minershoes.com ;3Ummmm Tim, I spend like 20 minutes trying to look for your freaking skin. But I didn't find it. So I just grabbed a random one and added you.
Be thankful I still included you in that video :m
*Flips Hair*
minershoes.com ;3Ummmm Tim, I spend like 20 minutes trying to look for your freaking skin. But I didn't find it. So I just grabbed a random one and added you.
Be thankful I still included you in that video :m
*Flips Hair*
Mhm, this is definitely me. I still consider myself quite new to Mafia (obviously, since I've only played Plane Troubles and absolutely nothing else ever) and as such I tend to just sort of ride off of other more experienced players, like a glider with thermals, but when I find something I am confident with then I spring up.About Swate:
Swate votes for Tim without giving any reason. He just tagged him to see what Tim has to say. It seems more like a BW for me. I've always said you need to have your own opinion about things instead of being a follower.
But later he changed his vote to a No Lynch. He didn't even waited for Tim to give his two cents.
And later he says he's also leaning to change his vote for OldManOak.
--> This just tells me Swate is going with the flow. He's not really making sense to me. I feel like he's just leaning towards whatever other people are leaning to.
Hey actually, shit, I just thought of something. What if the people voting for me are trying to cause havoc by toying with me ;_; and I'm taking it so seriously, fsdbgsyfsfIM RIDING THE OAK TRAIN TILL THE END. CHOO CHOO.
Seriously the votes on fiesta are in poor taste. He stated a fact, didn't day 0 soft claim somebody else. Gmk and nottykitten, I wouldn't expect you two to jump around with your votes like this so much. So either you're intentionally playing like this, or something is up.
That's basically the whole point of mafia. Try to make people stressed or something, make them make a mistake and pick them out for it. It's something mafia generally do so they can make themselves look as if they're helping the town. It also comes with a bad side because when you turn up innocent (assuming you're innocent, currently getting town-tell off you) it makes the person who pushed a lynch on you look suspicious.Hey actually, shit, I just thought of something. What if the people voting for me are trying to cause havoc by toying with me ;_; and I'm taking it so seriously, fsdbgsyfsf
You are aware that this is a game about voting, and all else is fancy decoration around it? So if you are disappointed in people voting (especially since on of the votes is a clearly stated policy vote that has nothing to do with that person being scum or not) you are actually disappointed in people playing the game the way it should be? Oh well.I actually see both sides of the argument, but I think that we are overthinking things too much. This is just Day 0, what do you expect, some scum to have a careless word slip and bam we find out the whole anti-town? I'm pretty disappointed in those who are making a fuss out of a single sentence or word someone said and immediately hopping onto the bandwagon train. I'm going to be frank - it either makes you look like a fool, or it makes you look especially eager to lynch someone.
I'm initially in for the classic no-lynch. However I do think lynching has its merits as well. I'm going to see how this day turns out first.
Says the person voting for someone for a statement he based on things other people had said in the thread before himIM RIDING THE OAK TRAIN TILL THE END. CHOO CHOO.
Seriously the votes on fiesta are in poor taste. He stated a fact, didn't day 0 soft claim somebody else. Gmk and nottykitten, I wouldn't expect you two to jump around with your votes like this so much. So either you're intentionally playing like this, or something is up.
"I found 'em, boys!" I yell.
are you guys drunk
Are you guys paranoia?????nono paranoia is the better word