Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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I'm assuming I didn't die since there was some mayor/governor role that believed me, but I don't know for sure and I was pretty surprised that I was still alive after that.
On another note concerning yesterday, I'm asking storm886 some questiosn since he's my current fos, not because he voted for me, but because of the way he voted with little/no thought and voted to seemingly only to hammer. The first question for storm is why did you vote the way you did? Was it because you really thought I was a Pirate or some other reason? And since I realized I'd never seen/gotten this (and because I'm still doubting your claim somewhat), whom have you probed each night so far, if you really ARE the Alien?


Sep 15, 2011
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First, GmK was right I am the Ghoul. I do deflect killing abilities from myself to other people.
The thing I’d like to dispute is this –
GmK said:
Digi is the scum ghoul to "protect" him from attacks and use it to redirect kill attempts to town.

I wanted to post this yesterday, but GmK's dead
Like I said before to std1997, my ability is out of my control. Without any solid leads I’m left to my own devices. It’s a difficult thing to forcefully have to choose someone each night, (especially during the first night) and hope that I wasn’t targeted by a killing role. So far, luckily I haven’t been.

Now the reasons why I chose the following -

N1 Jeercrul – During Day 0 the focus was on OmO and Swate. So I decided to redirect my ability to Jeer due to comments Ender had made about her posts being somewhat scum-like. Sure, these aren’t sufficient enough for an actual FoS but I had my suspicions and went with my gut feeling.
N2 Duffie – Due to this comment made by GmK at the end of Masquerade, I had a sneaking suspicion that perhaps Priz would give Duffie an anti-town role. I targeted him due to a weak hunch. Nevertheless, I don’t regret it.
N3 Timdood3 – His strong defense of Duffie had me concerned. Every now and then Tim would post something that would have me questioning his alliance. Again I went with my gut and hoped that I had made the right decision.
N5 HypeBurst – I think he’s part
N4/N6 Storm – He’s done absolutely nothing to contribute to this game.

Addressing Hype –
I apologise for how aggressive I was. What I was trying to do was lay suspicion on you because, to put it simply, I don’t trust your role claim. I could compare your under-the-radar, town-like innocence to Duffie’s but then I’d sound like desperate scum. I honestly think you were informed of being doused Night 1 and that’s how you knew of the Arsonist. With this-
HypeBurst said:
I feel like if the arsonist knew he had the firefighter doused, he would set off his fire immediately and then start his chain again the next night. The fact that no one would be protecting the town would be a worthy trade for one night that he could be dousing.
I don’t believe that Duffie would be able to reset his ignition. That would have been too overpowering. Overall I think you’re scum of all the town claims.

Also, what was up with the tag team vote from Hype, Ender, GmK, Timdood and Storm. I get a feeling that out of the remaining four you’ll find scum.

Just a side-note in relation to how GmK theorised Swate's innocence.
I believe he was. Swate was inexperienced but that’s no excuse to how easy he was made a target. His actions were over the top and attention seeking, which (in what I’ve experienced) goes against the usual discreet mannerisms of those who play anti-town roles. This has nagged at me since his lynching.
I believe that GmK was Mafia and that Town has only eliminated one of its members.

Last but not least, to Storm and his lurking and for getting away with it.

I get the distinct feeling that Town may lose this one and that my opinions may not sit well with others, but I don’t care because I got to post gifs.

Vote HypeBurst.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Uh, I'm kinda busy atm so I'll give you all the quick version. Tonight in my inn I questioned Storm, giving the reason of him being high on my FoS list. He was very reluctant to answer at first, answering very vaguely and redirecting my questions, going as far as to threaten me and imply I was the suspicious one out of the two. Only after I explained every single bit of suspicion I had against him did he agree to answer and he was basically all "Hey, hey, hey, let's not get like that, we're friends here alright" at that point, whereas in his very last post in the inn he had pretty much threatened me. Gave off quite the scummy feeling to me, to be honest.


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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I believe he was. Swate was inexperienced but that’s no excuse to how easy he was made a target. His actions were over the top and attention seeking, which (in what I’ve experienced) goes against the usual discreet mannerisms of those who play anti-town roles. This has nagged at me since his lynching.
I believe that GmK was Mafia and that Town has only eliminated one of its members.
Eh? Ooglie's investigation came up the same for both Swate and GmK, so they should, in theory, be the same alignment. Unless you think Ooglie was a Random cop or some other weird thing happened to mess up his investigations.
On a sidenote, did you find anything interesting/useful last night from your investigations Ender?


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Also, what was up with the tag team vote from Hype, Ender, GmK, Timdood and Storm
To be honest, I had almost taken on a defeatist attitude, thinking that "Eh, he might be scum. If he is, great. If he's not, well...We don't have many other leads, and the game will end anyway."

However, it seems that a governor role trusts him, or he is the governor himself. The lynch being turned makes me feel like that whole bandwagon was a mistake. That said, I trust Samlen to indeed be town sided.


sarcasm incarnate
Mafia Host
May 28, 2012
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Also, what was up with the tag team vote from Hype, Ender, GmK, Timdood and Storm.
I think I explained myself pretty well yesterday, GmK was according to you a mafia, Tim and Storm both claim third party so nothing weird there, and considering how you voted Hype as the first thing today, do you really suppose it's that suspicious?


Sep 15, 2011
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Eh? Ooglie's investigation came up the same for both Swate and GmK, so they should, in theory, be the same alignment. Unless you think Ooglie was a Random cop or some other weird thing happened to mess up his investigations.
On a sidenote, did you find anything interesting/useful last night from your investigations Ender?
This whole Ooglie cop thing-- I believe GmK was Mafia. Swate??
How many Mafia members do you suppose are left?


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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I think there's 2-3, depending on how many we started with(I think it's most likely we started with 5, but might have started with 4 and I think we would've lost by now if there were 6), since I do think that due to Ooglie's investigations, both Swate and GmK were likely Pirates. So overall, I think we have 3 left to find, with Storm being near the top of my list of suspects right now.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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This whole Ooglie cop thing-- I believe GmK was Mafia. Swate??
How many Mafia members do you suppose are left?
Well two are dead. GmK and Swate both came up as innocent on his investigations, and so they must be the same alignment. Considering we have no 'confirmed' mafia deaths, unless there were only three or four mafia members to start the game would have been lost by now if they weren't pirates.

There were...Twenty? of of to start. There are now ten. Two pirates are dead. There are probably....Three left?

Also, Ender, Storm received a message that said "Success!"? I think that might legitimize his claim, though I'm still a bit skeptical. He could have succeeded with anything, really, not just probing. Still don't know if I trust him yet.


Mafia Host
Nov 1, 2012
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There are now ten
There's actually nine at the moment. Putting a list of living people and their claims here (mostly to help me organize my thinking).
Ender: Town Journalist
Storm: 3rd Party Alien
Ansoro: Town Commuter
Timdood: 3rd Party Survivor
Samlen: Town Vanilla
Hype: Town Firefighter
Coolio: Town Vanilla
Digi: Town Ghoul
77: Town Party Host


Sep 15, 2011
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I think I explained myself pretty well yesterday, GmK was according to you a mafia, Tim and Storm both claim third party so nothing weird there, and considering how you voted Hype as the first thing today, do you really suppose it's that suspicious?
I honestly believed that I was going to go Day 5, given my ill explained posts and rushed explanations. Then all of the sudden it flipped and the vote went to Samlen. I truly believe that of the four people who voted for Samlen at least two of you are scum.
Actually unvote


Sep 15, 2011
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If we're still going with the theory of 1 Pirate per Inn - (copy/pasted from Sam)

The Small Crappy Saloon:
Fiesta (Dead townie) Innocent
Jivvi (Dead Sheriff) Innocent
Ooglie (Dead Sheriff) Innocent
GmK Mafia

The Smallest Crappiest Saloon
Samlen (Living unknown)
77_is_the_best (Living (assumed) townie) <--- Of these three I'm at a loss.
Cooliorules (Living unknown)
std1997 (Living unknown) Innocent

The Saloon I Can't Remember the Name of
Endersteve5 (Living Unknown)
Jeercrul (Living Unknown) Innocent
Swate (Dead sort of Unknown (I'm assuming Pirate here for now)) For now I'm assuming Innocent
Storm886 (Living third-party Alien (presumably))

Of the two remaining in the last in, I believe that there's a 50/50 chance of one of you being Mafia.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Personally, I disagree with the one pirate per inn theory. It's exactly what happened last game, and It'd be too predictable. Not only that, but all of Coolio, 77 and Samlen seem above average on the credibility level.
Swate (Dead sort of Unknown (I'm assuming Pirate here for now)) For now I'm assuming Innocent
As for this, GmK and Swate were both innocent on Ooglie's (insane) investigations. That means that they are the same alignment. You labeled GmK as a pirate, but Swate as innocent....I find it highly unlikely that ooglie was a confused cop.


Sep 15, 2011
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Personally, I disagree with the one pirate per inn theory. It's exactly what happened last game, and It'd be too predictable. Not only that, but all of Coolio, 77 and Samlen seem above average on the credibility level.

As for this, GmK and Swate were both innocent on Ooglie's (insane) investigations. That means that they are the same alignment. You labeled GmK as a pirate, but Swate as innocent....I find it highly unlikely that ooglie was a confused cop.
Given that its 8 am and I've been up at 5, there's something about Swate that doesn't seem Pirate-y? God damn, I have to read through the thread to come up with a theory.
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