The Bastard Game: Day 5


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Ok, so im catching up on the thread because i had to go to work, and I don't know if im just being stupid but.

Didn't Inffy say that he saved Real Notty from Mafia, as he protected her last night and he got an alert saying that she was attacked?

Yet now he is saying that he trusts Jivvi over Notty, yet surely his role confirms that Notty is Town?!

So now I shall continue reading and see how i feel.
It confirms she's not mafia, not that she's town


Mafia Host
Aug 24, 2012
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Fog could you explain your role more? Like you said 1 person did you choose that 1 person yet can you change it how does it work? Also can it be someone whose lynched in the day
one person, i can change it before the kill but once i have chosen and that player is dead i cannot change it to another, anytime.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
one person, i can change it before the kill but once i have chosen and that player is dead i cannot change it to another, anytime.
Because that would mean you would get new abilities depdning on the death person right?

So if you choose Jivvi today for example, and we lynch him, you'd become some innkeeper whose still town even if Jivvi isn't?


Mafia Host
Aug 24, 2012
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I mean, we could play the fun game of lynching NottyKitten and me selecting them as my target and then if they were in anyway useful for the town I would have their role? and if they were Anti-town they are out of the game and I have some new abilities?


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I mean, we could play the fun game of lynching NottyKitten and me selecting them as my target and then if they were in anyway useful for the town I would have their role? and if they were Anti-town they are out of the game and I have some new abilities?
So your role can take over targets who are lynched today?


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
my role can take over any player that dies throughout the game. ONE problem, im not 100% sure whether it works on the player or role...
Well I mean you either get me, the cop, or the innkeeper(town or mafia either way you get to invite 2 people) so going for Nottykitten seems like a good bet if you can enter a name right now.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Also I've decided that HKCaper is incredibly suspicious this game.

He's scumhunted very little, to the point where I'm convinced he isn't town sided because he hasn't shown any town-sided intentions. If you compare his activity to other games, he has been extremely different. He's focused on irrelevant things like the unu lynch rather than give his opinion on the more relevant matters and I think he's Mafia.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Question is, do we use such a valuable role on proving whether Jivvi is lying or not, when we can kind of do that manually by a couple days anyway.

Notty can get more reports and we can build up a picture as to what kind of cop she is, meanwhile other investigative roles could keep an eye on Jivvi.

Fog's role could actually hugely benefit us in the future if there comes a time where we only have one doctor left, and 1 investigative, and town is in a tough position, since foggy can secure the 1 investigative being kept alive for a little bit longer, which could prove crucial to the way the game pans out.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score

Question is, do we use such a valuable role on proving whether Jivvi is lying or not, when we can kind of do that manually by a couple days anyway.

Notty can get more reports and we can build up a picture as to what kind of cop she is, meanwhile other investigative roles could keep an eye on Jivvi.

Fog's role could actually hugely benefit us in the future if there comes a time where we only have one doctor left, and 1 investigative, and town is in a tough position, since foggy can secure the 1 investigative being kept alive for a little bit longer, which could prove crucial to the way the game pans out.
Except if Jivvi is Mafia and we mislynch today we're in a pretty bad position. I dont really see downsides besides robbing Jivvi of his game (or if it targets the person but when not explicitly stated it goes through swap mechanics I think we can assume it targets the flavour role)


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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Except if Jivvi is Mafia and we mislynch today we're in a pretty bad position. I dont really see downsides besides robbing Jivvi of his game (or if it targets the person but when not explicitly stated it goes through swap mechanics I think we can assume it targets the flavour role)
We're not in that worse off a position if we have one town mislynch today. And idk if that's a safe assumption to make in this setup tbh. I mean sure, I was told that mine bypassed, but honestly I'm starting to question whether that's even true anymore and maybe Jivvi was the one attacked by mafia last night


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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Except if Jivvi is Mafia and we mislynch today we're in a pretty bad position. I dont really see downsides besides robbing Jivvi of his game (or if it targets the person but when not explicitly stated it goes through swap mechanics I think we can assume it targets the flavour role)
If he's turns town: My reports are useless so I might aswell not care about dying in the night, foggy will be the new inkeeper and you can protect him while he interrogates 2 new people.
If he turns Mafia: My reports are probably not useless, if we want Foggy can invite me + danni to this inn which should have no actual lie mechanics since it was a Mafia scheme, and I tell Danni my flavour name so he can become meincase I do die.

Seems reasonable to me as outcomes, and way better than a random lynch.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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If he's turns town: My reports are useless so I might aswell not care about dying in the night, foggy will be the new inkeeper and you can protect him while he interrogates 2 new people.
If he turns Mafia: My reports are probably not useless, if we want Foggy can invite me + danni to this inn which should have no actual lie mechanics since it was a Mafia scheme, and I tell Danni my flavour name so he can become meincase I do die.

Seems reasonable to me as outcomes, and way better than a random lynch.
It's essentially a no-lynch (except we can 'know', but not actually know since foggy could be lying about the 'always stays town' part which I'm personally a bit skeptical about anyway, if Jivvi's role is legit or not, but we can confirm that in other ways by seeing how you work as a cop) or a mislynch, depending on how fog's role works, which is kind of a coin toss.

I'm not sure I'd be happy risking lynching such a powerful role, at least today. We can keep them alive for one more day at least; if they're telling the truth, we have 2 more inno/maf reports. If they're not, we can figure that out and lynch them in the future, there's no need to rush and use up fog's ability on it from what I can see right now.


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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It's essentially a no-lynch (except we can 'know', but not actually know since foggy could be lying about the 'always stays town' part which I'm personally a bit skeptical about anyway, if Jivvi's role is legit or not, but we can confirm that in other ways by seeing how you work as a cop) or a mislynch, depending on how fog's role works, which is kind of a coin toss.

I'm not sure I'd be happy risking lynching such a powerful role, at least today. We can keep them alive for one more day at least; if they're telling the truth, we have 2 more inno/maf reports. If they're not, we can figure that out and lynch them in the future, there's no need to rush and use up fog's ability on it from what I can see right now.
In fact it's not even a no-lynch it's more like a mislynch of a vanilla townie since we do lose 1 town member if he dies (potentially)


Garry's Mod Admin
Mafia Host
Jul 29, 2012
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I legit dont know what to believe or do, the entire thing is so complex, with so many factors, and I could easily see none of them being mafia.

Can we just lynch ltin?
I'd be down for lynching Ltin

There's 0 reason to rush into lynching a potential town PR on day 1, especially since that potential PR can get us 2 cop reports by tomorrow if they're left until then at the very least