Survivor Tuvalu


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Brain Challenge Results

Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen highest score was: 200785
Pickled Alpacas highest score was: 138480
Sleep Deprivation Squad highest score was: 177405


Which means that Smitty and Sleep Deprivation Squad wins Immunity once again.

Congratulations ChronosStar524, Wink, Mythelf, Aika, Timdood3, Hunter, FoxMccloud63, French_Fries, 755someone755, CaffeinatedKitty, Cooliorules, Enderfive, Fiestaguy, Infected_Alien8_ and Theoo. You're all safe from elimination.


That leaves Pickled Alpacas as the losers of this Challenge. For a second time in a row.

You better pick it up, Pickled Alpacas!

You know the drill. Send me by PM the name of TWO Survivors you wish to see fight it out in the Duel.

Survivors in Danger: 77thShad BiggestKirbyFan Fruit Jivvi nitasu987 and Ooglie101

Good Luck


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Tribal Council

The Survivors who received the most votes and will be in danger of leaving Survivor Tuvalu are... nitasu987 and BiggestKirbyFan

BiggestKirbyFan received 4 votes
Nitasu987 received 4 votes
Jivvi received 3 votes
77thShad received 1 vote


Duel #4

BiggestKirbyFan vs. nitasu987

I'll PM you both with the details. Win and you'll stay in the game. Lose and you'll become the 6th Survivor voted out.

Good Luck.



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Duel Results

The 7th Survivor voted out of Survivor Tuvalu is... nitasu987

Which means that BiggestKirbyFan is safe once again. She's crushing these duels!


Both Survivor had to come up with a sentence convincing people out there to exercise. I asked for it to rhyme and to be original.

*Note: I like doing these kind of Duels to see how clever people are in fitting a big message into one simple sentence.

BiggestKirbyFan's Sentence:

"Exercise to x-ur-size."

Nitasu987's Sentence:

"Exercise your body, don't let it lie, or you'll end up fat and sick and die!"


Both of them were good. But after some talk with people around me (Including an Advertising Expert) we all agreed that Kirby's sentence was simply genius. Yes, I do take judging these Challenges and Duels very serious.


Nitasu987, you'll be heading to Exile Island next to raxo2222 Shanebat1 and Faliara where you might still have a chance to return to the game. So stay in touch.

You can say one last statement if you wish.

Nitasu987, the Tribe has spoken.

7 down. 19 left.


New Challenge coming soon!
