The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


Sep 15, 2011
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@Nottykitten - I'm sorry, that was mean of me to say. I said it in frustration. Again, I apologise Wotty.

It's hard for me to believe that std1997 is innocent. I have to agree with Jivvi's suspicion on std. It seems all too convenient. Day 1 when he was being questioned, he seemed to be fumbling around for answers and his explanations were weak. His confusion and misunderstanding of his role's abilities sounded like excuses.
I think std dodged a bullet last night due to Nitasu's recklessness. And I imagine that Mafia has a protective role, therefore std was seen as innocent to our Cop.

Also, where's @Old_Man_Oak_63?
I see him on the forums but he hasn't said boo. I'm at work right now surrounded by smokers and men who can't end a sentence with a curse word. I'm pretty sure that you can make the effort as well.

P.S. I vote std1997


Former AoD Dev
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Same with @Mmarz11, who posted very few times last day, and to my knowledge zero times on the current day.
Day 0, there wasn't much to go on so I mostly just read everything else and then decided on a no lynch due to not having much to go on. I was also observing everyone to determine what to do with my role. Day 1, I jokingly said that Duffie was on a special list due to not being on the list; this has nothing to do with the game but merely me trying to be funny. I was also thinking about whether or not to lynch nitasu987 or if there was a better alternative. I would have posted but decided to wait on nitasu's reply after:
Whoa guys, pace yourselves. Nitasu hasnt even responded yet! Wait for an explanation, even if its a bad one. Although, nice find notty.
I was then unable to post a reply due to the modkill and I also had not been getting alerts on Tapatalk. Was quite odd... Today I've been busy with work and catching up with what everything that has been said. Tapatalk also does not seem to want to update at all while the browser on my phone does... I don't know what's going on with that...


Mafia Host
Mafia Mod
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
Day 0, there wasn't much to go on so I mostly just read everything else and then decided on a no lynch due to not having much to go on. I was also observing everyone to determine what to do with my role. Day 1, I jokingly said that Duffie was on a special list due to not being on the list; this has nothing to do with the game but merely me trying to be funny. I was also thinking about whether or not to lynch nitasu987 or if there was a better alternative. I would have posted but decided to wait on nitasu's reply after:

I was then unable to post a reply due to the modkill and I also had not been getting alerts on Tapatalk. Was quite odd... Today I've been busy with work and catching up with what everything that has been said. Tapatalk also does not seem to want to update at all while the browser on my phone does... I don't know what's going on with that...
That makes sense, I hope to see more of you though :D


Nov 5, 2012
Reaction score
Jeercul please refrain from rating posts if you arent participating.
I know I'm not supposed to post in here, but my rating of posts do not hint that I might or might not agree with any brought up points at all. I know that rating of posts can influence the town, if it seems that I'm rating some posts it's usually not about the point that is taken, but more about the content. Or it may as well just be an accident, considering how I'm on my phone (I'll go and check whether I've done any accidental ratings and remove them).

Also, it would be nice if you could spell my name properly. I don't know why so many people can't spot the "r" in my name, and it isn't like the r is invisible. So please spell it as "Jeercrul", thank you, because it's gotten to the point that it's becoming overly annoying.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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You know, I was trying to reevaluate my suspicions, but in the end, it just wasn't working the way I thought it would with the quotes.

One noteworthy thing I did find was:
Jivvi said:
I myself have an mildly investigative role, even less useful than the tracker or watcher, but I deemed this moment utterly useless to claim and share reports.
Jivvi, would you care to elaborate? I mean, if you're town, and you think your role will be useless anyway, why not share? Surely it would dispell some of the doubt that is resting on your shoulders.

That's really all I got....Honestly I was hoping for more from myself D:


Dec 10, 2012
Reaction score
If there's any question you guys want to ask me, feel free. I'll answer them the moment I get home.
Actually, I do. what makes you seem so hell-bent on me being lynched? I understand my defense of myself was mediocre at best yesterday but I still feel that I've been proven innocent enough to not deserve a lynch unless you want to lynch me for lying which in that case, I'd deserve one but to me, it just seems like you're trying to lynch me either cause I lied or cause I'm the most suspicious person you can think of right now.

Besides that. I don't really see any reasons to so I'm just curious as to what your reasoning is.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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I also would like to invite anyone still skeptical of my cop claim to ask me anything they can think of, be it my motives, my reasoning, who I think we should lynch, what we should do next, or just how my day was. Really anything.

I will answer any question, even if I've already addressed it. I would just like to dispell any doubt that I may not be the cop.


Mafia Host
Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score
I also would like to invite anyone still skeptical of my cop claim to ask me anything they can think of, be it my motives, my reasoning, who I think we should lynch, what we should do next, or just how my day was. Really anything.

I will answer any question, even if I've already addressed it. I would just like to dispell any doubt that I may not be the cop.
Is the answer to this question no?


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
So let's look at this: There was one kill yesterday (but no deaths, I still want an explanation from Digi), and two killing factions that (assumption incoming) want the town dead. Notty claimed bulletproof.
Here. Right here is our problem. There was 1/3 kills last night, Digi was saved by an unknown means, and Notty claimed bulletproof. Assuming the Tim/Std/Notty congregation is truthful, this means one thing;

We have no doctor.

This seems phenomenally unlikely, as it would place us at a severe disadvantage. Perhaps Digi's resurrection was a result on the cop (@digitalmez, could you inform us whether or not the resurrection is a part of your role?). However, I highly doubt that a doctor save would be broadcast to the whole town, that could potentially compromise the identity of the otherwise defenceless role.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
Reaction score
Jivvi, would you care to elaborate? I mean, if you're town, and you think your role will be useless anyway, why not share? Surely it would dispell some of the doubt that is resting on your shoulders.
I am not going to disclose my information currently, as after tonight I should hold some significant information.
Like I said, I am a very minor investigative role; the information I hold as of now will not even be of any particular significance. That said, it would be beneficial for the town to hold lynching someone out of this confusion today, as tommorow I should be able to provide some certanity.


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
VOTECOUNT - The one where the votes branch out

std1997 - 1 - digitalmez (Lynch in 10)
Ltin - 1 - nottykitten (Lynch in 10)
nottykitten - 1 - xxxFruitNinjaxXx (Lynch in 10)
xXxFruitNinjaxXx - 1 - storm886 (Lynch in 10)

Not voting:
myusername22, Fiestaguy, Mmarz11, Jivvi, Duffie, UltimateBudgie, timdood3, std1997, Sploorky, Old_Man_Oak_63, Prizyms, JKangaroo, Alpha102, Ooglie101, Ltin, 77_is_the_best

With 20 alive, it takes 11 to lynch and 10 to no-lynch.

Deadline of day: None set yet