GOODYESSo are any of you familiar with this?
I'm about to dive head-first into it. Am I on to something good?
YESSo are any of you familiar with this?
I'm about to dive head-first into it. Am I on to something good?
Yush, and sadly, I found out season 2 won't be dubbed. ;~;Just finished Season 1 of Squid Girl! So adorable, wish Season 2 was on Netflix. x3
Did you watch Squid Girl! in Netflix.
There are Japanese versions. It's better in them. :)Is Blue Exorcist dubbed from the start or are there Japanese versions?
MMM THE OP TO GA-REI ZERO IS DELICIOUSCompleted "Mauyuu Maou Yuusha"
Completed "Black Rock Shooter OVA"
____Though I went into Maoyuu with the idea of enjoying a romance it wasn't a romance anime in the usual sense. The two characters did have their "relationship", but wasn't truly explored deeply. Now this did surprise me though as it took a different approach to the usual wars that happen in action animes. Instead of focusing just on one side of the battle and the battles alone the main characters actually started a second war wielding the mighty weapon called "politics and economics." With this weapon in this new war they wish to bring peace and stability by ending the current war against demons and humans and remove the corruption from both societies. I thought that I would get a good ending, but was left with a somewhat satisfying cliff hanger that left me wanting more to explore in this newly painted war. This just solidifies the fact that 12-14 episode animes don't usually have enough time for an ending (except for "Madoka Magica" and "Angel Beats").
____Black Rock Shooter OVA was released before the anime and doesn't even hold a chance against the 8 episode anime.
____Found out that Clannad has a movie and I really want to watch it, but I don't know if I can handle boarding that emotional roller coaster again. It has been 9 months since I watched Clannad, and my tolerance against getting all mushy from seeing a picture of them has increased so I may be strong enough to watch the movie.
Currently watching "Ga-Rei:Zero"
[Action Superpower Thriller] (12 episodes) (2008)
Watched 7 episodes already, but placing the series on hold because of Finals (ugh). Good mystery anime where it begins to slowly paint the picture that leads up to the conclusion.
SAO:Extra Edition, a two hour special of sword art online airing on December 31, 2013 at 7 AM Standard Pacific Time on Crunchyroll. I can't wait until it airs. Some people have thought that it might include the intro to GGO arc, but these are just rumors.
I do not know. I had a look around, but could not find confirmation for this. BUT! I did find that my other favorite site ""** is also simulcasting it, with 5 different language subtitles and me knowing for sure that it is free, due to previous experience with watching anime on the site. (Note: Daisuki is the new legal streaming site in town and it is my favorite, though lacking in the amount of content, has many great shows lined up and ready to watch/simulcast.)Edit:
SAO:Extra Edition, a two hour special of sword art online airing on December 31, 2013 at 7 AM Standard Pacific Time on Crunchyroll. I can't wait until it airs. Some people have thought that it might include the intro to GGO arc, but these are just rumors.
do you need membership to view it ;c?
Edit: sankarea is really awesome and unique :0