And I'm back-Already read everything.
So, first let me address my role first, since I've seen there's some confusion with it. I "go away" at night. I DON'T choose if I want to go away or not. It's something I can't decide.
I also mentioned that there could be sometime where my ability won't work. (Though it's more likely for it to work).
Now, by going away it means I CAN'T get killed and in case someone "hits" me, I won't really know.
<------ That's practiaclly what my role says. Now, my role clearly says I can't get killed at night. This is were I'm confused: I don't know if I can get protected or probed or doused or whatever. (Since none of those actions can kill me directly. Or that's what I think).
-Then I see Storm "probed" me last night!! What the fuck. Either I'm having a TERRIBLE luck with my role not working in the right nights or I CAN be probed no matter what OR there's some lying going on.
I'm still very confused about what happened with Samlen/GmK. There's some ideas about there being a Governor or whatever.
Endersteve said this:
Thirdly why hasn't the Governor used his action before? I'm sure we've lynched enough people by now that at least one of those must've been a townie to someone who's still alive, so why hasn't he used his action until now? Not to mention that Samlen wasn't exactly the most trustworthy person to begin with and I'm pretty sure we all agreed with that when we put the votes on Samlen
That sums up what I was thinking. If there were to be some kind of Governor then WHY use this ability till now? Almost everyone voted for Sam but someone saved him? Or he saved himself? (In case he's the Governor). Like there were several people that were certain Sam was anti-town. So why take that risk?
Perhaps the "Governor" or whoever did this isn't town-sided?
Then there's this "Success" message Ender got from Storm. That message could mean so many things.
At this point I think the only person I trust is Ender.
Another thing bothering me is how confident Timdood sounds sometimes about some people's alignmens. Like I read it and I'm like "How does he sound SO sure about this if we can't tell...?"
Since the Deadline's tomorrow seems that at this pace Storm's getting lynched. But if I were to be honest I woulnd't vote for him. Simply because IF he's the Alien it would give Mafia an advantage... Storm's hard to read. I'm not sure. I believe him sometimes and sometimes I don't.
Another thing is about 77_is_the_best, I use to trust him 100% since he used his ability. But could that mean he's town? I read somewhere in the thread someone mentioning him hiding behing his "Party Host" thing and easily being a Mafia who had that role.
HypeBurst has been questioned everal times on his role, I don't see any real mistakes on his posts. If he's faking it he's doing a really good job. I'm unsure of him. He could go either way.
77 just flying under the radar and easily hiding behind his ability. (Maybe it's just me being paranoid in this).
Tim and his confidence (But it's not that of a big FoS).
Sam (Possibly being the one using that ability in favor of Mafia)
Cooliorules making a huge u-turn and her suspicion (Specially towards Hype) on what is probably the most imporant day. Which seems odd to me.
Storm could be lying about probing me since I go away.
I am SO tired right now. I don't want to rush things up yet... But for now here's my post.