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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


The balloon that never pops
Aug 6, 2011
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"Ok we are DEFINITELY sneaking in its almost like they want us to take their stuff. Just wait one moment..." balloon had whispered as he had started to climb the wall. When he reached to the top he found a ladder and sent it down silently so the others could climb up.


Just as Durwin spoke, the Captain emerged from his quarters.
A silence fell upon the whole army. They stared at the Captain with mouths agape.
The Captain looks around, his brows furrowed at his men.
"Don't you fools know what time it is!?!"
The Army remains silent...
"It's Dancing Time!!!!"
The men release a thunderous cheer! They begin spinning and dancing themselves out of their drunken minds. The Captain picks up a flower and puts it in his hair. He then takes two comrades in arms and leads the whole army in song...
"99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer! Take one down and pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall! 98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer! Take one down and pass it around...."


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth stood there, staring at the watch he had picked up earlier.
""From J.S to K.S, with love. <3", eh? I wonder if Blob would know about these people..."

"Hmm? Oh, looking for survivors."

Darth looked up as Refresh started talking about the dog.

"He's not mine." Darth looked at the two sitting there.

"I found him in a small building. All I did was give him a few bones from a couple of skeletons that almost got me."

Darth winced a small bit, then continued.
"He doesn't have a name. If you want him, you can keep him."
Darth glanced around. "Where's Blob?"


Aug 6, 2011
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Refresh got up from playing with the dog and said "Hm, Defiant? Uuuuh not sure, haven't seen him since we split." He went behind the bar and grabbed a couple of bones out of the trashed and waved them in the dog's face to tease him. "I think I'm going to call yooooou, Wolfy." he said to the dog tossing the bone at him.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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[I don't? :confused: Whatever it was, it sure wasn't on purpose]
[Never read Series of Unfortunate events I guess then. Carry on!]
[panel]Blob came into view as he trudged inside the tavern, the powerful Tetsusaiga on his shoulder. "Hey, you'd never believe who I saw."[/panel]


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin snuck in with the rest of the group,

"It's kind of hard to believe that people like this could take over a fort. I guess numbers do count.... C'mon I think I saw a supply wagon over there." Everyone crouched low to the ground and went to the wagon,

"Lovely! Diamond equipment! This is definitely what we needed." After the stuff was passed around and everyone was equipped with diamond armor and their choice of diamond weapon, the group snuck out, and headed toward Shizuka. Durwin laughed,

"I'd love to see anyone attack us now!"


Aug 14, 2011
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[No Interaction Allowed]
Whilst traveling, the survivors of the volcano have regained their wits and found the most logical explanation of why most of the citizens died to the volcano. Believing that a walking, talking cat that can manipulate time is involved, the best sketcher drew the image, which strongly resembled Blinx. Along their travels, they have found pause, rewind, fast forward, slow-motion, and record crystals, figuring out what each do. Having stocked up on many of these, they thought up of a plan to hunt down and kill Blinx and those who may be traveling with them. Their souls have grown completely evil, and they have ravaged many other small villages. They have abused the time controls to their extent, but unlike Blinx, time controls powered by evil hands brought nothing terrible, as that would be what they want. About 1000 feet from the now destroyed "Brewer's Stand", they found a small fragment of rock, the time control neutralizer. They took it, thinking it was valuable, not knowing it's actual purpose. The small group got to Shizuka, seeing the damage done. Now knowing the destruction of towns isn't just caused by them, they decide do search for anything damaged. They agreed that finding anyone here will probably help them along the way, as those survivors may have experienced the same thing that the volcano's survivors did. They hid their cruelty and evil with looks of confusion and sorrow, knowing that the more people that they recruit could only help them murder Blinx.
[FYI, Record makes a copy of yourself.]

[ StoryMaster You can take control of them now and add them into the main story when a good timing appears.]


"...on the wall, 23 bottles of beer! Take one down pass it around and pass it around, 22 bottles of beer on the wall! 22 bottles of beer on the wall, 22 bottles of beer! Take one down and..."
A man saunters over towards the travelers, mumbling the words to himself.
"...Tweenty-wun bottles of beeeer on tha wall. Tweenty-*hic*-wun bottles of beer..."
He stumbles on falls on his back, and looks up towards the travelers.
"Haay, Wun of youu ez fuzzy."
Reaches to pet HarmakPaul, but doesn't try to get off the ground, so he can't.
"... bottles of beer! Take one down and pass it around, 13 bottles of beer on the wall! 13 bottles of beer on..."
The drunk man looks at Duffie. He manages to stand up and stares at Duffie with blank eyes.
"Haay, you wanna dance with *hic* me, cutey-pie?"
The drunk doesn't wait for a response, and begins tugging violently on Duffie's arm.
"...one down and pass it around, 8 bottles of beer on the wall! 8 bottles..."


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin looked behind him when he heard a soft ,"No!". Duffie had been grabbed by a drunk soldier. He glared at the soldier,

"Oh I don't think so." Durwin cast a hand out in front of him and the soldier's arm came off at the elbow. The soldier stopped to look at him arm, and was so drunk he just fell down laughing. Durwin grabbed the part of the arm still attached to Duffie and pulled it off,

"We gotta move quicker. There's no telling how many more will try that."


Aug 6, 2011
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Refresh looked up from playing with the eager dog, "Wait, you found someone? Where are they so I can tear them limb for limb" he said with rage in his eyes.

[more interesting plot-line. Keeps you alert and reading as to what happens next. By the way, I call compiling the whole story should we reach and end. If we don't reach an end, I'll compile each Volume]
YES! It would be very cool to have this compiled into a little story. However we should pass it around and check it before we release it to check if it's not one sided, edited in a bad way, and to check it's readability.]


Oct 8, 2011
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[I call compiling the whole story should we reach and end. If we don't reach an end, I'll compile each Volume]
[Yeah me and Duffie both talked about doing that. I think she's already started... but not 100% sure. She'll prolly respond to this. Having this being made into a real story would be pretty cool.]


Aug 6, 2011
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[Yeah me and Duffie both talked about doing that. I think she's already started... but not 100% sure. She'll prolly respond to this. Having this being made into a real story would be pretty cool.]
(( I haven't started because I'm waiting for either the end of the RP, or a possible end of a chapter. We probably already passed an end of a chapter, so I was thinking about waiting until we finish the RP. :p ))