Okay, I'd like to start by saying that you really are cherry-picking random things I say and trying to find fault. In fact, most of that stuff I have already explained and literally cannot explain further.
Anyway, onwards:
Already explained here:
Mhm, this is definitely me. I still consider myself quite new to Mafia (obviously, since I've only played Plane Troubles and absolutely nothing else ever) and as such I tend to just sort of ride off of other more experienced players, like a glider with thermals, but when I find something I am confident with then I spring up.
I only voted for Tim because everyone else seemed to be doing that. I still am not 100% sure if a no-lynch is the best option, but I am sticking with it (for now) out of a combination of the statistics provided by Fiesta and it being a familiar approach to me (since we did it in the only game I've played yet.) Ooglie, there is nothing suspicious about me :x I was just sort of mimicking everyone else.
For the record, and for the heck of saying it again here to make it easy for thread-readers, I still see OMO as the most suspicious.
I also stated later on somewhere that I would try to not do this, and lo and behold I am not anymore. Please do not hold me to something based on my personality that I am actually consciously trying not to do now.
Again, explanation has already been quoted here with some criticism added. I'd like you to ask yourself, if you really do see that as a stuff up, you don't actually think I'm dumb enough to explicitly refer to myself as Mafia? I'm not. It was a small shit I took on the ground which slowly erupted into a diarrhoea tsunami, all because I didn't read the comment right. If someone could tell me how to view timestamps on posts that are that old, I could see what time I posted it and be able to use grogginess as added defense.
I was, at the time, quite annoyed at the fact that so many people were flying under the radar and getting away from suspicion scot-free, so I believed the best way to remedy this was to average out my number of comments by not saying everything after I said a crapload. I feel like I can now 'respond to this intelligibly' as I say, because people have been talking a wee bit more now than before and do not feel intimidated by this fact.
^^^ (I don't know if I've expressed what I'm thinking in my head here completely clearly, the wording seems a little incongruent, feel free to question anything I've said in this paragraph.) ^^^
I can provide possible theories for why they did not jump on me as you say, but even I do not know why they didn't so this is speculation. Maybe they had someone else on their mind and weren't concentrating on me? Or maybe they believed that jumping on me like that would backfire since they know the majority of players in this game are relatively experienced? I don't know.
I never retracted that post. I don't know where you got that from, I simply stated that later on (i.e. now, apparently) I would post. I said that to try and reduce any suspicion people might throw at me for me choosing to shut up.
And if you really think I was 'trying to divert attention,' why didn't I divert to anyone in specific in that comment? I didn't provide anything to divert people's attention to, I was merely putting up a metaphorical shield, to put it that way.
Usually any "appeals to emotion that you mention are just me sort of whining to myself, as I've said about the one you mentioned up earlier.
This comment of Samlen's is pretty much explainable by what I mentioned just before.
I guess I don't really have any excuse for not typing this "legitimate, intelligible response" other than I felt quite lazy and apathetic.
This was also fueled by me getting annoyed at a combination of people pointing out random things to find me suspicious and other people flying under the radar.
As you can see in my comment Tim's quoted, I was torn between not voting for whom I felt suspicious out of fear that others would find me suspicious for it, due to the fact that it seemed bandwagon-y since othrs had already been voting for him. I ended up voting for him anyway, since I felt fed up with the whole situation and just decided to do it.
So, in conclusion, I believe that Ooglie is either the Insane Cop (where alignments on the report received are reversed) or Confused Cop (where the alignments are randomised.) I do not know which is more likely in this game, due to this being a closed setup. I feel as if voting for Digi this quick when there
are alternatives as she says, admittedly, was maybe a little rash. But, due to this turn of events, I am keeping my vote on her as she is the most suspicious:
But that's what she's saying. She never expected you to folllow suit, I get the feeling that she is a little fed up with nothing happening and voted based purely on gut to get things moving.
I guess it's not a rash move, while it could be seen as impatient I think it's necessary for the game's integrity. As such, until my gut instinct moves elsewhere I'm alsoo keeping my vote on my gut instinct.
Vote Duffie
Others may disagree, but I feel as though having a vote and just switching it whenever is overall better than just having no vote most of the time.
In fact, for all we know Ooglie might not even be a cop. Ooglie might just be shitting with us for all we know. xD that would be beautiful if I had to write all this up for an hour because Ooglie decided to fakeclaim and I happened to get caught in the crossfire.
P.S. Wow, that's my biggest post yet, and my most chock-full post in a Mafia game ever. -proud-