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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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[Had a nice long story typed out, then the internet crashes; wind up resetting the router. Have this short blip instead]

Darth groggily got back to his feet.

He stared woozily.

"So, what is our plan? To catch the Caretaker so he can't cause more harm? To alert everyone that he is evil? And above all, what is the place most likely to be attacked?"


[ Sorry about the late reply, StoryMaster gave me a seizure ]
[ D: ]

"The powers of nature are strong, the mushrooms are allowing them into an alternate perception, one which can either stimulate the mind, or turn their minds into mush. I won't allow the latter to happen though, to the dismay of Quetzalcoatl."

"I wish that I had some knowledge to mend your wound. My powers only work on nature, not on the fabrications of humans."


Aug 6, 2011
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"Quazie-who? Oh that other guy over there?" He leaned over to spot the serpent hovering in place. He nodded his head up to say "hello" and leaned back to Cernunnos. Cernunnos looked down at the wound he had given to Refresh by jabbing a knife through him. "I wish that I had some knowledge to mend your wound. My powers only work on nature, not on the fabrications of humans." "Oh, it's okay, apparently I heal fast, judging on how the slash I got earlier healed before we even got to the opening." he said staring at his arm, "Huh, funny how I woke up human, and I'll go to sleep as robot." Sirens were still going on in the sky which cause Refresh to look up. "Oh crap, forgot about SkyBase. I bet that Herobrine dude has gotten to it. In that case, we need to assemble an army. Everyone willing to fight, step over here. The rest of you, over there." Refresh directed.

[ EDIT: There we go, it might help to read the actual plot instead of just my part... ]


"You remember last time when you said you owed me one? You know, after I killed that man who almost stabbed you in the back? Well it's time I got that favor. I need as many men as you can offer so that I can save the entire universe. Believable isn't it?"
The President scratches his head and stares blankly at Don.

"Look Roger, I know that the heat gets to you at times, might I suggest that you lay down for a bit..."


Aug 6, 2011
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[ Refresh100 Calm down there son, they haven't begun attacking yet.]
[ Nu, I want battle now! Le sigh, fixed.]

"Quazie-who? Oh that other guy over there?" He leaned over to spot the serpent hovering in place. He nodded his head up to say "hello" and leaned back to Cernunnos. Cernunnos looked down at the wound he had given to Refresh by jabbing a knife through him. "I wish that I had some knowledge to mend your wound. My powers only work on nature, not on the fabrications of humans." "Oh, it's okay, apparently I heal fast, judging on how the slash I got earlier healed before we even got to the opening." he said staring at his arm, "Huh, funny how I woke up human, and I'll go to sleep as robot." Sirens were still going on in the sky which cause Refresh to look up. "Oh crap, forgot about SkyBase. I bet that Herobrine dude has gotten to it. In that case, we need to assemble an army. Everyone willing to fight, step over here. The rest of you, over there." Refresh directed.

[ EDIT: There we go, it might help to read the actual plot instead of just my part... ]


Oct 8, 2011
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[gracias. So yeah.. that laugh to you Defiant_Blob muahaha.]

Durwin returned to the palace to find Mickie holding a large hammer. Durwin looked closer at it as he approached and saw that one end was actually an axe, while the other was a hammer. Mickie was arguing with a guard at the entrance. Durwin figured it was over the ten figures that stood behind him. Durwin smiled a little bit,

"Well, well, what have we here?" The ten turned around quickly along with Mickie who yelled at him right off the bat,

"Durwin! There ya are! Tell these ignorant fools ta let me in!" He turned back and shook a fist at the guards. One looked highly annoyed. He said,

"Now look here -" Durwin stepped forward and cut him off before it went any further.

"Do not worry, these are friends. They may pass." Durwin ushered the group into the Palace even though the guards looked skeptical. Inside a few of the figures looked like they wanted to fall to their knees. Durwin saw the look in their eyes and held a hand up,

"Now, now. There will be none of that. Follow me and I'll show you to where the rest of us are. And no trouble! I know you don't like one another but you will work together." The figures had already been giving each other dirty looks and Durwin didn't want it escalating. Durwin walked back into the dining room where everyone else was and turned around. He pointed to the two in white first,

"Let me introduce you to Lan and Chuck, of the Clarers." Then the ones in red,

"Dirk and Fred, of the Sunbursts." Then the ones in blue,

Lizzie and Dave, of the Marianers." Then the ones in green,

"Ian and Alice, of the Gladers." And finally the ones in gray,

"And from my own guild, Charles and Ed, of the Togolopians." Each group bowed as their names were called out. Durwin opened a hand at the last man,

"And this is my close and personal friend, Mickie. They are here to assist us. Do not be afraid to ask them for help. Their specialties follow their colors. Have we decided on a plan on action yet?


Aug 14, 2011
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[Before Durwin ran up to the gates]
After the sirens being sounded, Blinx and his group ran on the edge of Sky Base, searching for the army.
Oh crap... thought Blinx after he saw the army.
Thinking about what to do, he pulled out the Blade of Time.

They told me to use it only in emergencies because it can only activate two more times... Well this is an emergency.
He got ready to activate the Blade, and the rest of the group began aiming with their sweepers.
Well... here goes two and a half years of training with swords.


Aug 6, 2011
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Finishing up her duties in the bathroom, she suddenly heard a loud siren from outside the palace. Alert and aware, Duffie brought out her staff and chain, heading outside of the bathroom. Looking around, she noticed the halls were still empty. Heading over to the dining room, she found everyone scattered across the room, as well as Durwin with a group of men looking to be specialized in the arts of wizardry.


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin looked over and saw Duffie coming into the room,

"Ahh! Good, I was wondering where you were. Seems like Herobrine has begun his attack. These are a few friends I called in to help." He listed off their names once again and said,

"Prepare yourself, Duffie. It looks as if you must defend your... birthright."