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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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"Obviously, you do not know much about the Mage's Guild either. That's just its name. It accepts magic users of all kinds. Now, you want to know why I don't quite love the Togolopians? I should have guessed you wouldn't remember the guy that the Togolopians completely screwed over. I used to be a magic-wielder, quite a powerful one indeed. I'd worked for years developing a new magic language as well, one that could change everything people knew about magic. It was a break through in magic. I was coming close to completing my study when a group of wizards arrived at my house, demanding all my records on this new magic, saying they couldn't allow others to develop a language so powerful it would let others be more powerful than them. They acted as if they were the police of the universe. I declined of course. Twenty minutes later, all my findings were up in flames. All that I had left was what was in my memory. They captured me and used several spells to try to remove any knowledge I had of all magic. Fortunately, I escaped. Now, take a wild guess who these self-righteous wizards were. I'm sure you can guess it, and by now you may have remembered. Do not think I've forgotten your face, Charles."


Oct 8, 2011
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Charles looked taken aback.

"Me? No no no, couldn't be. I've only been with the order a few days. In fact it seems like most of the wizards Durwin called were newcomers. Look I'm sorry for the way I acted but if anything Togolopians would have embraced your research not destroy it or it's creator. Whoever implanted the notion of Togolopians being self-righteous is completely insane. Yes we may do things in ways that others might not, but not a single one of us thinks of ourselves as better than others. If we did, we wouldn't have a Togolopian as a leader right now."


( ̄^ ̄)ゞ
Aug 6, 2011
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"Are you suggesting that someone planned that I'd meet you again years from the incident? I am no fool. Either way, I remember you being there, Charles. Mayhaps it were not the Togolopians, but then I'd need another explanation. Now, I was on my way to somewhere before you rudely stopped me. You can use the time I'm away to concoct another tall tale," Blob said, walking away again. "Oh, and if you step in front of me again, you'll be stepping in front of my dagger as well. Just a fair warning."


Oct 8, 2011
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"Damn mortal..." Charles said. Ed glared at him.

"You should learn to control yourself."

"Well it's hard when he's taunting me."

"I don't care if it's hard."

"What ever let's get back to the group."

"You sure you want to do that after your outburst?"

"Yes, yes I am." They both walked back and ignored the stares cast at them.


The three pass through puddles of filth. Rats scurry about passing from cell to cell. Ambrose pauses for a moment as a man is seen with his face pressed against the iron mesh work. He flabs his filthy tongue through one of the small gaps, splatting dirt on the ground a few inches from Ambrose's feet. Ambrose momentarily becomes nauseous, but continues onward.
"Psychopaths, murderers.....psychopathic murderers.....just the friendliest bunch down here."​
They approach the stairs that continue further down the prison block.
"I don't wish to stay in there for very long, if you can understand."​


"Well haven't you been looking around? We're in the prison! The chamber we seek is at the bottom of these stairs."​
"And seeing as how I don't trust you, I say we're on equal footing."​
The three of them quickly step down the stairs, too quickly in fact, as the last final steps cause Ambrose to trip and fall down the remaining few steps and onto the final floor.
"So here we are, the door is right ahead...let me get the key. Don't ask me how I managed to get this..."​
Picking himself up, he held a metal key and placed it in the keyhole. A whirring of gears is heard, and after several clicks the door unlocks.
The only thing in the small room is a stone pedestal with the prison orb resting on it. Some writing is written on the pedastal. Ambrose scratches his head in puzzlement.
"I can't make out the language."​

[panel] Oportet intro​
si velit unus [/panel]​
One must go in if one wants to get one out


The enderpearl shatters, and shadows sprout from the broken pearl and are sucked into the orb. Nothing else happens however.

Ambrose was dissapointed, but sort of relieved that the strange man was actively trying to help them.

"Well that didn't work. Perhaps the inscription will give us a better idea of how to get her out?"


Oct 8, 2011
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Durwin sat quiet for a long time. It looked like he wouldn't answer but he finally looked up at Duffie.

"Who am I kidding. I can't hide anything from you. Yes I have seen it and yes it's bad. I've used to see a lot of this back in my younger days... My wife would leave me notes in this language. It says that we must put a person into the orb to get the one in there already out."


"Wait a Soul-Exchange orb, I should have known sooner! Quite dark magic, this is. I'm actually somewhat familiar with these, though, so perhaps I can be of help!"

Ambrose leans closer towards the orb, gazing at the magic energies seeping through it.

"This orb will allow for one to capture the soul of another. Whilst a soul is in there, it may only be removed with the soul of another, of equal to or greater value. However, the problem lies is that Sophia is of noble blood, and due to that, will require more than the soul of a regular human. I don't like the idea of placing innocent people in here, for Sophia would never do the same, but maybe we may place an enemy's soul in here in exchange? One of Herobrine's greater demons perhaps? I'm not the expert on these though, we may have to seek help with how to go about doing this..."


Aug 6, 2011
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Duffie paused in thought for a moment.

A soul greater than a meager human?

She looked over to Durwin, who looked at Duffie questioningly, as if he knew what she was thinking. She smiled and shook her head.

"I suppose we could bring one of Herobrine's greater demons... But, I feel that would take quite too much effort. I doubt anyone, including Durwin, could even keep them alive long enough to bring them here... Unless, we have some kind of plan..?"


"That could work, but again, if they were innocent, Sophia would give us hell if you guys do that."

"Also, I don't even know how to work the damned thing!"
