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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]



((Well she's not exactly in a throne in this picture, but hey))​
The Queen stood up from her throne, and for a few moments took the moment to gaze as her daughter walked into the room.
She cautiously walked down towards Duffie, afraid to let her emotions take hold of her. She stops for a moment midway through the room. A long silence ensues. She begins to speak softly.
"Duffie, is... is this truly you?"​
The Queen notices that Duffie has her father's eyes...


Aug 6, 2011
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Duffie looked at the High-Queen, her birth mother. She was definitely not her mother, the one who took care of her... But, she felt that she looked familiar.

Her eyes started to water. It was as if she had always known her, from being away from her, but she still couldn't remember her from her past.

She felt confused as she continuously wiped her tears, which kept pouring out without will.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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" Harmak? Is that you? Oh, thank Notch!" Blob exclaimed, running up to Harmak.
Harmak looked to Blob with a surprised look. "Wha-"
"It's Durwin. He's... I don't know. I was on the ship when I was feeling queasy, and walked to a far part of the ship. Durwin noticed this, and when I was alone, he decided to suddenly attack me out of nowhere! I fell overboard and appeared in Avalon for some reason, only to find Durwin here, and he's headed to meet the queen as we speak. Please. The rest of the group don't know about Durwin. I don't know what he'll do to them. What he'll do to the queen! I don't know if he's possessed or what. We have to stop him though!" Blob pleaded in exasperation.

[if the group would please not leave the castle through my entrance until Harmak and I finish talking.
DarthLego5679 can eaves drop]


The Queen hurriedly rushes over to Duffie and embraces her in her arms.
The silence returns to the room, as both Duffie and the Queen are crying together.
The Queen begins singing softly...


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth decides that simply hanging back won't do, and decides to meander around for a while.
He gets almost to the main entrance when he hears the voice of Blinx.

"What is that crazed cat up to now? Another plot to kill us off?" Darth growled.
He stayed just out of sight on the far side of the entrance, near enough to hear what Blob and Blinx were saying.

[Also, Duffie Struck-through text in a tag. ;P]


Aug 14, 2011
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[Actually, the army is off gettin' money through a ton of jobs..]
"Well, Blob. Didn't expect to see ya here! From what I've seen, I'd say Durwin is pretty innocent. Besides, ya didn't trust me exactly before, but I guess you had an acceptable reason. When the army came, I was hoping that they would go after the copy, and not keep fighting afterwards. Sorry 'bout that. And Durwin doesn't seem like the person to turn on his allies unless... Did you get him aggravated?"
"I gathered a group of my kind to gather some money so we can survive around here, and I'm waiting for the others out here. Wonder what's goin' on in there..."
There is a pause, then Blinx continued.
"Sorry, dozed off for a sec. I'm meetin' the group later today. If the others aren't out by then, wanna come and split the money?"
[And now you can change that Harmak tag to a normal Blinx. :p]


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"It's Durwin. He's... I don't know. I was on the ship when I was feeling queasy, and walked to a far part of the ship. Durwin noticed this, and when I was alone, he decided to suddenly attack me out of nowhere! I fell overboard and appeared in Avalon for some reason, only to find Durwin here, and he's headed to meet the queen as we speak. Please. The rest of the group don't know about Durwin. I don't know what he'll do to them. What he'll do to the queen! I don't know if he's possessed or what. We have to stop him though!" Blob pleaded in exasperation.
"So, Durwin attacked Blob? Seems odd. Should I go back and check on Duffie and her mother?" Darth pondered.

Hearing what Blinx said next
[Actually, the army is off gettin' money through a ton of jobs..]
"Well, Blob. Didn't expect to see ya here! From what I've seen, I'd say Durwin is pretty innocent. Besides, ya didn't trust me exactly before, but I guess you had an acceptable reason. When the army came, I was hoping that they would go after the copy, and not keep fighting afterwards. Sorry 'bout that.
"That's his version of that story. "Oh, a copy to save us all!" Yeah right." Darth stood there, confused.
What Blinx said next confirmed his suspicions.

"I gathered a group of my kind to gather some money so we can survive around here, and I'm waiting for the others out here. Wonder what's goin' on in there..."
There was a pause, and then
"Sorry, dozed off for a sec. I'm meetin' the group later today. If the others aren't out by then, wanna come and split the money?"
"So, the little bugger is perfectly willing to dump us here and just split the money with Defiant, eh?" Darth thought angrily.

"This ought to be QUITE interesting when it comes time to meet back up."


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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"What, so you're perfectly fine with leaving them to die? Maybe this is why I have a hard time trusting you," Blob angrily shouted, "I mean, you only did leave Darth and I for dead when we fought your battle! Do you not remember that they were after you, not Darth or I? And then you dare to leave behind Darth in the castle, and not trust me?" Blob rears up to slug Blinx across the face, but thinks better of it and calms down. "I don't know why Durwin, would betray me. Maybe Herobrine got ahold of him? You just gotta believe me. I don't know what's happening in there."


Aug 14, 2011
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"I didn't intend to leave you guys for dead! I was hopin' that they wouldn't continue battlin' after the copy was gone!" Blinx shouted angrily. Blinx then calmed down a bit.
"That's the queen's palace there, it's well guarded. If they get in any trouble, then that should be fine. Besides, who's Herobrine? I've heard you guys talk about him before, but never bothered to ask. I'll believe you or not depending on your response."
[Remember, Blinx was never told about Herobrine to begin with.]


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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"Well, most people think Herobrine is a myth, something parents tell their kids about to keep them good. He's the brother of Notch, the creator of the universes. Notch and Herobrine used to rule peacefully over the universes, with Notch the more powerful one. Herobrine grew jealous, and attempted to bring Notch down from power, and Notch sent him down to land to rule over the monsters. He recently showed up, and is trying to gain enough power to access a portal to the End, a universe that holds who-knows-what. Whatever it is, it can't be good. All of us have been trying to stop him before it's too late and he's too powerful. And I suspect he's trying to finish us off by taking control of one of us to kill off the others, and that one of us is Durwin," Blob explained. "And though the queen's castle is well guarded, it most likely isn't enough. I believe Herobrine gave Durwin greater power. He won't be stoppable by mere guards. So, I need your help to stop Durwin before he stops us."