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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
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Bored of watching Blob play his first game of DDD, Darth wandered over to WhackaCreeper.

After a few minutes of this, he decided to go back and check on Blob.

He arrived just in time to see Blob flee out the door.

"I'll bet he just gypped some of these guards out of their gold" he thought.

Not seeing that he could do much, Darth tossed a handful of gold to the men and walked out after Blob.


Aug 6, 2011
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(( Duffie,are you waiting to ask your questions, or are you waiting for me? ))
(( Really, I'm thinking of what questions to ask while I mess around outside of the RP.

You can go along with the story if you wish, as Duffie can't really think of anything to ask, going back and forth between what has happened to her distant past. ))


[Available for Searching: Bookshelf, Desk, Alchemy Table, Alchemy Supplies, Diary]​
[Also, I'd like to play this little bit like a detective story, where some rooms and items have clues which will help you come to a better understanding as to what is happening. You may investigate an item, but I may interject with something that your character finds suspicious.]​
[I'm also changing one of the bedrooms to Library]​


[panel] Summer of our Lord; the Year of 2134,
The Caretaker has again asked for another cauldron-full of the Amnesia Draught. This is the 2nd batch this season...I cannot fathom as to what use that he has for these potions, for he asks for nothing else from me. I have asked numerous times for his permission to brew more Healing Potions, but his answer is "It will only be a waste of resources". I find this hard to believe, as we have plenty of these resources, and what else will they do but sit and rot on these shelves? This Caretaker needs to read his job description once more.....[/panel]
[Feel free to discuss with Darth with what you've found and/or keep reading]


Blob skims through a few paragraphs of the Alchemist complaining about his life in the dark basements, the mindless making of multitudes of batches of Amnesia Draught, and the god-awful tuna fish sandwiches that are served at the palace dining hall.
[panel] ...I keep trying them, but they never get any better!...[/panel]
Blob comes across a small little excerpt that intrigues him
[panel]...I WILL NOT make any more of these BLOODY AWFUL potions until he informs me of the reasons for them. 5 batches in the past 3 weeks. 5!! The bloody tuna fish isn---...[/panel]
Blob gets tired again of his rantings about the tuna fish. After a few more pages, he begins coming across more peculiar occurances...
[panel]Late Summer of our Lord; the Year of 2134,
My mind keeps blanking. I start my day wandering about my Lab, then by the end of the day I somehow wake up in the palace gardens! I cannot recall any information in between those times, but it's as if someone else moves my body about...I grow weary at what will happen next.[/panel]

Blob begins seeing more and more occurrences of his "wanderings". Each day they appear to grow more irregularly and with greater lengths. Blob then turns to a page in a book where 5 words take the entirety of the page....

[panel] I HAVE FOUND THE ANSWER[/panel]

As Darth pokes around near the Alchemy table, he bumps into a nearby closet where a semi-fresh body falls on Darth, making him squished between the body and the stone floor. The Alchemist's throat is slit.



Oct 8, 2011
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As the sun was falling, clouds began to obscure it. Distant thunder and great flashes of lightning could be seen fast approaching. Durwin looked giddy,

"It's almost time!" Durwin began pacing to try to calm his nerves. John has a questioning look on his face. Durwin noticed and answered,

"The absorption of raw power is a very... well pleasurable sounds too dirty, but it's about that." John nodded and Mickie asked,

"So what's it fer this time? Off to save another mistress from her tyrannical father?" Mickie turned to John, and pointed with his thumb to Durwin,

"He use ta be quite the ladies man back in the day."

"Oh stop, these stories get more out of hand each time you tell them. Anyway I need the power so we can teleport quickly to Los Angeles."

"Los Angeles!?"

"Yeah, you know the place?"

"Know the place, it's where we honeymooned!" Mickie replied. Durwin frowned,

"In a city?"

"Well it wasn't exactly peaceful, but it was exotic!"

"Right... so do you think you remember how to get around?"

"Oh sure!... wait a minute, I'm not going with you."

"Of course you are! C'mon you need to get out every so often. I can always just make you."

"Oh dear lord not that again, please!" John's eyebrows shot up so Durwin explained,

"I nearly tickled him til he passed out. It was so funny."

"It was not!"

"Then you're coming."

"Fine... let me go instruct my boy on how to properly run this joint." Mickie hurried up stairs while Durwin and John moved out to the machine. A light mist had begun to sprinkle the Sky Base. The thunder and lightning moved ever closer.

[ StoryMaster get some thunder sound clips up in her!]


Oct 8, 2011
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[oh yeah 720p like a boss, just cause I can]

The rain dropped more heavily now and the lightning arced overhead. Durwin couldn't keep the smile off his face. He opened his arms and said to Mickie and John,

"You might want to step back." Lightning flashed and went right to Durwin. Thunder echoed around. More lightning and thunder continued around Durwin almost like a graceful dance at a ball. Eventually the storm ended, but it left with a spectacular light show, and a rainbow. The machine now stopped vibrating and Durwin ushered the two men over to him,

"This may tingle a bit!" He said bubbly. With a flash as bright as the lightning itself, the three disappeared from the lawn. They shot like an arrow through air, although still not as comfortable as the Rakatan Device. They boomed down onto the ground and Durwin was already rushing inside the Device. The other two finally got their bearings and headed inside,

"C'mon slowpokes! Time stops for no wizard! Except me haha!" John turned to Mickie,

"Is he always like this?"

"Yup." Came the simple reply. They all grouped up and the motherly voice sounded to them.

"Where would you like to travel?" Durwin said,

"Earth, please."

"Oh sure ya say please without any argument fer her, but not fer me."

"Please close your eyes and we will begin." The Mother went on. The three complied and rapture flowed over them. It felt the same as last time yet different somehow. It ended just as quick as it has begun. Durwin was already up again and looking at the Ami Crystal,

"Looks like she's here... alright, at least she's not moving this time. C'mon get together we got one more jump." They all huddled once more and off they went toward the hospital. With a boom they landed just outside the entrance. The concrete below had been broken to pieces. There was a storm above and it seemed to be just after dawn. Durwin smiled wearily,

"The fates must want me to succeed. Durwin opened his arms again from the ground with less vigor than before. Clearly tired the lightning shot to him almost lazily in response. It wasn't long before he was on his feet again. As he got up, Durwin noticed hunks of metal on wheel shaped hunks of rubber. Men in blue all stood dazed before them. Dressed as they were, Durwin, Mickie, and John stood out like a sore thumb. Durwin smiled dumbly and waved. One of the tubbier looking men in blue started yelling and projectiles zoomed at them. The deflected easily away from the group until Durwin held up a hand and plucked on from the air. The others stopped instantly. Durwin looked at the metal object,

"My, my how curious." Mickie then smacked him,

"It's a bullet ya idiot. I thought you were supposed ta know about tha realms!"

"Well I supposed to know the names not what's in them." John turned to them,

"Uhh fellas? My daughter?" Durwin clapped him on the shoulder,

"Don't worry I was just wondering if these guys were enough of a threat so as to waste our time on them. Guess not." Durwin then called out in a voice that sounded much to loud for vocal chords,

"Oi! Director! I hope you complied with my demands! You know what's coming if you didn't!" He turned back to the group,

"C'mon let's get in there." Durwin rushed up the stairs seeming to have forgotten about the stupefied men in blue. He didn't seem to understand a glass door, so he just walked right through it. Mickie groaned,

"I swear it like the all powerful le- uff" Durwin patted him abruptly on the stomach,

"Don't talk about me behind my back when I can still hear you." Durwin walked up to the reception desk.

"I am David Blackwater, here to pick up my niece." The lady just sat wide eyed starting at him. Durwin moved his hand in a circular motion,

"C'mon we haven't got all day! What floor is she on?" The nurse finally studdered back,

"T-t-t-the t-t-twent-t-y f-f-irs-s-t!"

"Ahh thank you madame." Durwin went through the motions of tipping his hat, though he did not wear one. Mickie rushed to elevator,

"Lemme do it lest ya break something else."

"Be my guest." Calming elevator music started up in stark contrast to the situation they were in. With a loud BING! the elevator stopped off on the twenty first floor. Durwin looked at the Ami Crystal again,

"She is.. thata way." And off he went. He arrived at the door, and Mickie rushed to stop him with a loud,

"No!" But seeing the door locked, Durwin just bust it open. A woman inside screamed and launched herself at him. She started to repeatedly smash the metal bat on Durwin's head until it had bent and broke in pieces. It had little effect. Durwin just laid on the ground staring up at the women, with her breathing heavily on him. Durwin smirked,

"You know the last time I was in this predicament with a young lady I got married to he-" Thud. John had kicked him in the head. The woman yelped again, and looked up to face her second would-be attacker. The sight of him brought tears to her eyes,

"Don!" She leaped up and embraced him. Durwin got up from the ground and rubbed his head,

"You didn't have to do that so hard you know... ouch." He moved toward Julia. The obvious mother screeched and tried to pounce on him again, but John held her back. Her wild eyes asked many questions at once, who? what? where? why? when?

[take it away lover man.]


Hm I guess I will see what's about in the library. Maybe I can get some understanding of what goes on here... Balloon looked around while he walked up the stairs and then into the door of the library.
(( DarthLego5679 and Defiant_Blob would you care to join him after you finish searching the Alchemy Lab, It's easier for me when there aren't as many rooms going on at once. balloon98 , I'm going to wait on writing the description for the library until Darth and Defiant join you.))


As Blinx sits down at the desk to rest his furry legs, he comes across some old photos from when Duffie was little. One shows a proud Queen and King smiling while holding up a newborn baby. In another photo however, things look rather odd. The King looks just as cheerful, and the baby is still young and innocent, but the Queen's eyes appear to have a strange "hollowness" in them. The eyes appear as black as the night's sky, and a small shiver runs down the back of Blinx, with his fur standing a bit on end.


Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
"Hello Caroline, I see you've shown my friend here our famous Texan hospitality."

Don Houston gives his wife a swift peck on the cheek and then begins to tell the relatively short version of what the events leading up to this occasion were.

"...and that's why we're here.... So.....how's Julia been?"

A slight fear returns to Caroline's eyes.

"She hasn't spoken in days...I-I'm afraid Don......"

Don looks down at his frail daughter for a moment then raises his eyebrow to Durwin.

"You got this partner?"