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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Oct 8, 2011
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[well you saved the innkeeper using that method, why shouldn't you have been saved in the same way?

and you were the one finding Durwin's "weakness" how long that took was up to you. if you're talking about the explosive part, that was already stated many posts ago what would happen in relatively short order.]


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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[you only said that it would be explosive >_> That could mean anything. And I meant as in there was no way you guys were to know I was evil. I hadn't mentioned it at all to Durwin or such. ._. Only reason you did it was because you saw my posts, but not because of what Durwin experienced himself. Basically, play through the eyes of puppet, not the puppeteer.]


The small party comes crashing through the forest. With the wave of Cernunnos's hand several vines shoot along the ground, tripping several members, leaving the others stunned at what happened, but that slight pause allowed for vines to tie them to the tries. The ones on the ground are binded up as well. One of those attached to the tree held a small knife, and managed to cut the vines and began charging at Cernunnos. He nears within three feet of the god, until a huge log shoots straight up the ground, making the escapee smack his head against the side. He falls to the ground, and then is tied up firmly against the forest floor.
Purple and pink mushrooms begin sprouting around the trapped. Spores begin glittering about them, which causes their bodies to relax, taking in all the beauties of nature, though not quite in the same state of the mind...



[Seizure warning has been made]

"I aint got tha slightest clue man. Sorry I been so quiet, but this crib is tha shiz, man."

Sariel picks up a statue, which causes a gem to fall out of its socket. He tries to fit it back in, but after several failed efforts he then just puts the gem into his pocket when no one is looking.


Outside the valley, the evil army is assembling...
Crothar stands a rock pillar, watching as the last portion of his army passes through the portal. With the portal now no longer needed, it closes to prevent anyone from entering through it. The only way to return is if those on the other side open up another, or they march all the way to the Gates of Hell.
With several million strong, the army awaits for their commander to give the order.​


Oct 8, 2011
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"Well I'm going to go get a status update from a friend" Then he said under his breath,

"And find a few trees." Durwin left the throne room and made his way to the palace entrance. He saw Mickie there with a hand on the wall to support himself. Mickie glared at him,

"Ya fergot me!" Durwin stared wide eyed at him,

"I thought you were with Don still. I thought you two stayed behind to do something."

"Oh we stayed behind alright, but he ditched me!"

"Look I'm sorry but I had no ide-"

"Quiet, it's fine. But they are almost here. I nearly missed em!"

"They? Herobrine?"

"No you idiot, the other ones."

"Oh. Well. I was just about to go take care of my Chronos so... the others are inside if you'd like to meet em."

"Are they as rude as your other one?" Mickie asked. Durwin laughed,

"No, not quite anyway."

"Well then I just may... but I need to get back to the shoppe and get Lucy. And warn the boy." Mickie gave Durwin a sidelong glance,

"Ya want anyone ta watch yer back while you are otherwise distracted?"

"No I should be fine. Thank you though." The alarms wouldn't stop sounding.

"You should probably go quick, no telling when he's actually going to show up."

"Aye." With that, Mickie ran off back to his shop. Durwin wondered aloud,

"Who's Lucy? Oh well. I think I saw a few trees this way." Durwin trotted off away from the palace. The alarm could still be heard. He wandered around SkyBase for a while and then found a few trees surrounding a ruined cabin.

"Hmm wonder what happened here.... I guess this amount will have to do." Durwin sat down and began the same ritual he had done right before Duffie had been taken away. His anger suddenly over took him and few trees that were there burst into dust and ash faster than they had the previous time. The cleared space around him was about twenty meters.

"I need to get a hold of myself. Something like that could get me killed in the battle ahead." He got up and turned to leave the area as quickly as possible.


Oct 8, 2011
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Outside the valley, the evil army is assembling...
Crothar stands a rock pillar, watching as the last portion of his army passes through the portal. With the portal now no longer needed, it closes to prevent anyone from entering through it. The only way to return is if those on the other side open up another, or they march all the way to the Gates of Hell.
With several million strong, the army awaits for their commander to give the order.​
[wait isn't skybase in the... sky? how would the army get to it?]


[Why, the queen lands the flying city so they can use the escape tunnels. ;p]
[Funny, but I'm not sure if that'd be feasible ;p]

[Maybe make the escape tunnels into escape ships?]
[That's probably what I'm going to end up doing]

[Also, I'm changing my idea for the enemy. MOST of the enemy's army will come by small transports. Some will still fly over. Thetogolopian ]


Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
"Oh we stayed behind alright, but he ditched me!"

[Ohnoes, I forgot he came with us ;_;]

President Reeves looks toward Don and gives him a grin.

"Hello Roger, what can I do for ya?"
"You remember last time when you said you owed me one? You know, after I killed that man who almost stabbed you in the back? Well it's time I got that favor. I need as many men as you can offer so that I can save the entire universe. Believable isn't it?"