am I going to get back up there..."

[panel]Project Log: 38
Date: 4/9/32

Screw it. It's just not possible. I'm going to try my hand at robotics. After all, that IS what I have a Ph. D in...
I'll tell the project community Monday, I know they won't be happy, but at this point, I really don't care...
Signing off for the weekend, probably go spend some time with the kids. Haven't seen them in months...



The Butler explains to balloon that the Gourdine Raullette contains no meat, but that he should eat it with caution due to its ability to act as an aphrodisiac.

The door of the kitchen opens, and the Caretaker emerges and walks slowly towards the table. Sitting down to the left of the Queen, his long black hair momentarily covers his face, but he brushes it away and smiles towards the Queen.

"Forgive me for my lateness, my Queen, I had matters I needed to attend to. Is our meal as excellent as it always is?"

"It is quite alright Caretaker, and yes, our chefs have laid out quite a selection for us this evening due to my daughter's arrival."

"Yes, your daughter, where is she currently?"

"She has been excused for the moment."

"Ah, very well then. Oh, and I must say, I'm very much looking forward to dessert."


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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In the kitchen, the Caretaker looks about all the pots and pans that are being heated to unmeasurable temperatures. The Caretaker spots a chef stirring a clear liquid in a small pot.

"Chef, would that be the Doku Soupe that you are stirring?"

"Yessir, this would be it."

The Caretaker removes a small vial of liquid from his coat pocket, then waves his hand in front of the Chef's face.

"You will add this into the Doku Soupe."

"I will add this into the Doku Soupe."

"Very good Chef, have a nice day."

Darth feels a disturbance in the force....
Darth shuddered imperceptibly.

"Someone is doing evil..." he thought to himself. "A crude sort of mind trick, mimicked with magic, I think"

Concentrating, he reached out with his mind.

"That Caretaker has done something with our food."

Spotting the Caretaker leaving the kitchen and come towards the table, Darth glanced around to see if anyone else had noticed.

Not noticing anyone else paying attention, Darth cautiously looked at the Caretaker.

"Should try reading his thoughts more, might learn something. I already know his heart is evil." he muttered to himself.

Taking a moment, Darth then began to try to hear the man's thoughts.

"I detect pure malice. And his mention of dessert makes me wonder."

He probed a little further into the Caretaker's mind to read his thoughts more closely.


Oct 8, 2011
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[aight as much as it pains me, I'm doing it anyway.]

The portal opened up before them. Durwin smiled at Sariel,

"That's how." He grabbed Sariel, and stepped in. While the normal teleport felt as though they were being launched from a bow, this felt more like sliding sideways, but just as fast. The feeling like they were going to fall at any moment wasn't altogether pleasing in the slightest. It finally ended with a mix of smells, from foods that they had never experienced before. With a loud 'bang!' Durwin appeared, but on a table. He scrunched his eyebrows,

"What a strange place for Duffie to break the gem..." Over to the side Sariel roared with laughter, and Don looked happier than he had in a long time. Durwin frowned at Sarial,

"Now just what is so fun-" That was when he smelled it. And when he felt it. Durwin looked down to find himself butt first in a pot of soup with legs coming up over the side. Very hot soup. Very wrong soup. Not wrong in the way that was hurting him, but in a different sense, like it was tainted. He wouldn't have noticed it, if his senses weren't still on high alert from the traveling. Durwin muttered,

"Well we can't eat this now." And then the pain was too much. He jumped out as quick as he should have done right from the beginning. Durwin couldn't look down at his robe. He winced at the mere thought of it,

"Oh... this was my favorite too." He walked over the still laughing, and rolling Sariel and kicked him,

"Get up, it's time for introductions. Where's Duffie by the way. She should be here, if I was summoned. And Refresh too." The butler strode forth. He looked very angry at Durwin for ruining the soup,

"Now see here young man. That Doku Soupe was made especially for this occasion! I will not have your insolent 'riff-raff' running amuck in this palace. Behave yourself or you will... find......tha-" His words slowly died away as Durwin towered above him. Durwin gave him a stare with red eyes, that reflected his long life, and much knowledge. A look that could only be obtained after wisdom had finally coalesced with experiences, and time itself. In that look it seemed as though a thousand things had been laid in front of the butler, different passings of ages, kings, great and old and foolish, lands struck anew, and burned to ashes, wars that never ended, lived that had ceased to exist, dreams obtained and forgotten. A thousand times a thousand. The butler too late realized his mistake. Durwin was not a 'young man' and didn't take kindly to ignorant baratings from butlers. The butler tried to recede into himself like a crab, to hide away from that age old and time weary stare. Durwin never looked away from him,

"I'll ask again. Where are Duffie and Refresh. Both happen to be my friends and I'd like knowing that are both safe." The butler's eyes dropped to the ground. He finally managed to stammer,

"Sh-she... the l-lady, w-w-"

"OUT WITH IT MAN!" Durwin cut him off. The butler swallowed before continuing,

"The princess in is the bathroom." Durwin gave a hard laugh,

"Princess." He shook his head and then asked,

"And where is Refresh?" This time a guard stepped forth,

"I saw a man jump off the side of the palace to the ground below a while back."

"What did he look like?" Durwin asked.

"He wore all black."

"That sounds like him... we'll have to go get him soon... or his carcass. He wouldn't have jumped with out a reason. Do you know why?"

"Sure. He had this funny creature running after him. Pushed me aside and leaped off after him. Looked like it had come from the Nether itself." At this Durwin nodded,

"Right." He turned back to the butler now,

"Who made that soup? Who came into contact with it, with it's ingredients? Who ordered it? Who insisted upon having it, on others having it? What are it's ingredients? Where did it come from? Why was it here in the first place? When was it prepared? Do not displease me again."


Aug 14, 2011
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Don did not wish to return to Avalon at this moment, even though he felt the pull of the gem upon his chest. Seeing that Demon up close made him realize that this threat of Herobrine is real, and very dangerous. If he were to return and help his friends fight whatever awaits them, he realized that he would need to acquire a force, one which can hopefully make a dent into the great engine of darkness...


Darth delves deep within the mind of the Caretaker​
Eat quickly, eat. For the Doku Soupe will cleanse your palette, as well as your life. Perhaps I should ------ hmmm, I see. So who is my unexpected visitor into my mind this evening? So what do you think of the place? Cozy isn't it?
(( DarthLego5679 , he has found you out! ))​


Aug 6, 2011
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(( Before Durwin arrived ))

Duffie stands up, thanking the butler for the directions. She heads toward the bathroom, but before entering, she looked around to make sure nobody was around.

She threw the object on the floor, smashing it into pieces. It had looked as if small clouds of smoke had appeared, drifting away into the air.

She winced for a moment, expecting him to appear out of no where... But nothing happened.

... Did it fail? She thought, wondering what had actually happened.

She shrugged it off for now, heading into the bathroom.