Survivor Tuvalu


Jan 23, 2012
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The Shhh Challenge

Cindy Cindy Cindy, loved to play at night. She made her way to the forest every single time.
Rumors always said that silence there should be. Or else you would never get to see.
Cindy Cindy Cindy, never believed in that. She yelled and yelled like a spoiled brat.
Cindy Cindy Cindy should have listened to people's advise. Because seconds later two holes she had now in her eyes.
Cindy Cindy Cindy fell into the ground with red all over her face. "Shhh" -someone said. "Should've stayed home in the first place."


4 Survivors of each Tribe will be entering Cindy's Forest. In which you'll have to make some choices throughout the way. I've randomly selected them.

From Pickled Alpacas: Ooglie101 77thShad Jivvi and BiggestKirbyFan

From Smitty: ChronosStar524 Wink French_Fries and Mythelf

From Sleep Deprivation Squad: CaffeinatedKitty Infected_Alien8_ 755someone755 and Enderfive

The whole Tribe can helpin the Challenge though.


A.) The 12 of you enter Cindy's Forest. It's a very foggy night. One of the sudden, you hear someone coming. What do you do?

1.) Hide behind a bush
2.) Climb a tree
3.) Prepare to attack
4.) Stay still

B.) After that, you all keep walking. You hear a voice. "Are you scared?" -The voice asks. What do you answer?

C.) After it, you keep going. Until you reach Cindy's body. You can't see her face. Do you:

1.) Turn her face to see her more clearly
2.) Do nothing
3.) Use your phone to call 911

D.) After whatever you chose to do, you keep going. You reach a sign saying "You're almost there. Full of surprises this forest is. Please choose to cover one of your senses with your hands and keep walking straight."

1.) You cover your ears
2.) You cover your eyes
3.) You cover your mouth
4.) You cover your nose
5.) You don't cover anything.

E.) As a Tribe you need to come up with a 1 sentence warning sign to prevent kids from entering the forest at night. Make it creepy and it needs to rhyme. The scariest, most convincing and most original one wins. (This is just in case of a tie)

Using your Tribe PM, please answer each of those questions. You can all choose different ways or the same one. Just keep in mind that there's only one right answer to each. The Tribe that at the end have the least Survivors alive will go to Tribal Council.

Good Luck.



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
The Shhh Challenge Results

I'm glad at how much work every single one of you put into this Challenge. So thanks for that. Now, down to business.

The winners of this Challenge are... Pickled Alpacas and Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen

Congratulations. You've won immunity ans are safe from Tribal Council.

Smitty is in a winning streak! And Pickled finally won a Challenge.


Pickles Alpacas and Smitty both chose the correct answers for everything. They all decided to go for the same option as a group as well. And it worked for them.

They chose: Stay still. Say Nothing. Do Nothing. Cover Mouth.

So congratulations Ooglie101 BiggestKirbyFan Jivvi 77thShad Fruit Mythelf Aika Timdood3 Hunter Wink FoxMccloud64 and ChronosStar524. You're all safe from elimination.


Which means, Sleep Deprivation Squad lost.

Enderfive and CaffeinatedKitty chose the right options. Got out of the forest safely.
Infected_Alien8_ decided to cover his nose. He walked and walked and surprise! Scared, he screamed and two holes were made in here eyes.
755someone755 decided to hide in a bush. "Too much noise" -The voice said. Seconds later blood was dripping down 775's face.

You're all heading to Tribal Council now.

Send me a PM with the name of 2 Survivors you wish to send to the Duel.

Survivors in Danger: Theoo Enderfive CaffeinatedKitty Infected_alien8_ 755someone755 cooliorules

And remember, only 1 more Survivor needs to be voted out before the Exile Island Duel.

Good Luck.



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Tribal Council

The Survivors who received the most votes against and will be in danger of leaving Survivor Tuvalu are... 755someone755 Enderfive and cooliorules

755someone755 received 3 votes
Enderfive received 3 votes
Cooliorules received 3 votes
Theoo received 2 votes
Infected_Alien_8 received 1 vote


Duel #5

755someone755 vs. Enderfive vs. cooliorules

I'll PM you three with the Duel details.

One of you will become the 8th Survivor voted out.

Good Luck.​


Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Duel Results

cooliorules has informed me that she'll be leaving Survivor due to her busy schedule. She'll be traveling and gone for 1 month. Therefore she can't delay the game.

Which means, 755someone755 and Enderfive just dodged a bullet. They're both safe.


Cooliorules, you're the 8th Survivor voted out.

You can say one last statement if you wish.

Cooliorules, the Tribe has spoken.

8 down. 18 left.



Jan 23, 2012
Reaction score
Exile Island Duel

Due to several Survivors dropping out of Survivor due to personal reasons, I'm going to start the Exile Island Duel with 4 Survivors.


raxo2222 vs. Shanebat1 vs. Faliara vs. nitasu987

One of you will be returning to the game. This is your last chance. I know what you're all seeking:

I'll PM you 4 withthe Duel's details.

Good Luck.​