"...on the wall, 23 bottles of beer! Take one down pass it around and pass it around, 22 bottles of beer on the wall! 22 bottles of beer on the wall, 22 bottles of beer! Take one down and..."
A man saunters over towards the travelers, mumbling the words to himself.
"...Tweenty-wun bottles of beeeer on tha wall. Tweenty-*hic*-wun bottles of beer..."
He stumbles on falls on his back, and looks up towards the travelers.
"Haay, Wun of youu ez fuzzy."
Reaches to pet HarmakPaul, but doesn't try to get off the ground, so he can't.
"... bottles of beer! Take one down and pass it around, 13 bottles of beer on the wall! 13 bottles of beer on..."
The drunk man looks at Duffie. He manages to stand up and stares at Duffie with blank eyes.
"Haay, you wanna dance with *hic* me, cutey-pie?"
The drunk doesn't wait for a response, and begins tugging violently on Duffie's arm.
"...one down and pass it around, 8 bottles of beer on the wall! 8 bottles..."