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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Aug 6, 2011
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The silence seemed to go on forever between Duffie and the Queen. Duffie continued to look down at the floor, when she suddenly thought about the note she had received.

'The Queen, your mother, is possessed!'

She remembered back to her time at the Brewer's Stand, where the barkeep had been possessed from what seemed so long ago. If she is possessed, wouldn't the ender pearls have revived her from her possession? She look up from the ground, toward the window. The sun is still up in the sky, shining the world in a bright light, but a faint orange starts to glow on the horizon.

She looked toward the queen, suddenly thinking about her mother, the one that raised her, back in the woods. She started to feel saddened by the memory, wishing she could see her.

Duffie sighed, catching the attention of her birth mother, Queen Sopphia.


Aug 6, 2011
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Refresh ran as fast as he could, he didn't know where he was running to, just away from Ankou. He turned corners, knocked people over, even tripped a few times, but he wasn't going to stop. He spotted the exit, "There... we... go..." he said in gasps, running towards it. Heading out of the door on to the docks a guard spots him and runs after him. "Wait! Stop!" he shouted, trying to warn Refresh of the drop ahead.

Refresh knew.

With a leap, Refresh dived off the ledge. The guard stopped at the ledge and watch Refresh fall down. "What a foo-- ah!" the guard started, only to be pushed aside by Ankou. "Move!" he demanded flying down the ledge after Refresh. The guard sat up and rubbed his head in confusion, "What... just happened?"


Herobrine arrives and materializes in the bedroom of the Caretaker. The Caretaker is seen using a quill to write on some already yellowed parchment. The Caretaker slowly turns to his right and removes his glasses, and places them in his shirt collar.
"Hello, my Lord. What grants me this great honor of having you in my chamber?"
"The Girl is here."
The Director continues his writing, the quill screeches with every scribble.
"Yes, I heard the commotion, my Lord. Do not fear, she will be dealt with. Neither she nor her friends will like the special ingredient that will be in their meal this evening. I've gotten quite adept at poison making since I took the Alchemist's knowledge."
"Why did he have to be disposed off?"
"He began questioning his duties with the large amounts of Amnesia Draught that he would be required to produce. I find it rather easier to do the duties myself now."
"I will be back to possess my Queen when it grows day. Kill them effectively."
Herobrine dissapears in a black cloud.


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Darth gathered up a few of the more rarer potions and turned to Blob.

"Shall we go take a look at the library? Perhaps there is something to be learned there."

Darth stepped out the door and set off towards the library. When he reached the entrance, he stopped.

"I hear someone inside!" he thought.

Darth opened the door and looked in. He spotted balloon just starting to poke around.

"Hi balloon." Darth said.


Oct 8, 2011
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Herobrine arrives and materializes in the bedroom of the Director. The Director is seen using a quill to write on some already yellowed parchment. The Director slowly turns to his right and removes his glasses, and places them in his shirt collar.
"Hello, my Lord. What grants me this great honor of having you in my chamber?"
"The Girl is here."
The Director continues his writing, the quill screeches with every scribble.
"Yes, I heard the commotion, my Lord. Do not fear, she will be dealt with. Neither she nor her friends will like the special ingredient that will be in their meal this evening. I've gotten quite adept at poison making since I took the Alchemist's knowledge."
"Why did he have to be disposed off?"
"He began questioning his duties with the large amounts of Amnesia Draught that he would be required to produce. I find it rather easier to do the duties myself now."
"I will be back to possess my Queen when it grows day. Kill them effectively."
Herobrine dissapears in a black cloud.
[wait the director of the hospital?]


Aug 14, 2011
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Blinx left the room, only to be spotted by a guard.
"Hey, stop you!" he yelled. Blinx thought quickly and ran out of the palace.
I'm gonna need to be much stealthier, my time control supply is running low. They might be very useful later.
Blinx finds a single blue crystal, smashed on the ground.
This could be salvageable. I need another pause.
He uses his free pause to get back into the palace, making sure not to be spotted.
Where to next... he thought.


Oct 8, 2011
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((Woops, I meant the Caretaker :confused: ))

((Fixed it now. This is the "Caretaker" of the palace.))
[hah ok]

Durwin looked over at John,

"Yeah.. just..." Durwin seemed far off as he lay his hands on the young girl's face and closed his eyes. Her faint a rasping breaths where just barely noticeable. He winced as he continued the contact. Several minutes passed by before he opened his eyes again,

"Well I've got good news and bad... The good is that your daughter is fine... bad new is she's leeching magic from me."


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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[hah ok]

Durwin looked over at Defiant,

"Yeah.. just..." Durwin seemed far off as he lay his hands on the young girl's face and closed his eyes. Her faint a rasping breaths where just barely noticeable. He winced as he continued the contact. Several minutes passed by before he opened his eyes again,

"Well I've got good news and bad... The good is that your daughter is fine... bad new is she's leeching magic from me."
[Defiant? I think you mean John? :confused:]


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"We went to the gameroom first...ask Defiant about that." Darth shrugged.

"Then we went to the Alchemist's lab. We found out something very interesting."

Darth retold all that they had learned, along with his assumption about the amnesia potions and their tie-in to Duffie's lack of memories of her homeland.

"The queen also might have been affected. However, we thought we'd look around some more first."

"What have you been doing all this time, balloon?"


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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"Ah, good." said Darth. "Mind if we join you?"

Darth began poking about in the shelves. He found a book with an old map hidden inside, but stuck it back on the shelf without taking it.

After a few minutes of poking about, he spotted the very tip of a corner of a book peeking out from behind a bookcase. Reaching out his hand towards it, the book practically leaped off the the floor and into his grasp.

"What was this book doing there?" Darth wondered aloud.

He opened the book to see if it contained any clues as to why it was stuffed behind a bookcase.


As Darth opens the book, quite a bit of dust floats into the air, revealing that it has been stuck behind the bookcase for quite some time. He reads the title...
Darth begins reading an excerpt from the book, written in an unknown language.
In medio itineris nostre vite
Inveni ipse intra saltus tenebris,
In directus via amissa.
Ei me! quam difficile est quam quod
Silva quae saeva et aspera et dura,
Quod hoc ipsum repetit metus.
Acerbissimum est, mors amplius,
Sed ut de bonis, quae inveni
Ibi ego dicam de aliis.
Non bene repetere quam ibi ingressus,
Tunc fuit plenus somnus
Quibus relicta vera via.
Postquam autem ad pedem montis,
Ad quod ubi in valle terminatur,
Quae cum consternatus perforatum cor meum,
Supra vidi, et intuitus umeris,
Vestitos iam cum quod planeta radiis
Quae ducit aliis ius omnis via.
((I'll let you guys be detectives and determine what book this is))


Oct 8, 2011
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As Darth opens the book, quite a bit of dust floats into the air, revealing that it has been stuck behind the bookcase for quite some time. He reads the title...
Darth begins reading an excerpt from the book, written in an unknown language.
[panel]In medio itineris nostre vite
Inveni ipse intra saltus tenebris,
In directus via amissa.
Ei me! quam difficile est quam quod
Silva quae saeva et aspera et dura,
Quod hoc ipsum repetit metus.
Acerbissimum est, mors amplius,
Sed ut de bonis, quae inveni
Ibi ego dicam de aliis.
Non bene repetere quam ibi ingressus,
Tunc fuit plenus somnus
Quibus relicta vera via.
Postquam autem ad pedem montis,
Ad quod ubi in valle terminatur,
Quae cum consternatus perforatum cor meum,
Supra vidi, et intuitus umeris,
Vestitos iam cum quod planeta radiis
Quae ducit aliis ius omnis via.
((I'll let you guys be detectives and determine what book this is))
[the necronomicron?]