Survivor Tuvalu


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Tribe #2 Name Suggestions:

-Hold Up Bro
-Dan Foley's Manties
-Team Four-Way Counter-Duel
-Table for One
-Pickled Bananas
-Pickled Alpacas


Vote Count:

-Spoopermin- 1 (Ooglie101)
- Dan Foley's Manties-1 (Nitasu)
- Hold Up Bro-1 (77thShad)
-Pickled Alpacas-1 (Fruit)
-Four-Way Counter-Duel-1 (Jivvi)


Waiting for Faliara and BiggestKirbyFan to end this tie.​


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Rap Challenge

Luck and strategy has been tested in the last Challenges. For this one, creativity and cleverness will be the skills to use.

So as the title says, this wil be a Rap Battle. For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, watch this vieo real quick as an example:


That's what you're all going to be doing for this Challenge.

I've randomly selected which Disney Princess you're going to portray.

Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen


Sleep Deprivation Squad


Pickled Alpacas



Your job is going to be to rap about why your princess is better and why the other two are not.

I' going to give a limit of 25 lines. (No more than that)

Example: (These are 4 lines)

Another princess in my shadow come to covet my crown
You clowns wanna throw down with the best in a gown?
I’m the legendary story of rags to riches
Rhymes sharper than a needle and I’m giving out stitches


Two Tribes will be winning immunity.

I'm going to be looking for great "burns" and good rhymes. I want creativity.

The weakest Rap will be heading to Tribal Council.

Work on this on your Tribe PM.

Good Luck!



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Rap Challenge Results

Before I go into details, I'd like to say that all three raps were pretty good. I expected some of them to be plain boring but each and every one of them were great. Now, I really took my time (Next to some friends of mine) and discussed each of your raps. We analyzed every single word. And we came to an agreement. So here it is.


The 1st Tribe that wins immunity with the best Rap is... Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen

Their Rap:

I'm the perfect warrior princess, and you think you can challenge me?
You don't seem to understand - your petty words can't damage me.
I can fight with my words just as well as my sword,
You got caught in a love triangle while I went to war.
You talk to a tree for advice, I got a mother fucking dragon,
You've got nothing to show, quit your mother fucking braggin'.
And as for you, fish girl, don't think you get off scot-free,
I'll grind up your fish friends, and drink them in tea.
You can hardly even walk, let alone stand.
The adults are talking, kid, go play in the sand.

Oh, you heard me, turn and run to your poor father,
He was hoping for a son but here you are, a daughter.

-> Their Rap had the best rhymes and great rhythm out of the 3. Over all, it was the most completed one. The high-lighted part was the best burn.

Good Job, Timdood, Mythelf, French_Fries, Wink, FoxMccloud64, ChronosStar524, Hunter and Aika. You're all safe from elimination.


The 2nd and last Tribe that wins immunity is... Sleep Deprivation Squad

Their Rap:

Make way for the best,
I'm the number one princess,
I'm the Queeeeen P.
You can't beat me!
I'm hot, I'm the best,
everyone says so, even the press,
everyone wants to be just like me,
Ariel please take Mulan and both of you can drown in the sea!
Ariel - what a name - your show wasn't even named after you,
and Mulan, you were the 36th idea. I was thought of before you
I was 33rd and I'm the best - you can't beat me!
You guys got one fellow runnin' after you, please I got three!
Oh and Mulan, you’re a murderer – you killed an entire fleet
And the only reason you didn’t die was coz a man landed you on your feet
You call yourself a princess? You’re not even a girl for most of your movie
You look ugly as hell, do you even know the definition of beauty?
You dress like a boy and you look like one too,
Do you really think anyone would want to be like you?
And when you tried to fight you got sentenced to your death
Well I must admit, Mulan, I wish you’d already taken your last breath

And back to Ariel – you’re a fish,
You belong on my dish,
You gave up everything you loved for a dumb, stupid wish
To marry a guy you've met just once in your life

How dumb can you get, fish? I’ll cut you up with my fork and KNIFEEEEE.

->You guys had a good rap as well. The reason why you didn't got first place was because the first part of the rap was a little bit weak, but then you picked it up with the second half of the rap. One of the weak lines was this one: "and Mulan, you were the 36th idea. I was thought of before you. I was 33rd and I'm the best - you can't beat me!"
You guys did beat Pickled Alpacas simply because you had better rhymes and burns. The High-Lighted part was the best burn.

Good Job, Infetced, 755someone755, Enderfive, CaffeinatedKitty, Cooliorules, Fiestaguy and Theoo. You're all safe from elimination.


Which means Pickled Alpacas lost the Challenge.

Their Rap:

This competition is laughable
The idea that you're better than me is straight up irrational.
I'm a mother fuckin' mermaid.
and the both of you?
You two couldn't even pass as a house maid.
Let's start with Mulan
I think she might have a ding dong.
What kind of princess pretends to be a man?
Only one that belongs in a trash can.
On to Pocahontas,
looks like she needs an orthodontist.
One of the worst Disney movie of all time,
People said they would have rather watched a mime.
You two ain't even worth my time.
Let's take a moment and talk more about how I shine.
My dad is the mother fuckin' king of the sea.
Mulan's dad is just a big pussy.
He can't even fight in a war.

I thought Ursula was bad,
but after meeting the two of you?
Man, you guys are just plain sad.

->Like I said, good rhyme but the other 2 Tribes made a better job. Your rhymes were okay. Some of your lines didn't quite make sense. For example: The one saying that Pocahontas needs an orthodontist. Her teeth weren't even bad at all. Also, when you guys mentioned about Mulan's dad being a pussy. That's wrong, because he was actually the opposite of pussy. He was actually going to go to war (Even at his age) but it was Mulan that took his place without him knowing. We just thought that you guys could've added much better burns to it. High-Lighted part was the best one.


With that being said, Pickled Alpacas will be heading to Tribal Council.

Survivors in Danger: 77thShad BiggestKirbyFan Fruit Faliara Jivvi nitasu987 Ooglie101

Please send me a PM with the name of 2 Survivors you wish to send to the Duel.

Good Luck!

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