>>>>With no goal or dream in life to accomplish in the senior year of middle school Akito, the highest ranking student in their school comes up to Mashiro to ask him to become a magaka, a manga author, with him. Mashiro having seen the difficulties of becoming a mangaka from his late uncle, he is reluctant at first until he finds out the love of his life, Azuki, is planning on becoming a voice actor. From the sheer embarrassment of talking to the love of his life he joins up with Akito as a mangaka pair and makes it his dream to follow in the footsteps of his uncle and get an anime adaptation. Not only has he finally found his calling in life, but asks for Azuki's hand in marriage when both of their dreams come true. Azuki agrees to this proposal and now begins the race to attain an anime adaptation to allow for the love of his life to become his wife, but it isn't an easy path to become a Mangaka as they previously thought it would and it takes strong perseverance and hard work to allow them to attain this goal in life.
>>>>I at first did not want to watch this due to it being a "slice of life" show and didn't expect much from it in value entertainment knowing nothing about how manga is made and I expected it to attempt to focus on school life. Instead it focused on what makes a "slice of life" great, the characters and story. The story is an interesting and informational set-up as we travel through their struggles attempting to be serialized finding it to be a difficult and complicated process that is kept fresh with the most informational and interesting scenes kept at the front and nary a filler to be found. The continuation felt smooth and fast as the needed time skips were used to effectively keep it up beat and alive during each episode. A rare show that left me anxious as they waited for that phone call to tell them they either won or lost, the tension and fear that their work was for nothing truly gripped me when they finally got the call they wanted and the celebration begins to their next stage in their career. If I haven't convinced you to watch it go now! It is such a great series with an actual ending too! (I have watched too many "To-be-continued" series and having an actual ending was such a great breath of fresh air. Another great point was that in such a long time I could not guess what would happen next with every twist in the episodes, I couldn't guess what would happen with twists almost around every corner. I am kind of ashamed that I finished 75 episodes in only 10 days, but it was so good I couldn't stop. T_T
Duffie If you need a romance comedy try this one. 75 episodes of pure awesomeness.