But the Survivor who it out of Survivor Tetepare is...
Vati and Raxo. You're safe.
Xfolo received 9 votes
Vati received 7 votes
Raxo received 6 votes
Storm received 5 votes
Nitasu received 5 votes
Hype received 2 votes
Digital received 1 vote
Fruit received 1 vote
Who voted for who:
Kattzen- Nitasu, Xfolo and Storm
Raxo- Vati, Storm and Hype
Fruit- Nitasu, Xfolo and Raxo
Hype- Xfolo, Raxo and Nitasu
Nitasu- Storm, Vati and Digital
Xfolo- Vati, Storm and Hype
Smoggy- Storm, Xfolo and Vati
Digital- Raxo, Xfolo and Nitasu
Mario- Xfolo, Vati and Raxo
Awwwyea- Vati, Fruit and Xfolo
Vati- Didn't vote. Since he's away.
Storm- Vati, Xfolo and Raxo
77- Nitasu, Xfolo and Raxo
Xfolo, you can say one last statement if you wish.
Xfolo, the Tribe have spoken.
8 down. 12 left.