Trouble in the West: Pirates vs Cowboys [Finished]

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Jan 23, 2012
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Okay so I've gone through the posts again and I'm actually not too sure why I unvoted. There must have been something that made something click, but I'm not too sure what it was.
You're not too sure why you unvoted? How can you not know if it was from the previous day? It was pretty recent.

We're talking about you trusting Timdood 100% and one of the sudden you unvoted. Like it needed to be a good point that either Hype or myself made that made you unvote. You can't just simply make that big of a change without a good point.

Please try to remember.


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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Okay so I've gone through the posts again and I'm actually not too sure why I unvoted. There must have been something that made something click, but I'm not too sure what it was.

"I suffer from short-term memory loss. It runs in my family... At least I think it does... hm. Where *are* they?"

Honey it happened like a few days ago, saying you cant remember doesnt count as a reason.


Jan 23, 2012
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I'm sorry I'm a human and I have stuff going on in real life.
We're all human beings and we all have real life stuff to do as well, yet we still remember what we did on previous days.

Not saying is not possible to forget stuff, Coolio. That can happen but I just find this highly unlikely and kind of bad timing to forget your reason why you unvoted. Too much of a coincidence.

I guess I can't make you tell us if you can't "remember". But if you do please do share with us.


Also The road to ruin I think we will all like to hear from you c:


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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It was a thought that happened like three days ago and it impacted you so much to make a u-turn in your vote. I would accept that whole "Im human, I cant remember everything that happens" if it was like at least a good week and a half ago, but not just a few days after. We are all busy with things but we all try to keep a recollection of what happened in the few days. I really dont think there was a reason now, you just noticed that road voted against the mafia ploy and decided you didnt want to be on the other side of the town imo.
May 7, 2012
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Okay so here's my two cents.

First i'm trying to decide how many mafia are left. Timdood said 3 including himself but if that was indeed a false answer than why 3? If we kill an innocent person than the mafia kills person at night than we would end up with 3 mafia 2 town GAME OVER. If I were mafia I would have tried to downplay the mafia's actual numbers assuming I'm being dishonest. It might be that that was the only way history made sense (though if he was lying he could have made a new story). If Timdood was telling the truth about the mafia's numbers that leaves us with two more mafia.

So I got 3 theories currently.

1 - 77 for this quote
2. If this is a ploy, then Tim deserves to win.
(of all the threats I consider this the least probable)
2 - Coolio is being very wishy washy with her votes. Yesterday she was nearly instant convinced that randomly changed votes towards the end. Additionaly very meta excuses today about why she would change votes. I can't know if she's lying or if she even would but it does weigh on my mind.
(of al lthe threats I consider this the most likely)
3 - Hype, this is going by a bus theory, timdood attacked hype yesterday with a very risky claim and was lynched for it. Not enough to actually follow this up yet.
(of all the threats I consider this the most possibly dangerous)


Just Fabulous
Mar 14, 2012
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Ummm, its a quote from the movie and its a joke. I believe I can make a comment towards coolio because we are good enough friends that she isnt going to take it to heart. Its not even a mean comment, I wasnt actually accusing her of actually having short term memory loss. And I also think its kinda rich that you would attack me for being "mean", when you told fiesta that he should be in the amateurs game because he's not good enough to be in the regular mafia.

Now you died, ghosts cant talk Jivvi.


That Awkward Noodle
Jan 1, 2013
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cooliorules then look back and find the sentence or two????????? Its only like 2 or 3 pages of replies.
What I'm saying is that I can't find what it was and can't remember what it was. I really am sorry. I'll have another lookover a little later, just got back from work.

I'm going to go and sleep though for a while, I'm like... deathly tired >w<


Jan 23, 2012
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What I'm saying is that I can't find what it was and can't remember what it was. I really am sorry. I'll have another lookover a little later, just got back from work.

I'm going to go and sleep though for a while, I'm like... deathly tired >w<
Not pressuring you but once you have the time to look back again, let me know if you found it or not. Just to keep going with the game.


Jan 23, 2012
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1.) Cooliorules believed in Timdood3 way too fast in my opinion. Believeing a confirmed Mafia is quite suspicious.

2.) She didn't let me or Hype reply first.

3.) She unvoted after Timdood had 3 votes against him.

4.) She doesn't even remember why she unvoted. Which it seems too much of a coincidence.

5.) There's just too many things she have said that doesn't mak sense at all.

At this point I'm in between Hype and Cooliorules but Coolio has the most things against her. And I like going with the safe option.

With that being said,

Vote Cooliorules
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