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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


Oct 8, 2011
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Aug 6, 2011
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(( Nope. Duffie's a Spook's Apprentice, only she's a special occasion and not fully trained.

Spooks are 7th sons of 7th sons, being able to sense The Dark and fight against it. Duffie, being a girl, doesn't have that advantage. But, she learned her ways into being trained, but for only one year, consisting of small defensive arts using a Rowan Staff, and Boggarts.

She can also sense the dark, but she's really terrible at it, considering she still has no idea what, or how, it works. ))


Oct 8, 2011
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[there he tossed it back now, save it for when we can use it.]

Mickie got the large chunk of metal from his shop out into the backyard area,

"Perfect, get her started up and I'll silence her."

"Wha ya callin it a 'her' fer? Jest a machine."

"Just do it." Mickie raised an eyebrow and stared at Durwin,

"Please?" Mickie laughed as Durwin gave in, and Durwin smiled and shook his head. With a roar the machine came to life. Durwin placed both palms on it and it became silent instantly. He brushed them together as he back away inspecting the machine,

"Alright should take about an hour correct?" Durwin asked turning to Mickie,

"Ya, why couldn't ya ave done that during the war? I'm still recoverin my hearin."

"Cause I knew it bugged you."

"And ya're how old?"

"Don't ask, don't tell."

"Ya well maybe ef I weren't but a lowly hybrid maybe I could do something bout it."

"Oh, come on now, don't call yourself lowly. Here let's go inside and you can treat me to that tea you were talking about." Mickie looked at the machine and nodded. He started in when he seemed to come to his senses,

"Oh sure, ya mooch."

"You offered." Mickie mumbled,

"I offered my lef foot."


Oct 8, 2011
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((I'm a bit unsure of what I should do... My character will most likely still not want to leave his daughters fate in your hands, but I don't want to ruin your story by returning to her ._. ))
[yeah totally Durwin kinda rushed off without waiting for anyone so anyone that wants to come after him can. that's why there's a little break between getting there."


Aug 14, 2011
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John had been following Durwin the whole time. He ducks his head as he enter's Mickie's shop. Walking around the shop, he got a feel for all the knick-knacs that were sold here, or a better way of putting it, didn't sell and were left to pile up here.

"Well this is certainly an interesting place. Care to introduce me Durwin?"



Oct 8, 2011
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[hah, it's a successful shop, Mickie just likes to hold on to certain things.]

Durwin had just finished his fifth cup of tea when John walked in the door,

"John...?" Mickie's hand shot up to the side of his belt almost as fast as he got up from the chair nearly toppling it over,

"Oi! The sign says closed! You can't be in here!" He started forward menacingly before Durwin stepped infront of him,

"Wow there, hold on. This is my friend John. He doesn't always look to carefully. He's the reason I came to get the machine. There you go, just settle down." Mickie glared at John,

"Learn ta knock, blindie." John, having misheard Mickie, groaned.

"What ya groaning at me fer?! Ya're the one in my shoppe!"

"Calm down Mickie," Durwin admonished.

"It's bad for the heart."

"Ya? Well a lot of things are bad fer my eart." Durwin moved over to John,

"C'mon he's more bark than bite,"

"Watch yerself..." Mickie said and Durwin chuckled,

"Alright I will. Anyway you followed me here? Anyone else come along?"

"They had better not be! It's gettin too stuffed in here already!"

"We can just move out to the veranda."

"Like hell we are!"

"Hey, don't talk like that infront of a guest."

"Guests are invited in, he jus walked righ in."

"John just apologize to him so we can move on. He holds a grudge longer then he su-" Mickie smacked Durwin,

"There'll be no mentioning of that now."


Aug 14, 2011
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"Hold on, let me try this again..."

John exits the through the open door and does an about face until his body fills the open door. He knocks a few times on the door frame.

"Knock knock! I heard from a friend that there was a good shop right here, run by an even better looking shopkeeper. Mind if I come in take a peek at your wares?"

He removes from his pocket a gold coin from the palace. He flips it a couple times to get the point across.


Oct 8, 2011
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"Rotten som b-"

"Watch it..." Durwin said,

"Well at least he's gotta better sense o'humor than you do."

"Right, so now can we all just go back to our tea?"

"Ya mean your tea that was mine and now you've consumed it all?"

"Pretty much, yeah."

"Well the heck wit ya. I'm checking on the machine." Mickie went through a door and looked over the machine. Durwin invited John to sit in one of the chairs,

"No no! Not that one. That's his favorite, he'll likely lop your head off. So why'd you follow me? Is there anyone else coming?"


At the palace the guards have moved to Queen to a large bed. She is attended to by a few nurses who busily look after her. The Queen, growing tired of their unnerving antics, dismisses them so that she may talk to Duffie quietly.

"I understand that I'm not in the best state currently, I'll answer any questions that you may have Duffie."


((XP Unusual timing there Darth ))

With the group left to themselves, they decide to look about the palace to explore for a bit, just for the heck of it.

[Areas that can be explored:
Kitchen,Common Room, Alchemy Lab, Tower, Game Hall, Duffie's Old Bedroom, Bedroom 1, Bedroom 2, Wine Cellar]​

[Note: Not all rooms need to be explored, I just wanted to experiment with this idea DarthLego5679 Defiant_Blob HarmakPaul Jolteon42 balloon98 ]


((Also, let's keep it to a maximum of 2 rooms at a time. I'm not sure I could handle 5 rooms going on at once.))

As Harmak ventures into the old bedroom, he encounters a room which contains a old baby crib. Pictures of a young girl wearing a purple bow are placed respectfully on a desk. The room appears to have remained relatively untouched since Duffie was stolen.

[Available for searching. Crib, Desk, Bureau, Closet, Window, Floor.]


Defiant and Darth walk through a door and into a large hall filled with all sorts of blinking lights and loud sounds. This is the Game Hall, where many guards decide to take their breaks and let the hard work of standing still for all morning can be forgotten and drowned in the enjoyment of the games. There are a few guards sitting down drinking a couple of beers around a table.

[Available games: Trivia, DanceDanceDancelution, RollerBowler+, WackaCreeper.

The guards are available for interaction as well]


Aug 6, 2011
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[ Sorry, (preppin the house for a friend to stay a weekend + other personal stuff)* Being 1/2 grounded from the computer = I'm probably gonna make my side a side story and split from the main group for a while, because my replies are gonna be slow for the next week. ]
"Ah, yes, I've seen her." he said. "She's with the group this meat bag is with" Meat bag?! Why I oughta! AHHH "He will never learn. Anyways, it doesn't look like she knew about the queen before this trip, but they're going to meet her no...ooow--" He grabbed his stomach and his hands phased through it. "Get-- out-- of-- my-- booooddyyyyy!" Refresh said aloud ripping Ankou from his body, regaining control. For a slight second, they all looked at Refresh looking at his hands in shock. "I, uh... can explain?" Staring at each other for another second, then realizing what he just did, Refresh bolted out of the room.
Ankou looked at Ahgul in shock. Ahgul snapped him back into reality, "Get him, you imbecile!" With that, Ankou chased after him while Ahgul slipped back through the mirror, turning it back to it's old, reflective self.


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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"DDD! Awwwww yeaaaah. Perfect scores on hardest difficulty on every song," Blob said to Darthhappily. He then began speaking to the guards around him. "Hey, everyone! I'm wondering if anyone would like to play me in a game of DDD? Preferably with stakes?"
A guard stood up and bet ten gold coins against Blob. Soon enough, they were at it, playing hard on the DDD pad. Blob lost. Badly. As if he'd never even played it before.
"Oh darn," Blob joked. "Anyone else up for a game? I can bump it up to 100 gold!" Several guards accepted the challenge, having seen Blob's past performance. "No take backs," Blob warned.
As the guards began to compete giants Blob, it soon became apparent that Blob had conned them all. He defeated each guard, one by one, flawlessly. By the end, he'd racked up about ten sacks of gold. The guards obviously angry with him, he quickly fled the room with a quick "Adieu!"