The Bloody Masquerade Ball [GAME OVER]


Jan 12, 2012
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Just because Mmarz chose you doesn't mean that you are town, @Prizyms. I don't think GmK would put the doctor, bodyguard, and jack of all trades in the same room with myusername who didn't have a protecting role. My bet is, when you heard me claim bodyguard, you saw it as a perfect opportunity to claim doctor. That way you could try to discredit me and buy some time. Prizyms, I believe you are one of the last mafia.

Vote prizyms


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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@Timdood3 , who did you investigate last night? It would shine some light on some things.
I'll post something in a bit (I'm trying to find evidence on something I noticed), may change on what Tim says, but honestly, at the moment I'm going to say lynching Notty makes little to no sense, and unless critical evidence says otherwise, I wouldn't vote Notty.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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@Timdood3 , who did you investigate last night? It would shine some light on some things.
I'll post something in a bit (I'm trying to find evidence on something I noticed), may change on what Tim says, but honestly, at the moment I'm going to say lynching Notty makes little to no sense, and unless critical evidence says otherwise, I wouldn't vote Notty.
That was like the first thing I said today, but it was storm; he's innocent <3


Your Local, Neighborhood Marsupial
Dec 25, 2011
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That was like the first thing I said today, but it was storm; he's innocent <3
Oh, I must have missed that. xD

Thanks though, it solidifies my belief that Prizyms is not saying who we think he is.
With the death of Alpha and myuser, I feel like the "2 town, 1 3rd-party, and 1 anti-town" pattern is stronger than ever in terms of the current pattern.

First, let's look back to the people in each inn:
The Wild Boar Inn had Notty, Duffie, Endersteve, and FiestaGuy.
The Pesky Seaman has 77 and hunter, std, and Jivvi
The Grumpy Cat Inn has Alpha, Myuser, Prizyms, and Storm
We have it on good merit, both from deaths, investigations, and strong implications (in the case of Fiesta and Duffie) that all of the above true is correct.
I highly doubt that a pattern would be "mere coincidence," It actually makes sense in an RP (and if it was true) that Mafia would have informants in every inn in every location: they know what's going on with the rest of the town in their areas, and are spread thinly enough (1 out of 4) that it is difficult to tell whom is actually town-sided in an inn I believe our best bet for today is to lynch you.

I'm also going to come out and say my true role:
My name is Alfonso de Medici. You killed my father. Now prepare to die.
Every night I may select one person; that person will both be saved, yet roleblocked at the same time. Due to the reason that I will roleblock said player at the same time, I have kept myself from protecting any of the major roles, because that would give us less information that we would have otherwise.
Alongside this, I trusted Duffie in armouring up reliable claims, such as tim and Notty.
In simpler terms, I am a Doctor-Roleblocker role.
Because I am basically a doctor, I don't really believe Prizyms claiming that he is a doctor trying to save players.

I doubt the game would have multiple doctors: from what I have seen of this game, there are MANY roles that are more pro-town then I've seen in any previous games, and though we have specific set-backs (roleblocking and "misogyny"), I still highly doubt that would be the case.

LAL on Notty also seems absurd and unreasonable, especially when it was confirmed he was safe by tim.
What Notty did was reasonable: He lied against the person whom he believed was untrustworthy (you in this case). Why would you give the person whom you suspect to be anti-town/anti-your win condition firepower?

I'm trying to look up more evidence that I'm suspecting, but for now I will:
Vote Prizyms


Sep 15, 2011
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I win if I am alive when the game ends. Pretty sure it's the survivor role.

I know people usually like to lynch survivors, but I mean no harm for the town. Since I can win with the town, the town does not need to eliminate me to win. And so far I did try to help the town. Even though the Nitasu thing backfired =S
So you're a Town Sided Survivor/Lie Detector?
Through out the entire game you've been nothing but annoying and contributed a mess of a theory. You got nothing on the clue "Two or less". You've stated information that's already been said. You're lie detector claim seems like utter nonsense.
Then there's Timdood who wasted an investigation on storm... Storm! Yet most of the suspicion yesterday was on Priz. Nothing adds up.
@Ltin then goes to switch with our town sided role blocker, which could have rendered JK powerless.

These three have a lot to answer too. @Nottykitten @Timdood3 @Ltin - spotlight these three please. Timdood is smitten for some reason. I don't even...


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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Timdood is smitten for some reason. I don't even...
Which definition are you referring to? All three could be applied to me in your eyes:
  1. hit somebody or something hard: to hit somebody or something with a hard blow
  2. affect or afflict somebody: to affect somebody strongly or disastrously, or afflict somebody with something
  3. fill somebody with love: to fill somebody with love or longing
And please, ask me any question you want, I will gladly answer. I'm sure the others will as well, but I make no promises that you will hear anything that won't make you want me dead. As for the investigation on storm, I was flustered and felt rushed for reasons I can't talk about.


Sep 15, 2011
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Flustered and rushed--
You had suspicions on Priz yesterday. People were actually concerned about him. Yet here you are, our Cop, investigating Storm. :/

You haven't turned up anything useful. Instead you've followed Notty around like a love sick puppy and claimed std to be innocent.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
Reaction score
Flustered and rushed--
You had suspicions on Priz yesterday. People were actually concerned about him. Yet here you are, our Cop, investigating Storm. :/

You haven't turned up anything useful. Instead you've followed Notty around like a love sick puppy and claimed std to be innocent.
Look, that's my explanation...I wish I could elaborate further, but I am prohibited. And std was lawyered, we've already covered that.


Mafia Host
Apr 1, 2014
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And I'm sorry for being a bitch today. It's just that I was looking forward to the investigations on Ooglie and Priz. It felt like we were getting somewhere yesterday and then all of the sudden we're back to twiddling out fingers again.

Good work Tribunal on the Sploorky kill.
I was kind of looking forward to the Ooglie investigation as well, and I'm just a shit cop....But yeah, at least the tribunal can do something right x3
On the bright side, JK more or less proved Priz is not who he says he is on his own. He might be a quack or something, but he is definitely not a town-sided doctor. I still don't know what to make of the intercepted message from myuser though.....