The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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If what Jivvi says about his role is true, then we've given the mafia some nice targets to look at.

Me: I've claimed cop, and the mafia likes shooting cops.
Jivvi: He says he can provide some clarity to the situation, the mafia doesn't like townies knowing things.

I can't be sure of one thing though, as this is closed setup, Watcher is dead, tracker is confirmed, and I'm cop. You claim to be a less significant role the either watcher or tracker. One thing I considered (as this is completely possible, again, closed setup) that Jivvi could have the ability to ask if a certain role exists. This is still unlikely, but it's a thought I had so I figured I should share it.


International Man Of Cake
Jul 31, 2011
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VOTECOUNT - The one where we remind people
that without voting, nothing happens

std1997 - 1 - digitalmez (Lynch in 10)
Ltin - 1 - nottykitten (Lynch in 10)
nottykitten - 1 - xxxFruitNinjaxXx (Lynch in 10)
xXxFruitNinjaxXx - 1 - storm886 (Lynch in 10)

Not voting:
myusername22, Fiestaguy, Mmarz11, Jivvi, Duffie, UltimateBudgie, timdood3, std1997, Sploorky, Old_Man_Oak_63, Prizyms, JKangaroo, Alpha102, Ooglie101, Ltin, 77_is_the_best

With 20 alive, it takes 11 to lynch and 10 to no-lynch.

Deadline of day: None set yet


The man with 8 fingers.
Sep 11, 2013
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Also. To be resurrected you need to DIE first. I have never seen a doctor perform necromancy. Now we're talking GmK here. Who KNOWS what kind of messed up roles he has?
Let's take a dive into Fiesta's messed up mind.


1.) An Item was given out. Similiar to a 'Phoenix Down' or something from final fantasy or Pokémon's 'Revive' item and used on Digi.

2.) There's a fucking Necromancy doctor from hell (JESUS CHRIST) and saved Digi or something

3.) It's part of Digi's role
Now what we've all overlooked

4.) THIS COULD BE A HOAX. There could be a mafia or Third-Party role giving out these false pieces of information out.


Mafia Host
Jun 9, 2012
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If what Jivvi says about his role is true, then we've given the mafia some nice targets to look at.

Me: I've claimed cop, and the mafia likes shooting cops.
Jivvi: He says he can provide some clarity to the situation, the mafia doesn't like townies knowing things.

I can't be sure of one thing though, as this is closed setup, Watcher is dead, tracker is confirmed, and I'm cop. You claim to be a less significant role the either watcher or tracker. One thing I considered (as this is completely possible, again, closed setup) that Jivvi could have the ability to ask if a certain role exists. This is still unlikely, but it's a thought I had so I figured I should share it.
Not even this; most situational investigative role evers.


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
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I can't be sure of one thing though, as this is closed setup, Watcher is dead, tracker is confirmed, and I'm cop. You claim to be a less significant role the either watcher or tracker. One thing I considered (as this is completely possible, again, closed setup) that Jivvi could have the ability to ask if a certain role exists. This is still unlikely, but it's a thought I had so I figured I should share it.
Jivvi doesn't want to tell us yet what his role does, so I think it's better not to throw theories around what it might be x)

Oak Milk

Kill Hungry Thirsty Dead
Mafia Host
Sep 9, 2012
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csgo, thats where I was at @Ltin @digitalmez
I have been watching over whats been going on, and honestly I'm more than a little suspicious of this trio thats covering for themselves. While there have been no CC's, we shouldn't be so quick to trust them, remembering that this is a closed game. We don't know what roles there are, and there might not even be an allignment cop for all we know. A role is only confirmed once it is dead and not before, although I'm not suggesting we go out and kill one of them. That being said if they are telling the truth then we have a tracker and an allignment cop at our disposal.

Although there is one claim I find particularly odd and that's @Nottykitten , bulletproof civilian? I swear that's your go-to role claim, do I have to lynch you because there is a 1 in 3 chance of you being serial killer now? Okay I kid about that part, but it just seems like a very convenient role claim (this whole thing seems convenient honestly).


Nomnomnom kitteh!
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
csgo, thats where I was at @Ltin @digitalmez
I have been watching over whats been going on, and honestly I'm more than a little suspicious of this trio thats covering for themselves. While there have been no CC's, we shouldn't be so quick to trust them, remembering that this is a closed game. We don't know what roles there are, and there might not even be an allignment cop for all we know. A role is only confirmed once it is dead and not before, although I'm not suggesting we go out and kill one of them. That being said if they are telling the truth then we have a tracker and an allignment cop at our disposal.

Although there is one claim I find particularly odd and that's @Nottykitten , bulletproof civilian? I swear that's your go-to role claim, do I have to lynch you because there is a 1 in 3 chance of you being serial killer now? Okay I kid about that part, but it just seems like a very convenient role claim (this whole thing seems convenient honestly).
I never claimed Bulletproof civilian, I claimed to be bulletproof. For all you know I could be a bulletproof doctor. Spoiler, I'm not!


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
csgo, thats where I was at @Ltin @digitalmez
I have been watching over whats been going on, and honestly I'm more than a little suspicious of this trio thats covering for themselves. While there have been no CC's, we shouldn't be so quick to trust them, remembering that this is a closed game. We don't know what roles there are, and there might not even be an allignment cop for all we know. A role is only confirmed once it is dead and not before, although I'm not suggesting we go out and kill one of them. That being said if they are telling the truth then we have a tracker and an allignment cop at our disposal.

Although there is one claim I find particularly odd and that's @Nottykitten , bulletproof civilian? I swear that's your go-to role claim, do I have to lynch you because there is a 1 in 3 chance of you being serial killer now? Okay I kid about that part, but it just seems like a very convenient role claim (this whole thing seems convenient honestly).
While convenience can be suspicious, it's not always a bad thing. We're telling you "Hey, we have these strong roles, and three of us are confirmed town."
And you're saying "Nah, this is too good to be true."

While I understand your (everyone's) skepticism, we (Notty and I) have pretty much said everything there is to be said. If you don't believe us after all of the evidence we've given, then it's unlikely you will, and the unwillingness to accept a fact that helps the town seems pretty sketchy to me.


Sep 15, 2011
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I need for you guys to discuss the day a bit more. It's 11:29pm and I usually wake up 2:35am to get ready for work. I just spent the last few hours catching up.

To answer some of your questions.
Did I know whether or not I'd be protected/revived?
Yes, I did. Which is why I made a sarcastic post.

Did I protect myself?
No, I didn't.

Why am I hell-bent on killing std1997?
I have no idea as to why we're overlooking the fact that Day 1 he went back and forth on his explanations - ugh, I'll just be repeating myself. We all know why std1997 is guilty of being Mafia. The only thing that's stopping us from lynching him is Timdood's investigation. All the reasons have been explained by JK and Oooglie. I stand by my vote.


Dec 10, 2012
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Also, I'm just going to put this here--

I know for sure that at least one of the Mafia members will die tonight. And if we lynch @std1997 there will be two Mafia members down.

Heed my word...
I'm doing what's best for town.
one more question. Why do you tag me every time you make a post with my name in it. :( You don't even ask me a question to respond to. :(