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Minecraft Roleplay [Lite] [No Applying]



"Yeah, I'm here, Blondie. The army is surrounding us, and the only way out is if we get enough juice to warp out of here. Where are you? I thought you were coming back with us?"​


Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
"Durwin and his bag of tricks led me back to my daughter so that she can get her treatment. I'm in Texas now, but right now I'm coming back, and I'm bringing the state of Texas with me. I know it sounds crazy, but you need to move the totem outside. This army isn't going to fit inside our ship. How's the fighting going?"


"Boy howdy, you could have at least given us a warning!"​
Travis shouts to his men to move the totem.
"Leave the horses there of course, not much use here."​


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
[Sorry, this week has just been really busy. x_x]

"Aircraft control, roger that. Will target ghasts ASAP. Over."

Darth rolled the Omikron in a tight circle, and came around facing the ghasts.

"Darn it, why couldn't they have used fluffy bunnies instead?" Darth grumbled.

Sweeping his fire across the ghasts, he managed to knock down three before they noticed he had gotten behind him.

"Flipping fireballs." Darth angrily thought.

Rolling to the right, he snapped the control stick to the left, diving between a pair of ghasts and leading their fireballs into their fellows.

"That ought to take down a few more" he muttered.

"Aircraft control, any ideas? The weapons on this thing are not suitable to taking ought large amounts of these beasties quickly."


Aug 14, 2011
Reaction score
[Wait... what...?e.O
The cave is somewhat nearby the sky base, not that far. Otherwise, my plot makes absolutely no sense. Sorry for not catching it earlier, but I'm not in the area that you think I am.]
[Here's the thing. After circling the perimeter of Sky Base earlier, they leaped down to the top of the valley (using the thought that cats always land on their feet) and climbed down before the battle even started. From there, they were sort of "grounded units" and Blinx just ran to the top of the valley through the cave, I don't remember there being any part, besides the airships coming for backup, of my group needing rescuing.]

[Now that I think about it, I probably shoulda put that in. :p]


That n00b.
Aug 6, 2011
Reaction score
" Hawk Delta-34, the Omikron has the abilities of a battering ram. If you get a large amount of them in concentration, you should be able to run through them with ease. Over"​
"Thanks aircraft control. Over."

Darth turned the Omikron in wide circles, sweeping as many enemies he could with the fire from the weapons.

When he spotted a group clustered together, he violently turned towards them and rammed into them, feeling the Omikron shudder as it shredded the ghasts.

"Works better than I expected" Darth thought.

Darth smashed through cluster after cluster, drawing as much fire as he could, until he felt a shudder unlike all the previous ones.

"Er, aircraft control, is this normal? The instrument cluster has went out."


Sariel looks about the activity of the battle outside.
"Man, am I getting freakin bored!"
Sariel fixes himself a drink at the bar; a tequila sunrise. Drinking it in one gulp, he then grabs his blades and breaks a window with a swift kick. He flies out, and begins engaging fighting with some of the other flying demons. He swings his sword wildly, and draws the attention of some of the soldiers fighting on both sides. Consequently, one enemy plane crashed into another distracted enemy pilot.
The head of a demon flies clean off, with a startled look on its face.
Two more demons fall out of the sky.
Sariel does a mid-air loop-da-loop, and goes to find more targets.


[Alright, very soon we're gonna be more engaging in hand to hand combat. I want you guys to throw some curveballs at me. This is a war after all isn't it. Just make sure to use your judgement and not be overpowered.]​


A ghasts fireball is seen shooting past Darth Lego's cockpit. He watches it, following its path. It hits the bottom of Sky Base, and orange flames explode from the impact.
Sky Base begins rapidly shaking up and down, sending everyone on their bottoms. Books and shelves and all sorts of things go flying off walls. Dishes and cups go crashing to the ground.
The Commander shouts to anyone who can hear him.
"Get everyone off the bottom floors! This place isn't going to be floating in the sky for much longer!"​